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“I want what’ll make you happy, not what’ll make me happy.”

Cold, uncertain, and distressed, Spike climbs a mountain to find his new home. And while he does, memories of a certain somepony swirl around in his head—even in his sleep. And although he is far away from that somepony, it turns out he is closer to that somepony than he realizes.


Editors: The Wandering Bard and Twidashforever

Chapters (1)

Spike had always loved Rarity, from the day he first saw her. There were always reasons why it would not work, why he should just give up his crush and move on. He was too young, he was a dragon, he had never caught her eye the way she caught his. Spike had planned around them all, after all what great romance is complete without a few obstacles? But when Rarity says she will be opening a boutique in Manehattan Spike finds that this is one obstacle too many.

Chapters (1)

The centuries-long rule of Celestia and Luna has come to an end. Now, it is Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, who watches over the ponies of Equestria. To stand as leader of a whole nation is a daunting thing, but the young alicorn is more than ready. With her closest friends by her side, she's ready to face this great challenge, one day at a time.

Chapters (25)

Today is the best day of Twilight's life, for she has just succeeded in her dream of getting into Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. But along with her new status as a student of Celestia, there's also the matter of the unexpected surprise that accompanied her entry exam. A surprise she must now introduce to her family.

Chapters (1)

"There's just so much I don't understand"
"No matter how much research I do the magic here just doesn't make sense. Everyone is looking for me to clarify... and I can't do anything."
"I'm so useless to all of you."

Sunset and Twilight talk, eat Chinese, and by the end maybe Twily can help Sunset get her mind straight.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Love Cures All

While staying with Sunset in the human world for a weekend, Princess Twilight falls ill. Now it’s up to Sunset to take care of her. Sunlight romance if you squint maybe, but also a reference to Sci-Twi being Sunset's girlfriend.

Somewhat of a sequel to Love Cures All as it does reference Sci-Twi throwing up on the carpet from that story, but you don't need to read that one to get this.

Chapters (1)

Sunset and Twilight’s story as they graduate college and navigate the rest of their lives together. How they explore the world, make lives for themselves, and stick together through thick and thin.
Warning: The cheese is strong with this one. 
Marking this as canceled but it does have an outline of where it was going, as well as a playlist in the final chapter.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Shadowbolts Adventures: A New Sunset

Spike was thrilled to be able to talk to Twilight, and she was thrilled to be able to talk to him. But when he meets a fellow canine who he just can't seem to relate to, he starts to wonder if he wasn't better off before being infused with Equestrian magic. Especially when that canine is a cute girl he would really like to get to know better.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer is away from the others, and Rainbow Dash is going to find out just what she is up to.

Idea by GamerSunset and me.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Shadowbolts Adventures: Puppy Love

Ever since joining her friends, Sunny Flare has devoted herself to being there for them and helping them. So when she hears that Twilight is feeling lonely on those long, cold nights, she decides to help her find love... by taking her to a day spa that doubles as a dating service.

Rated T for mature subject matter.

Chapters (2)