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This story is a sequel to I Am Trying to Break Your Heart.

There are two types of ponies in the world: dog ponies, and cat ponies.

Anyone with two eyes in their head could easily determine which categories both Applejack and Rarity fit in. But, when Rarity must take a last minute business trip to Manehattan, it falls on Applejack to take care of Rarity's beloved pet, Opalescence.

The problem is, Opalescence doesn't like Applejack.

Opalescence doesn't like anybody.

Chapters (3)

While lounging around Twilight's castle and airing some friendship-related grievances, Discord stumbles across a magic book containing letters from an inter-dimensional pen pal. As it just so happens, this pen pal also had sinister designs for Equestria, but was quashed by the Elements of Harmony. What's more, she's made amends since that day, and she's now Twilight's friendship student. Eager to bond with someone who can relate to him on a personal level and grow into a better draconequus, Discord packs his bags and heads off to the human world with Twilight's semi-blessing. His mission: Befriend Sunset Shimmer.

However, his plan has a bit of a snag. See, Sunset hasn't been keeping up with Equestrian events, and she never got the memo about Discord turning over a new leaf. As such, she believes that his sudden appearance doesn't bode well for Equestria, Canterlot High, or herself. Not only this, but the Sirens are privy to Discord's return as well, and they see this as a golden opportunity to bounce back from their own recent defeat. Well, Adagio does, anyway. Sonata doesn't want to live in a world that makes no sense, and Aria would rather maintain what little dignity she has left by not getting involved (or so she claims).

So while Discord is trying to earn Sunset's trust and show her what a good friend he is now, Adagio is trying to get in on an evil scheme that doesn't exist. And while that is going on, Sonata is appealing to the Rainbooms behind Adagio's back, hoping that they'll make Discord go away. With so much miscommunication thrown into the mix, you just know that hijinks are inevitable. Good thing Aria made popcorn.

Cover art provided by the amazingly talented Neighthirst.

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to She Took my Hand and Said...

After the night of the great Fall Formal, Sunset Shimmer dates Twilight and she decides to do what she promised weeks before: taking her to a date, their first official one. It was going to be perfect! But something is bothering Twilight, something in the corners of her mind. And her knight in leather jacket was there for her.

Edited by Crysis Commander, thanks! Go follow him for some cool stuff :raritywink:
Art by PastelButtons!

Chapters (1)

It's been a few months since the Battle of the Bands, and Adagio Dazzle is trying her best to become one of the "good guys." Sure, she won't wear any pajamas that aren't ninety percent see-through. And yeah, she can't stop threatening to kick puppies. But still, she's trying!

A week before her first Hearth's Warming, Adagio finds herself facing the most ridiculous task of her life: teaching Pinkie Pie the true meaning of the holiday season. Now, armed with nothing but her wits and a lot of alcohol, Adagio must save Hearth's Warming for the woman she loves doesn't hate as much as everyone else.

Originally written for Obselescence's Secret Santa Jingle-Off as a present for the lovely Majin Syeekoh.
Thanks to Oroboro, Not_A_Hat, Foehn, and Pascoite for prereading and editing.

Chapters (1)

Twilight is getting ready to move from Crystal Prep to Canterlot High School, but there is one thing she would like to do before leaving. The words are on the tip of her tongue, but instead of using them, she decides to move forward.

Featured on August 5, 2016! :twilightblush:

Chapters (1)

Even in the shadow of death, love and friendship will always prevail . . . or does it? Find out when a monstrous beast invades Ponyville and injures Equestria's favorite new princess - Twilight Sparkle - which sends her into a coma that could take her away from her friends. Will Twilight succumb to her injuries, or will her friends succumb to their depression even quicker?

Note: This fanfic borrows elements from a previous story similarly titled "My Faithful Student", which was taken down from this site for unknown reasons. I would certainly credit the original author of the story if I could remember their username. If they are out there somewhere, this is just to show how much I appreciated their amazing storytelling.

Chapters (8)

Rainbow Dash, one of the best rookie flyers in Equestria, a loyal friend, and the newest resident of Ponyville. She seems unstoppable, a cyan bolt of lightning tearing through her competition as she trains to join the Wonderbolts. One day, however, a stunt during training takes a horrifying turn as a brutal accident lands her in the hospital. She recovers to a clean bill of health physically, but she has suffered severe brain damage, and has forgotten most of her life. As she begins to recover her memories, a small orange Pegasus filly starts following her around, cheering Rainbow on when she performs her death-defying stunts and calling Rainbow her hero and idol. But why?
Well, little Scootaloo knows that one of the strongest bonds in the world is sisterhood.

Chapters (1)

First entry of my Literary Trilogy.

My name is Ditzy Doo but everypony calls me Derpy. My name is Derpy Hooves and this is my family. My name is Derpy Hooves and I miss them so much. My name is Derpy Hooves and I fear they forget me.

Inspired by 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' and 'The Lovely Bones.'

Thanks to Night_Shadow12 for the editing. You're the real hero here!

For Vanilla Mocha, my first follower.

Chapters (1)

Zephyr Breeze, the brother of Kindness is anything but kind.

But can we truly understand what feelings linger under the surface?

A few letters may tell us more.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has just returned from the Daring-Do convention, but Twilight isn't happy to see her. Could it be... she's forgotten something rather important?

Rated T for general craziness. Practically everyone is OOC for the lolz, so you'd best accept that before venturing in...

Chapters (1)