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After years of not being in contact, Sunburst tracks down his old friend, and seeks a reunion.

It was another ordinary Sunday for Starlight Glimmer, and then he showed up at her doorstep. It's been years since they spoke to each other, and both of them have been bottling feelings up inside. They catch up, and find out just how much their lives have changed since they lost contact. Did growing apart make their lives better? Or did growing apart make their lives worse?

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer is well respected, and has gained a lot of trust over the past year. So when Princess Twilight entrusted her with watching over her one and only niece, she was thrilled.

But one slip of the tongue around the toddler could break that trust.

Now with Reading by Mindlessgonzo

Chapters (1)

Soon after Starlight and Sunburst's map mission to Sire's Hollow, Sunburst gets a surprise visit from Firelight, who wants to know when and how he and Starlight reunited after being out of contact for over a decade. However, there might be more to Firelight's visit than initially assumed.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The House That Built Me

Starlight Glimmer was a latchkey filly whose father tried to smother her with affection as a foal. When she left home, she made a lot of mistakes. It wasn't until she went back home for a friendship mission that she realized something important: The meaning of unconditional love.

Inspired by the song "Somebody Loves You" By Plumb.

Chapters (1)

The life of a single parent is riddled with mistakes. It is filled with wishes and hopes and dreams for your child, and you try to give them everything they need. But sometimes you can't give them what they need most, and how you handle that makes an impression. Firelight knows the power of mistakes, but he also knows the power of forgiveness.

Set before, during, and after the events of "The Parent Map".

Inspired by the song of the same name by Miranda Lambert.

Chapters (1)

Even after Flight Camp, Fluttershy is afraid to fly by herself. Mom and Dad decide this calls for sneaky measures.

A one-shot about Fillyshy. 

Not related to any of my other stories.

Cover art is

Wow! Made the feature box 2019.07.25! Thanks, all!

Chapters (1)

Instead of clogging the site with one shots, I thought it was best to compile them here.

I'm a messy writer. I have a bunch of ideas but never get around to them, some of them never make the light of day. Until now. Now you can see them and feel some second hand embarrassment on my behalf.
These scraps are mostly StarBurst centric, but may feature other pairings as well.

The Teen Rating is just a precaution.

Chapters (27)

In a small town called Sire's Hollow, young unicorns go there to train every summer, like a magic summer camp.

Starlight Glimmer, born and raised there, meets a young unicorn name Sunburst on one of those summers. It's not quite love at first sight, but a bond is formed and a friendship is steadily cared for over the course of these summers. Sometimes, puppy love grows, maturing into something steady and true, if given the right care.

Starlight has quietly admired Sunset Shimmer's cousin ever since they were kids, but she’s having trouble finding the courage to tell him so.

Featured on August 3rd 2019!? :pinkiegasp: You guys are awesome!

Chapters (15)

Despite Starlight's raw talent for magic and Sunburst's studious nature, they fall flat in the face of self-doubt, unresolved issues and finally coming to terms with their feelings for one another. All that their magic is good for is to dance around the issue, making it pretty useless. (Otherwise known as "Ten ways to say I love you.")

Special thanks to EverfreePony for kindly editing and pointing out all the mistakes.
Based on this prompt list.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Earth to Soarin

Rainbow Dash and Soarin have been dating for three months. Summer vacation is over and they go back to Wonderbolt HQ. They notice their two friends Spitfire and Thunderlane acting more stranger around each other than before. Rainbow Dash and Soarin decide to investigate whats happening between each other until they discover that Spitfire and Thunderlane like each other, but just don't know it yet. Soarin comes up with an idea that he and Rainbow Dash will make a cute little documentary about Spitfire and Thunderlane and get them together.

Authors notes- 05/07/2019: So this story involves some more ships than SoarDash, like later in the story. Chapter 1: Mondays... is just an introduction so far before we get all that juicy stuff we all want to hear.

WARNING: swearing, sexual content, dirty flirting, no sexual interaction with other characters, probably the fluff gets bigger...

Chapters (1)