• Member Since 26th May, 2016


Light brony, love to read a different stories, in particular about lessons which are presented by life. I live in Russia, learn English.

Favourites 983 stories
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Total Words: 8,328,952
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



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Pinkie Pie is invisible. What shall she do?

(Have fun reading this!)

An April Fool's story, and an entry in OPERATION: CRACKFIC-STORM - 2023 ( post | entries ).

Featured 2023 April 1-5 - I am a monument to all your sins. Also, as of July 6 2023, this is the most disliked story of the year! Thank you all!

Chapters (5)

What Spike saw in the doorway of King Sombra's crystal palace hasn't left his mind. The fear of Twilight abandoning him haunts him through recurrent nightmares. Anxiety taunts him when he's at his most vulnerable, reminding him of all his failures, all his inadequacies, all his wounds.

One night, this fear and anxiety manifests itself in a full-blown nightmare, dragging Spike face-to-face with his greatest fear. What if Twilight never needed Spike in the first place?

Takes place right after the Season Three opener (before Episode Three).

Thanks to RGLloyd for editing.

Now Featured on Equestria Daily!

Now Featured by The Royal Canterlot Library!

Check out the YouTube reading by the awesome Chinchillax!

Check out another YouTube reading by DJ Tazzlez from Hive Radio!

Rated Teen for some dark elements.

Chapters (1)

There's an old book that's falling apart. Twilight wants to copy it down to preserve it. But it needs to be as accurate and precise as possible, to preserve the state of the original. That shouldn't be too hard. After all, it's not like the text will change whenever she looks away.


Chapters (1)

When Apple Bloom's nightmares come to life, she must learn that it's OK to admit when you’re scared.

A bedtime story in three parts. Featured on EQD!

Chapters (3)

Luna’s entire personality glitches as she gives her newborn daughter Neoma her very first bath, much to the amusement of Celestia and Twilight. The splashing has been doubled!

Obligatory song link here: https://youtu.be/QSA-yHzkvP8

This story now has a reading by Lotus Moon on YouTube: https://youtu.be/wkHAJT6As4o?si=rn9dAVwJYTY_wdxl

Cover art by vexx

Chapters (1)

Twilights dreaming, but she doesn't understand anything, and she's talking to a bird. Tune in to watch our hero try to escape a wild little dreamscape!

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom has had a boring day. For disobeying AJ the filly has been sentenced to repainting the barn. However, the mundane task suddenly becomes vivacious when a gateway opens into a strange new world. But what lies on the other side?

Chapters (1)

When she was helping her moms friend Carrot Top in her field a day, she overhears Carrot Top say a very interesting word. Excited by her vocabulary being expanded, she rushes home to tell her mom and sister the news.

Chapters (1)

Taking place before the CMC. Join Sweetie Belle in this heart-warming tale of Hallmark Movie levels of feel-good, as she discovers what her sister Rarity really means to her. The ties of family run deep and sometimes a sibling can be so much more.

Chapters (1)