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Fluttershy and Discord are close friends, but both want to be so much more until a strange fox comes into the mix. What will Discord do when he discovers Fluttershy has become a target for some dangerous creatures?

Chapters (11)

This is an alternate telling of the episode "Putting Your Hoof Down". With her friends stressing that she needs to stop being such a pushover, Fluttershy agrees to attend an assertiveness seminar hosted by a minotaur named Iron Will. Unfortunately, it works a little too well...

Like my previous story, this fanfic is my attempt to write a better version of this episode. First off, the ENTIRE Mane Six appears in this version rather than just half of them. I also tried to make Iron Will more villainous, which I think was lacking in the actual episode.

However, I mean no disrespect to the people responsible for the show, nor do I claim ownership of My Little Pony. This fanfic is purely for fun, and is simply my opinion.

Chapters (1)

If someone told Twilight she would end up in any sort of relationship with a disorganized mismatch of colors made pony, she'd have called them insane.

(A 10 minute challenge fic where I write the adventures of Student Twilight and normal Dash. Chapters will be ultra short and will be TwiDash. Eventually.)

Chapters (7)

Discord has been reformed for quite some time now, and so far, everything seems to be going fine.

Fluttershy doesn't think so, however, so she sets off to talk to him.

After all, what are friends for?

Submission for the Everfree Northwest convention writing contest. If you like my work, consider donating to my Ko-Fi.

Chapters (1)

Discord has found Tirek, and is about to parade him back to his friends for their love and adoration. But an offer is made, an enticing offer... He'll need to talk this one over with a friend.

Chapters (1)

Discord has a problem. He has a tendency to not think through his actions all that well, poor impulse control, and no ability to figure out how others will feel about what he does. Even with a friend helping him, sooner or later he's going to do something that'll get him stoned or hit with a reforming spell or whatnot. So what's he to do? Ask the smartest pony in Equestria for a solution, of course!

He probably wasn't expecting to get "Have Celestia let you rule Equestria again" for a response.

No one else was probably expecting to enjoy it.

Now with a reading by Crafty Arts!
And a Spanish translation!

Chapters (1)

When Twilight’s human friend must leave once again on an expedition, she must either come to terms with her feelings for him, or watch them fester inside herself forevermore. The only thing is, either option is far harder to choose than she thinks. Will she boldly place her friendship with this creature on the line, or will she sit and suffer quietly as he goes far and away once again?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to An Audience of One

As one of the more popular guys in school, you've always been used to having lots of friends all the time. Interested in a new girlfriend, and being swarmed by girls after winning the musical showcase, you're waiting for "the one" to jump out at your heart, since your last couple girlfriends had selfish intentions to boost their reputations by dating you.

Your world is turned upside-down when you accidentally bump into a girl whom you've never seen before. Somehow, she knows you, but says she's used to being ignored and forgotten. Even more staggering, she seems to be immune to your usual charm. She seems to be a cold, steel wall that you can't get through.

Who is she? And, of all the cute girls at CHS, why are you suddenly so interested in her?

9th installment of the The Cute, the Fluffy, and Romantic

WARNING: May contain lots of fluff

Chapters (1)

Now that she's no longer the Principal of the School of Friendship, Gallus has nothing to stop him from asking Twilight out on a date except his own nervousness. Will she accept? Probably not. But how can Gallus move on if he never acknowledges his feelings?

This fic is dedicated directly to the legendary Present Perfect, who pretty much asked for it. Any clop stories inspired by this written by any author can also be dedicated to him. Because he also asked for that.

Chapters (1)