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The life you have as a knight isn’t always easy. Saving innocent ponies, battling dangerous creatures from unstable lands and saving the kingdom by any means necessary.

However when you decided to save filly hippogriff who’s lost outside of Seaquestria, it cost you to miss the Knight’s Ceremony. The sacrifice you made for yourself is really devastating, you wanted to meet one of the famous princesses of all time, but even when your away for justice, your name will always be remembered.

Once you came back to the castle of Canterlot, you get a letter from the six guests. They want you to sleep with them for the night but you only get five choices. Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia and Luna, Princess Cadance, Princess Skystar or her mother, Queen Novo.

You may don’t understand why but once you pick you decision, you will find out.

Thanks to Daniyel099 for editing this.

This is my 50th story so I decided to do inspiration on one of my favorite stories while I also made a fanfic reading of. CategoricalGrant’s Mane Six Cuddle Simulator! Celebrating my experience with his famous story, I bet you want to be a knight in shining armor now.

Chapters (6)

Twilight is nearing the her due date with her first foal. After her friends and family force her onto maternity leave, she devotes her time to the task she'd been putting off for months: picking a name for her son. Though for Twilight, it's never as simple as picking up a book. Luckily, a certain magic tool might come in handy.

Chapters (1)

Over the course of her career, Rarity has influenced and helped many who have aspired to make something of themselves in the world of fashion. As such, it was inevitable that, sooner or later, some of them would meet up with one another. And when the youngest of their number starts to struggle with his current creation, what better time than now for such a meeting to happen?

Chapters (1)

King Sombra survived the power of the Crystal Heart, and for a moment, it seemed as if his victory was assured. And then something unexpected happened...

He stepped on a nail.


Chapters (3)

Golden eyes and a large, curved front tooth were the first give-aways. I was changing and I knew it. I was changing into the monster from my dreams, no, my nightmares.

That wasn't all though. He left me a last little gift as he called it, sending me into a deep slumber only to awaken inside the room of a large white horse with a horn and wings. And she did not look happy.

Adjusting to a land filled with ponies is hard, adjusting to a land filled with ponies whilst you can feel your body and mind change is harder.

I had hoped that if I write down my memoirs I would escape him, escape his influence and his power and his alterations.

How wrong I was. Now I can only recite my tale as I feel the last shards of my sanity leave me. As I feel him beginning to take over.

You can find the artist of the picture at: Poor Yorick
I'll add tags/characters later depending on what I plan for this.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Flash Sentry Chronicles: Our Town

Flash Sentry has come along way from his days as a street rat. He's trained with the best, learned from the wisest and fought against the most wicked. He's met many amazing friends in his adventures, both pony and non-pony, and has helped save Equestria from disaster many times. So why is he so nervous about finally getting the chance to become a Royal Knight, his dream?

Could it be that Flash doesn't feel he's ready yet, or is it something else.

And what of the mysterious ability that Flash has unleashed several times? Will he ever learn where it came from and why he was given it? Will he ever be capable of properly controlling it?

Only time can answer all these questions.

Edited by KingJoltik

Now on TvTropes

Chapters (7)

Set a few years after Magic is Friendship has ended, Pinkie Pie is living her life in Ponyville much as she always has. She helps take care of the Cake twins, she plans parties, and she spreads joy to everypony she comes across. When Cheese Sandwich returns to Ponyville to ask her a very special question, it throws her whole world for a whirl, and these star-crossed ponies will have to figure out how they can be together even when they have to stay apart.

Chapters (1)

When you two have nothing in common, it's always hard for someone to see you as someone to be admired, but that won't stop you from trying.

Chapters (4)

With the sirens dealt with and no pressing time limit to return to her world now that she can come and go at will, Twilight spends some time catching up with Sunset Shimmer. She asks a question that has been on her mind for a while now. Namely, how Sunset ever thought invading Equestria with a few hundred zombified high school students was a remotely workable plan. It turns out that radically altering your entire physiology and brain chemistry doesn't do any favors for your IQ.

T for language, alcohol, and slight lewdity.

Chapters (1)

A ski trip promises to be a fun and exciting vacation for Sunset Shimmer and her friends. But when the girls are caught in a blizzard, the house they find to shelter them might not be as benevolent as it appears.

Chapters (1)