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This story is a sequel to Shadowbolts Adventures: Independence Day (Uncut Version)

After Sugarcoat catches Fleur De Lis in a compromising position with one of their teachers, they become closer as friends, but Sunset Shimmer is ready to pounce on her chance to drive Sugarcoat out of Crystal Prep Academy.

Rated T for mild adult language and sexual themes.

Chapters (1)

Lemon Zest is on her way to a friend's house when she runs into another girl lost in her headphones from her rival school Canterlot High... but do they really have to be enemies?

Special thanks to Bootsy Slickmane for his slick cover art.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Shadowbolts Adventures: Sugarcoat's Laboratory

There aren't many good men in Crystal Prep Academy, most of them being as self-centered and prudish as most of the girls. Sour Sweet has been crushing on one of the few good ones, Braeburn, for a while, and she finally decides to go for it. She just has to get past Little Strongheart and he's all hers.

I don't know if I have to keep saying it, but thanks to Bootsy Slickmane for pre-reading and Cover Art.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Shadowbolts Adventures: I Crush You

Indigo Zap used to be kind of a bully, she can admit as much, but when a new girl transfers into Crystal Prep who seems to be targeting her, she gets firsthand experience on what it's like to spend every morning dreading going about your daily life.

Rated T for mild language

You know the drill, thanks to Bootsy Slickmane for pre-reading and cover-art.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Shadowbolts Adventures: Standing Up

Ever since Twilight Sparkle transferred to CHS, her personal laboratory within Crystal Prep has stood empty. She finally decides to pass it on to Sugarcoat, but when she realizes that the isolation improves her test scores, Sugarcoat may be tempted to throw away her new friendships to take over Twilight's vacant position as the smartest student in Crystal Prep Academy.

One again thank you to Bootsy Slickmane for pre-reading and cover art.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to For the Good of Equestria

"Are these the shadows of the things that will be, or are they shadows of things that may be, only?”
-Ebeneezer Scrooge, A Christmas Carol

"For the Good of Equestria" is dead. However, I left it in an awkward place: among other things, I never was able to explain why Twilight never became an alicorn, which made it feel like a bad fix-fic to me.

I've wanted to tell this story for literally about five years, and, though I will never write it as a novel, I've pulled together my notes. Please, enjoy.

If it wasn't clear, I'm very fond of this story, even though I won't be able to finish it. If you find a scene or chapter you like, you're welcome to write it and PM me the link; if it's half-decent, I'll add it to the chapter as an excerpt. Looking forward to seeing what you can do!

A Note On Formatting:

Most of the story is written out as a summary. Quotation marks are usually used to indicate spoken dialogue, but I used them once or twice to indicate names, places, and so on I hadn't firmly nailed down yet.

The "excerpts" are taken from the chapters, etc., I had already written prior to abandoning the project, and show what a scene would have looked like if I had written it out. The same goes for segments in quote blocks. These excerpts are presented as-is, with no further editing, and may clash with my notes; if there's ever a conflict, the notes are canon.

Chapters (19)

My name is April Showers, and I’m six years old. I live with my Mommy, and my Daddy, and my little sister Skittle in Cloudsdale. Today, Mommy went to the hospital to have our new baby—my sister Fluttershy.
Life won’t always be easy—in fact, it’s going to be really hard, and really sad sometimes—but together, we’re a family.
And that makes it all worth it.

The Brony Network's Reading of "My Sister Fluttershy": [Link]


Note: This story was first submitted to Equestria Daily, as a Google Doc, in 2012 (Original Post). Posted here, by the original author, in anticipation of uploading a second fic.

Chapters (19)

Featured on Equestria Daily! [Link]

In the wake of a great tragedy, Celestia opens up, and, for the first time, tells her own story. For the first time, she tells what happened with Discord and King Sombra. And, for the first time, she tells what it's like to have to give up everything she's ever had, everything she's ever wanted, everything she's ever dreamed of--all of it, for the good of Equestria.

Please note: this is an "AU-ish" fic--that is, it sticks to canon in most respects, except when it doesn't. :twilightsmile:

Unfortunately, not planning on continuing this story arc [Blog Post]. I hope you enjoy it nevertheless!

Rated Teen for mild language.

Thanks to Eruantalon, CCC_037, and Rainb0w_Dashie for proofreading.
Awesome art by Alanymph. Go check 'em out!
Original cover art, also by Alanymph.

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to Celestia XVII

I'm Princess Celestia XVII, Equestria's sixty-third Princess of the Sun. I'm twenty years old. My friends call me Cece. And my enemies... well...

Things had been going so well--up until a month ago, when the Changelings attacked. Now, I can barely close my eyes at night before I wake up screaming. And Twilight Sparkle's been acting wierd, too--she and I used to be best friends, but now she's mad at me, and I don't know why...

Plus, strange things have been happening, all over Equestria. No one can explain them, but I get the feeling that something big is coming, just over the horizon...

The long-awaited sequel to Celestia XVII!
Rated Teen for some innuendos and occasional, harsh language. Better safe than sorry, yo.
Story is written and edited; new chapters will post daily until completed.
Read and edited by Eruantalon, Crack-Fic Kai, and Soge. Thanks guys!
Cover art by the inimitable LeafBunny!

Chapters (36)