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Rainbow is sent to fill in for an instructor at the Wonderbolts Academy by Spitfire whilst the team handles a dull and uninteresting tour abroad.

After meeting the small team of promising recruits, Rainbow begins to worry that her position is a little more permanent than originally advertised! The only course of action is to hatch a plan or two to get out of it... and hopefully teach the recruits something along the way.

Written for the Write an Episode challenge, details of which can be found here.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Trials of Love

Written for FlashLight Week 2019 Day 6

Prompt of the day: Time

As in "It is time, people! It is finally time!" Yeah, believe me. It's MUCH better than how I'm making it sound. :ajsmug:

Cover art by ro994 (Please check out her stuff on deviantart)

Chapters (1)

Moving is hard. Especially if you are moving to a different town. And that is just what you have to do. At first, you hate the idea but as you start to settle in you realize, It might not be that bad.

(The character Lavender Solider belongs to my good friend Northenslide Used with permission)

Chapters (8)

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are two and two in their three out of five bragging rights competition on the beach but when Rainbow Dash decides to dare Applejack, things get embarrassing for the country girl. She has to not only find three boys to kiss them on the cheek but also on the mouths as well. With only one hour on the beach, Applejack has a huge disadvantage against Rainbow but luckily for her, Rarity decides to be a representative for her. She refuses to see Applejack lose and does whatever it takes for Applejack to win.

Warning: Few of the content contains kisses, swimsuit fanservice from Rarity (but not completely subjective) and one making out bit.

Thanks to Daniyel099 for editing this.

Chapters (5)

After years of back and forward between Twilight Sparkle and her brother Shining Armor, the final round of the Sibling Supreme Competiton has ended, and the true winner has been decided.

And in the end, that honor went to neither of them. Rather, it went to none other than Spike, the young dragon finally gaining recognition as the little brother Shining and Twilight have always had.

A few hours later, Twilight and Spike take the time to ponder how the day's events have changed their perception of the past, and how this new revelation will affect their future.

...Also, Starlight is there.

Written by TheAncientPolitzanian
Special Thanks to "Spooky"
Cover taken from S9E04 "Twilight's Seven" (It gets a thumbs up from me!)

"Familial Words" is wholeheartedly dedicated to the art and comics penned by dSana, A.K.A. Stainless Key (Thanks for the memories!)

Chapters (1)

Twilight wakes up one morning as a dog. Also, Spike is now a fish. Pretty self-explanatory, really. And believe it or not, the day is about to get even stranger.

Picture credit link is here

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Flash Sentry, Defender of the Peace S4

Several weeks have passed since the Fall Formal and Canterlot High is back to normal, well...almost. But as the school prepares for a music festival, three strange girls appear with dark aspirations. Can our high school heroes find out what they're planning and save the day, or will Canterlot High fall to these girls' dark melody?

Edited by KingJoltik

Now on TVtropes

Chapters (6)

Day 4 of Fluttercord Week (Theme: Angel Bunny). A soon bride to be has an important conversation with her fuzzy ring bearer before she walks down the aisle and marries the draconequus of her dreams. Sorry for the lack of cover art:( If you’re interested in making a cover art for this story, let me know here on Fimfiction because I would love some cover art for this bad boy^^

Fluttercord Week:

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Ponies who Played with Fire

Warning: Some comments may contain spoilers

After being injured during the events of The Ponies who Played with Fire, a now-captive Discord is awaiting trial for murder, while Fluttershy and her small band of allies are facing possible enemies on every side in their desperate struggle both to clear Discord's name and avoid their own capture.

AU Fluttercord set eleven years after the first three seasons minus the Discord episodes. Inspired by Discord and Fluttershy's relationship both in the show and several fanfics (*cough* Bride of Discord *cough*) Based loosely on the plot from "The Girl who Kicked the Hornets' Nest" by Stieg Larsson. Rated T for some plot-related Murder Mystery Elements.

Edited by Nightwalker

Constructive Criticism is welcome.

Cover art belongs to me so please do not take without permission. Thank you.

Chapters (14)

From the hosts of The FlashLight Week, come the Bimonthly Challenges. Every two months AngyLopez and ro994 will send out a prompt on deviantart for FlashLight fan works. I might not be able to participate for every prompt, but I will try to participate as much as possible. Some of these stories are in the same continuity as Heaven's Not Too Far Away, but others may have their own continuities in order to better fit the prompt. You will find The FlashLight Week's deviantart page in the following link:

Cover art by ro994

Chapters (3)