• Member Since 26th May, 2016


Light brony, love to read a different stories, in particular about lessons which are presented by life. I live in Russia, learn English.

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Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



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After unusual circumstances leave them forever changed, the Cutie Mark Crusaders embark on one final adventure to regain what they've lost.

Gore tag is chiefly due to Zombie Apple Bloom being kind of icky and zombie-ish. Read at your own discretion.

Written (partly) for Equestria Daily's Friend Off Event. Based upon the artwork of Balooga.

Even if you are lost in the dark, all you need is a single light to find your way home.

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom is home alone on Nightmare Night and invites her two best friends over. They each tell a scary story about bat ponies, but one of these stories may just turn out to be a little too scary, and a little too real.

Chapters (5)

Button Mash makes an apology cake for Sweetie Belle.

Inspired by this tweet.

[Sex] tag probably not needed but I don't feel like arguing.

Chapters (1)

Applejack had always been a helper. If her little sister was struggling with her homework, she would stay up late to help her finish it. If her older brother needed help with the chores, she would happily jump in, taking on more than her fair share of the work. And if she happened to come across a girl and her mother stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire, you can bet your boots she would help them too. Unfortunately, this particular girl has bigger problems in her life than a mere flat, problems that can't be solved with just a few twists of a wrench.

Featured 2/4/23

Chapters (1)

Ditzy arrives at my boutique one fine morning to ask for a special dress for her little Dinky. I end up having a long talk with the mailmare about what it's like to lose somepony you love.

Rated Teen for dark themes

Pre-read and edited by the glorious mwap flops Swan Song and Nordryd

Cover art not by me, only blurred

Chapters (1)

This is the story of a very ordinary pony's extraordinary day. Carrot Top and Derpy are good friends indeed, and sometimes friendship can lead to wonderful surprises. It can also lead to arguments, frustration, and general grumpiness, of course, and this story has all of those things as well. But mostly, this is a story about the day Carrot Top learned how to fly.


Originally written for the Hearth's Warming Care Package contest. Many thanks to the contestants who commented on this story, to my EqD pre-reader, and especially to Sessalisk, for helping to polish this story to its present state. Cover art by the incomparable Elosande, used with permission.

Fanart here, courtesy of lalieri!

Audiobook here, courtesy of Deftfunk and Scribbler!

Now available in Spanish, courtesy of SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (1)

Everypony has a hobby. Pinkie likes rock collecting, Fluttershy likes reading, and so on.

Applejack is no exception.

Story inspired by cover art made by dstears.

Written during NaNoWriMo 2022.

A thank you to Scriblits Talo for proofreading before publishing.

Now with a Russian translation by NovemberDragon.

Rated "Decent" by Ghost Mike.

Chapters (1)

He said, 'Spike, if you're considered old enough to be a Friendship Ambassador, Princess Twilight Sparkle's royal advisor, and a member of the Council of Friendship, then you're old enough to drink whatever the Tartarus you want.'

Cover by SilcyBell on DeviantArt.

Chapters (1)

A young Sunny Starscout has to write a report for school on the pony she admires the most. It's a no-brainer.

Chapters (1)

One night, whilst up late reading quietly to himself, Anon is disturbed by a mysterious home intruder scratching at his door. Anon does the unconventional and simply lets them into his house and becomes quite possibly the first person to ever sit down and make polite conversation with an actual ghost. A rather cute and flustered ghost at that.

Originally written for the Kinderquestria thread, where the cute, childlike innocence of ponies is taken to its absolute comedic extent.

Chapters (1)