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Celestia, retired from her duties as the ruler of Equestria in order to spend more time with her sister and her family has been enjoying life as a wife and mother in Ponyville. Unfortunately she's still too new to her abdication to remember going wherever she likes is not so much of an option any more.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to How to Propose to a Princess

Flash has done it. He has finally proposed to the love of his life. And now after two days of chaos, dates, and attempted kidnappings by Rarity, he and Twilight are finally ready to relax and just let the feeling of being engaged sink in--


Is one day to relax TOO MUCH TO ASK?!

Ah well. At least it won't be nearly as stressful as their first meetings...

The phenomenal cover are belongs to miyathegoldenflower on DeviantArt and was done as a commission for ponyjosiah13. All credit for it goes to them.

(Disclaimer. The image of Flash's mom in this image is not the same as Flash's mom in my story. However, the image is the perfect representation of this story, so I used it anyway :pinkiehappy: )

(04/14/2019, Insert happy bouncing as this story got Featured!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: )

Chapters (6)

Soarin is furious that Rainbow Dash did not pick Mercy in their Overwatch game, leading to their humiliating defeat.
so I was challenged to write about a game that i had never played in my life: overwatch (ugh)
Tried my best to change the lyrics as im a good boy and had read the rules, which says copyrighted lyrics are not allowed. excuse my horrible and cringy changes, im deeply sorry for any internal organ damage that you suffered after reading those terrible name changes

edit: reached 69 views!

Chapters (1)

When Fluttershy and her friends come back from their mis-led adventure conducted by the Master of Chaos as well as her best friend, Fluttershy decides that maybe now should be the time to have a talk with the draconequus. Realizing that there are things that even she doesn't know about Discord, Fluttershy comes to the conclusion that it's always better to be open about your matter what.

Ahh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to include fluttercord at the end but I couldn't help it :twilightblush:

Chapters (1)

The day had been saved, the Villainous Trio defeated and safely placed in the garden of the School of Friendship. Everycreature was happily celebrating the win and enjoying themselves... everycreature except Ocellus. No, she had someone she needed to talk too now that she had the chance, even if that person couldn't listen anymore.

Cover art drawn by FountainStranger, go check them out on DeviantArt

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer was getting ready for bed like she did every night and was casually wishing that she wanted to be a pony again. It was a thought that crossed her mind from time to time so she hadn't really thought much about it but the next day she discovers that that quick wish had come true. Now she and her friends have to figure out what happened and how to fix it. Meanwhile Sunset is becoming more and more comfortable in her pony body and she starts to wonder should they fix this?

The image was create by rvceric go check them out on DeviantArt

Credit to the idea of this story goes to friend Tyler as he was the one who started talking about the whole Sunset turning back into a pony thing in a serious light while I was making jokes about it. Thanks for helping me write this buddy and I hope you like it.

Chapters (1)

As Spinel watched Steven and his friends celebrate, she realized that she had done too much to them and everyone on this world to be their friend, and ran off to the warp pad. But even after she set foot on a new world she realized that no one would be friends with the person she was now... it's a good thing she had another Rejuvenator.

Pinkie is in for a big surprise and a new best friend this birthday.

picture created by GlamourCoffee, go check them out on DeviantArt

Chapters (25)

After learning that the Mane 6 and Luna are away on a friendship mission, Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow want to attack Canterlot while only Celestia remains. Grogar however is adamant against it so they do the only thing they know how to... disobey his orders and attack anyway. Upon doing so though, they learn exactly why he said no and wish they had listened.

Chapters (1)

On the longest day, of the thousandth year, the stars aided in her escape.

Then Nightmare Moon looked out upon the land that would soon be her empire, and found a world she no longer existed in. In a thousand years, she had been all but forgotten.
She could conquer, and continue to be hated. She could put aside her pride, and be redundant. Or, she could disappear, and fade into the glorious night.

AN: While Princess of Equestria takes place before this, neither are required reading for the other. Rather, they complement each other.

Chapters (1)

Spitfire takes a flight to relieve stress and discovers a phoenix roost. The only problem? All the eggs are broken, and the phoenixes are missing. What could have happened to them? And how will Spitfire react without her team by her side?

An entry for Mana's Wonderful Wonderbolts Writing Contest, which can be found here.

Edited by the talented Axolu and Wobble.

Chapters (1)