• Member Since 26th May, 2016


Light brony, love to read a different stories, in particular about lessons which are presented by life. I live in Russia, learn English.

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Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



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When Fluttershy went to bed, she was a normal mare. When she woke up, she could see numbers floating over everypony's heads. They were timers, each one counting down to some unknown event. Most ponies had timers that wouldn't end for years, some for many decades. But everypony had different numbers.

So why does Rainbow Dash's timer end in three hours?

Editing provided by TheMaskedFerret and SolidFire.
Cover art by HopefulSparks!
Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI!

Chapters (1)

Hitch may have a paid-off mortgage…but he isn’t the only young landowner in Mareitime Bay.

Takes place at least a few years before the start of MLP A New Generation.

3/7/23--#1 on the Featured Box. Thank you everyone.

Chapters (1)

It's easy for a small pony to feel lonely in the vastness of the modern world, but what happens when that loneliness leads to complete abandonment? For one such mare faced with that reality, she must choose between a promise of hope and love, and the reality of despair.

A short inspired by anonymous art done on a /mlp/ draw board on 7 Oct 2022.

Featured on 14 October 2022 - Thank you to the anonymous artist who drew the cover picture!

Chapters (1)

Several years ago, Equestria saw its first human arrive on its soil. In the years he lived there he went through hardships, greif, and lonliness. But he also felt joy, happiness, friendship and even love.

The past is the past, but the things we put behind us are the things that define us.

Chapters (1)

One night, the Tree of Harmony disguises itself as an alicorn to appear in the basement of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.

A few days later, Sunset Shimmer and Princess Celestia heatedly discuss a night of passion only one of them knows anything about.

In the MLP:FiM episode "What Lies Beneath," the Tree of Harmony took the form of Twilight Sparkle, trapped the Student Six in caverns beneath the School of Friendship, and put its captives through weird ordeals to test them, threatening to hold them prisoner for longer (maybe forever?) if they failed.

In what world does that NOT make the Tree at least a part-time villain?
:twilightsmile: :trollestia:

(This story might be an entry in a "Sunset x Former Relationships" contest.)

Chapters (1)

Cheerilee has, by and large, been detached from the events at the School of Friendship. She heard the rumors about a total meltdown at the school, and even worse ones about a diplomatic incident that followed, but by and large, she's simply wished Twilight well and went about her business of helping all the young ponies of Ponyville grow.

Then, one day, not too long after the School of Friendship reopened, a new young mind flies into her life.

Special thanks to Cynewulf and Skeeter for giving this story a once over and assuring my stress addled brain that it wasn't total garbage, and to Jack of a Few Trades, for whom the story was written, and whose own work served as an inspiration.

Written for Jinglemas 2018.

Chapters (1)

It's not easy for Sweetie Belle, waking up one morning only to find a pair of wings strapped to her back. It's even more of a problem for Rarity, though, to find out that the one that gave Sweetie Belle those wings might not be able to remove them. Predictably, Rarity sets off to Twilight's to try and see what she might be able to do about this. As for Sweetie Belle, after discovering just how powerful she's become thanks to the transformation, she makes other plans that involves Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon especially.

A Sweetie Spoon shipfic.

Chapters (3)

Contains Movie Spoilers

Derpy arrived home after yet another long, grueling day at the post office, wanting nothing more than to unwind with a nice cup of tea and some muffins.

She never would have expected Twilight Sparkle to interrupt her rest, nor did she expect the events to follow when the Princess of Friendship wanted to talk about a deed that had gone unnoticed.

Cover art by FluffyXai and used with permission.

Top featured on 12/8/17

Chapters (3)

Before she left, Twilight told Applejack not to open the door. But when leaving the door shut means compromising her values, how long can Applejack hold out?

Written for the December 2014 writeoff: "Behind Closed Doors"

Side note: I've done some general edits and (hopefully) improved the ending. [26/02/2015]

Chapters (1)

As the weather turns cold, Izzy finds the perfect way to stay warm and comfortable. And she finds it in Sunny's drawer.

Now with a Russian Translation courtesy of NovemberDragon!

Chapters (1)