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This story is a sequel to Post Nuptials

Side story to the Nuptialverse

As she rides off into the night with her husband, Cadence takes a moment to reflect on how lucky she is, and to assure Shining Armor of how great he is.

Chapters (1)

Soarin was told to do one thing. One thing that would bring glory and fame to the Wonderbolts, and of course to himself. It was so simple, but in a incredible turn of events, he stumbled upon the only individual willing to volunteer herself for the cause.

Chapters (1)

A human named Aden Sky and his siblings are sent to Equestria as ponies, and they soon grow accustomed to their new home. Having been transformed into a pegasus, he is taught how to fly by one of his closest friends: Rainbow Dash. All seems perfect as he grows closer to her everyday ever since he moved to Equestria. But all isn't what it seems as he takes on a life changing experience to win her heart.

Chapters (12)

Two days after a wild party, Rainbow Dash starts to feel feverish and is experiencing symptoms she has never had before. She worries she is ill and contacts Twilight Sparkle, believing the intelligent alicorn could help her find out what's happening. Together, the two ponies find out exactly what's wrong with her.

Chapters (3)

It takes a great mare to raise great kids, and these mares raised some amazing kids.

Their children reflect on that in this series of drabbles from the point of view of The Mane 6 and their siblings.

Includes Drabbles from:
Shining Armor
Twilight Sparkle
Rainbow Dash
Zephyr Breeze
Sweetie Belle
Pinkie Pie
Limestone Pie
Maud Pie- In a poem!
Marble Pie
Big Mac
Apple Bloom

A tribute to Moms everywhere.

Chapters (1)

Would you believe me if I recall the legend of the rare Sleigh Beggy and how she became the wife of the mage that can only be described as neither fae nor human?

Based on the manga & anime "The Ancient Magus Bride".

Story Editor: The Fan Without a Face

Please check out their wonderful story editing services, info on this is located on their profile page:

Breath-Taking Cover Art by Kyumiku

Big Thanks to Yami-Sempai for allowing me to use the "The Wife of the Old Draconequus" title as the title for this fanfic:)

Music To Listen To While You Read

Beautiful Fan Art by CandyEater9115 on Deviantart / Discord-askblog on Tumblr

Naliah's review on "My Little Reviews & Feedback":

Chapters (7)

Fluttershy finds herself haunted by a measly word when she gets lost in the middle of her favorite woods. That word was 'draconequus' and after she finds a hurt one, she tries her hardest to help him. A friendship Fluttershy cherishes almost more than her other friendships blossoms, and she doesn't know how anything could go wrong.
Except maybe her Princess friend from a pony world saying there's a magical imbalance on the same day Discord decides he's too bored without Fluttershy around and turns himself into a human so he can attend her school.

Chapters (7)

One night fluttershy wakes up with a terrible nightmare. Shes afraid to go back to sleep . discord help her go back to sleep will she still have that nightmare when she falls asleep or something interesting will happen when she dreams?

art :kezzie9

Chapters (1)

Discord has strong feelings for fluttershy. The princesses know. Discord is a pony and cant change back. Yup Discord is a pony. He stays with fluttershy While the Rulers of equestria find for a cure. Discord does something he truly regrets which leaves Fluttershy in a horrible state

This story is created by my brain. Blame it, not me...

Chapters (9)

Ever since the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony had released Discord from his stoney prison, Fluttershy had gone out of her way to make him feel welcome. It was something Discord had taken for granted, enjoying the attention she gave him. When the opportunity arose to fully embrace his chaotic nature once more, he took it gleefully, despite the fact that it meant the betrayal of his friend. He eventually saw the error of his way and received forgiveness, and at first all was well, but on returning home, and with time to think a new emotion is stirring deep within his chaotic heart.

Chapters (1)