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This story is a sequel to Flash Sentry Chronicles: Friendship Games

The Lost City of Faust, a place of great mystery. Flash has travelled far, seen much and survived untold situations in his quest to find it. And now, his destiny awaits him and the friends that stand by his side. But his is not the only destiny waiting there. An army of darkness draws near, lead by a pony Flash seems to know. New friends, new enemies and new challenges await, as a great war is about to begin. Who will win? Who will lose? And who will survive?

Edited by KingJoltik


Chapters (25)

Something odd is going on in the Treehouse of Harmony: earthquakes have rocked Ponyville, while strange sounds and mysterious lights have been appearing with no apparent cause. Maybe it's nothing. Maybe it's just a stress-induced hallucination shared between the most famous members of the first graduating class of the School of Friendship.

No creature believes that, of course.

Whether it's an unknown threat or strange natural disaster, the Young Six have learned how to work together and leverage the power of their Friendship. They will have to see if that is enough to face this new challenge.

Chapters (3)

During a sleepover with the girls, Sunset Shimmer does lots of thinking about how much her life has changed since she met Twilight Sparkle. She gets out her journal and opens up to Twilight about her first trip to the human world, and how much it changed her life.

Thanks to my friend kidknux for beta reading

Chapters (1)

After a part of the obstacle course at the Wonderbolts Camp broke during an exercise, Spitfire is sure that somepony must have sabotaged the course. With Copper Top, she calls in the best crime investigator from Manehattan to solve the case. But even if she didn't found exactly what she was looking for, her investigation leads to an even bigger crime than just sabotage.

Chapters (1)

While visiting the hive, Ocellus' friends stumble across a particular book and Sandbar has to deal with the consequences.

Chapters (1)

On their way back from the Treehouse of Harmony late one night, Smolder and Ocellus lose track of their way. With the dangers of the midnight hour in the Everfree becoming evident by the minute, the two begin discover more about each other than they ever had before.

(Entry for The Discovery Writing Contest.)

Teen rating for mild violence and suggestive themes.

Chapters (1)

News of Princess Twilight Sparkle's School of Friendship spreads across Equestria, and many young ponies want to be students. However, the high demand means not every one of them can get in. In order to see who would be idol students who'd benefit the most from such a school, all applicants are required to write an essay about themselves and why they want to go.

This story follows one of those young ponies, Sandbar, as he figures out what to write about in his essay and maybe discover why he wants to enrol in the school in the first place.

Entry for The Discovery.

Chapters (1)

It's been ten years since Sandbar graduated from the School of Friendship and he's doing well for himself. With Yona, he's made a name for himself in the fashion world by becoming the co-owner of the Ponyville branch of the Carousel Boutique only after a few years of working there.

It's been seven years since Gallus left Ponyville to enlist with the Canterlot Royal Guards, becoming the first Griffon in history to do so. At first, both were concerned about the distance, but felt that their bond could only grow stronger.

It's been five years since Gallus broke up with Sandbar.

Now, after throwing himself into his work at the Carousel Boutique for the past few years, Sandbar finds himself reminiscing on the past despite himself.

Written for the Young Six Writing Contest.

Chapters (1)

About a week after the Friendship Games, the human Twilight Sparkle is settling in at CHS and Sunset Shimmer is trying her best to help ease the process. A chance bit of online silliness sparks a conversation that goes places neither expects.

A stream-of-consciousness experiment with my favorite gangly ape nerds.

Rated Teen for suggestive dialogue and premarital hand-holding.

Chapters (1)

It's okay if you don't know Dragalia Lost. This story introduces this franchise. Go ahead and give it a read! :pinkiehappy:

And my deepest gratitude goes to Mix-up/Amalgamzaku for creating the wyrmprint (cover art) of this Dragonbound tale. (Links leads to his FIMFiction profile and DeviantArt page respectively)

It was always clear that the human dimension of Equestria was very distinct to its pony dimension. There was not a lot of magic energy save for a few places, infrastructures are different, and, well... It doesn't seem so magical...

Until they spotted a former enemy. Giving chase, Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Big McIntosh, and Flash Sentry got lost in a forest, leading them to a mysterious castle that can't be seen by any human means and inhabited by a Mysterious Owner! The girls and guys are about to learn a long-forgotten history... An era where Dragons co-existed with Humans!

A Crossover between Equestria Girls and Dragalia Lost.
Copyrights and credit go to Hasbro, Nintendo and Cygames respectively.

Chapters (26)