LGBT 28 stories
  • LGBT 28 stories Why be straight when there are so many other shapes?
    Created by Ponecone
    - June, 2016
Found 27 stories in 59ms

Total Words: 730,155
Estimated Reading: 2 days


  • Favourites 0 stories

  • Unfinished 10 stories For stories that, sadly, will (most likely) never be finished

  • Romance 25 stories Because love is a form of friendship

  • Comedy 41 stories Laughter is the voice of the soul - Pinkie Pie

  • LGBT 28 stories Why be straight when there are so many other shapes?

  • Drama 6 stories For when you need to earn your happy ending

  • Tragedy 5 stories For if you want to cry (for some strange reason)

  • Cute 10 stories For the literary equivalent of kitten videos (and that is NOT a bad thing!)

  • Miscellaneous 9 stories For stories that don't quite fit anywhere else

  • Ponies Writing Fiction 10 stories Because I feel a weird need to collect these all in one place

  • Horror 3 stories For when you need some ghoulies to giggle at.


  • Featured 23597 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Applejack has never missed a meal on purpose before, let alone a Pie Day dinner – that glorious day of the week serving Granny's famed hot, fresh apple pie. So why was Applejack absent at the dining table today, of all days? Little does the rest of the family know, Applejack's a lot closer than they think – she's in her bedroom, nervously pacing around and building up the courage to perform the single hardest thing she's ever done.

What is this herculean task that not even Applejack can overcome?

Being honest…

Editors' credit goes to: ping111, NotMurphy, John Perry, and Distaff Pope

Cover art used with permission by MuffinExplosion

Rated Teen for light sexual references.
Featured on Equestria Daily 9-19-2013

Now With Dramatic Reading!

Chapters (1)

Lyra has a secret. It's becoming a bit of a problem, but perhaps one mare could help her out.

Ideollogically sensitive, I guess. If you're set in your stubbornness, take your hate to some other website. :ajbemused:

Chapters (1)

Celestia, princess of Equestria. She is the Diarch of the Sun, beloved by all especially her student Twilight Sparkle. However few know about Celestia's past. Even her faithful student knows little to nothing about her parents. Only two others really know about who Celestia was before. Her sister and the recently reformed Discord know, though the secrets are all contained within her private diaries.

Now Discord has decided to visit Celestia, having a small chat that only brings up bitter memories and old pains. For there is a secret that Celestia has kept for as long as she's been in Equestria. Something that she has tried to forget, but only managed to keep putting in the back of her mind. Now with the secret once again at the forefronts of her thoughts Celestia has to make a decision. Does she keep hiding the secret, or does she come clean with Equestria?

Primary Editor: DarkPhoenix Final Chapter Editor: Perigrine Caged

Chapters (4)

Rainbow Blitz falls for the quiet and bookish Dusk Shine, but nothing goes as planned for the poor pegasus, and he becomes a victim of intolerance and prejudice, with betrayal lurking around every corner. In the meantime, Dusk doesn't know what he should do, this is something he has to work out by himself.

Chapters (6)

After being dumped by the latest in a long line of marefriends, Pokey Pierce is starting to wonder if he'll ever find the right mare for him. He never even considered that he shouldn't have been looking for a mare at all...

Chapters (1)

Newly-together couple Vinyl Scratch and Octavia have just spent the night out on the town. Vinyl blasted their favourite nightclub with major wubbage while Octavia discovered a new drink at the bar. Now Vinyl has to escort home a marefriend more drunk than she's ever been, and in her intoxicated state, Octavia says just a little bit too much.

Cover art courtesy of KristySK on DeviantArt.

Reading by ObabScribbler and TheLostNarrator
Reading by Astro Brony

UPDATE 09/09/2023: Edited story to fit better with my current writing standard. Original unedited story here!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Scotchtavia

After a heavy night of drinking, most of which she can’t remember, Octavia awakens to a monstrous hangover. But even this isn’t enough to distract her from the obvious fact that Vinyl is acting… different. Kinder, sweeter, and much more considerate. Something happened last night, something that has clearly had a huge effect on Vinyl. But what could it possibly be?

Cover art courtesy of iJab on DeviantArt.

Reading by Astro Brony

UPDATE 09/09/2023: Edited story to fit better with my current writing standard. Original unedited story here!

Chapters (1)