• Member Since 26th May, 2016


Light brony, love to read a different stories, in particular about lessons which are presented by life. I live in Russia, learn English.

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Izzy has been coming by Mane Melody nearly every day. When Pipp eventually has to turn her away, she starts to wonder why her friend has been acting so strangely.

Chapters (1)

Twilight finds herself bothered by a very strange and persistent itch. The more she scratches, the worse it gets. But no matter what she does, it simply won't go away. It's driving her out of her mind, yet relief seems impossible. However, the itch is only the beginning.

Trigger Warning: Arachnophobia

Happy (almost) Nightmare Night, ghouls and boys.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo's final thoughts as she plummets to her demise.

Chapters (3)

Lightning Dust is back to (literally) bug her old rival. Dash debates between reaching for an olive branch or a flyswatter.

This is a sillier, more flippant fic compared to my usual sentimental stuff. Sometimes, you just need to pen a scene where a couple of characters are complete goobers to one another and only sneak the sentimentality in at the end.

This is an entry in the Snippet Series, an anthology of old oneshots that I (and my good buddy Str8aura) wrote based around interesting pics I found. New ones will be posted every other Thursday for the foreseeable future.

Chapters (1)

What happens when Octavia, Vinyl Scratch, Lyra and Bonbon all decide to tackle on the game of Everfree? They have to face the famous Slenderpony, that's what. Chaos and hilariousness ensues.

I don't own the cover image, and I'm actually looking for a better pic. Also, this fic has slight LyraBon and OctaScratch shipping, if anyone's wondering, but it's mostly just comedy between the four mares. The story was inspired by this video and is just a little something I decided to write to get over my writer's block.

Chapters (1)

The world is dark. But the sun still rises.

The world is quiet. But the moon’s tides pull on.

The world is cold. But there is still warmth in Ponyville.

Placed fourth in the /PJ2023/ competition!

Chapters (1)

A look at what Rainbow Dash may have been like if she were born as a unicorn instead of the ever popular pegasus so many know and love.

Chapters (1)

My entry into the "Hearth's Warming Care Package for Kiki" Fan-fiction contest. Didn't make the finals, but I was close.
After a long day in the fields, Applejack only wants to be able to eat her dinner and go to bed. The only problem, it's already occupied by a very ill Zecora. The Apples are famous for their hospitality, but when does Applejack have to draw the line?

Chapters (1)

A long time ago, a saddened mare found Time Turner tinkering in his lab late one stormy night. After offering the stallion more bits than he knew what to do with, he created Sweetie-bot. All seemed fine, until the robot started doing things he didn't program it to do.

And then it started getting taller.

And healing on it's own.

This is going to get complicated, isn't it?

A story by me! Sweetie-bot belongs to the Friendship is Witchcraft series.

I made the cover art using Blender, and then drew Sweetie quite poorly in my notebook, then traced over her using Paint dot net.

Chapters (1)