Comedy 41 stories
  • Comedy 41 stories Laughter is the voice of the soul - Pinkie Pie
    Created by Ponecone
    - June, 2016
Found 32 stories in 38ms

Total Words: 334,736
Estimated Reading: 22 hours


  • Favourites 0 stories

  • Unfinished 10 stories For stories that, sadly, will (most likely) never be finished

  • Romance 25 stories Because love is a form of friendship

  • Comedy 41 stories Laughter is the voice of the soul - Pinkie Pie

  • LGBT 28 stories Why be straight when there are so many other shapes?

  • Drama 6 stories For when you need to earn your happy ending

  • Tragedy 5 stories For if you want to cry (for some strange reason)

  • Cute 10 stories For the literary equivalent of kitten videos (and that is NOT a bad thing!)

  • Miscellaneous 9 stories For stories that don't quite fit anywhere else

  • Ponies Writing Fiction 10 stories Because I feel a weird need to collect these all in one place

  • Horror 3 stories For when you need some ghoulies to giggle at.


  • Featured 23598 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Fed up with the way the political elite are handling the ruling of Equestria, Trixie decides that it's time for a change of pace. She decides it's time to overthrow Celestia.

Celestia decides it's time to have a little fun.

You guys can thank Razgriz (and the latest Seattle's Angels post) for this one.

Chapters (1)

While on a trip to Canterlot to do some research, Twilight happens upon a dust-covered book titled Insane Edicts: A Legal History of Equestria. Sure, the book seem innocuous enough, but when she opens it up she discovers that Celestia is far more eccentric than she'd like to believe.

Chapters (1)

Discord has found Tirek, and is about to parade him back to his friends for their love and adoration. But an offer is made, an enticing offer... He'll need to talk this one over with a friend.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is a gifted student and scholar. When she attempts to harness her creative side by writing a science-themed sensual romance novel, however, things rapidly get out of hoof. Can her friends stage an intervention before she humiliates herself (and them) at a prestigious literature recital?

No. No, they cannot.

Chapters (1)

The Ponyville Public Access channel is where any and all Ponyville residents can go to advertise whatever they want or force those with a T.V. to watch their antics.

Tune into the The Ponyville Public Access channel. It’s literally the only channel that works.

Inspired by a random conversation with Tired Old Man

Now accepting submissions.

Chapters (34)

A collection of short stories about the Dazzlings going through their daily lives of annoying each other and pretty much everyone around them.

Cover art used with permission by the awesome thegreatcat14!

Will be updated as more stories come to me.

Chapters (50)

Twilight finds herself desperately seeking Uranus.

Because we all need to let our inner twelve year-old loose every once in a while. Posted in response to a challenge by MythrilMoth and all blame goes to him.

Chapters (1)

Spike has a really big announcement to tell all of his friends, and he was proud to say that he became the mascot for a really big company. However, while half of them are happy about his new job, the other half are shocked and appalled.

Of course, that's because they knew something Spike apparently didn't.

Chapters (1)

Diamond Tiara just wanted to relax for the day, but then Apple Bloom had to show up in a dog outfit. Things quickly go downhill as the rest of the Crusaders decide to show up. How will Diamond Tiara get out of this mess?

Listen to the live reading by the Living Library team!:

Chapters (1)

The law exists to protect Equestrian citizens, and must be enacted in a fair and even manner. Prince Blueblood knows this; he's accepted punishment for his numerous minor disturbances of the Equestrian legal system, without ever trying to slip out of it.

Fluttershy is in violation the law. Ergo, she must be brought to justice. That's just logic.

Now if only he can get the captain of the guard and his annoyingly lackidasial aunt to cooperate...

Made for the eighth FTP competition. Cover art by hwaho.

Chapters (1)