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Octavia Philharmonica and Anonymous, her lover and muse, move out of Ponyville and into the music scene of the classical Canterlot circuit. Their first days play out as they try to take root.

Chapters (1)

Anonymous goes to a cafe and takes a chance on approaching a cold looking mare.

This is just a bit of nonsense I wrote on a whim. Feel free to tear it apart!

You find find narrations for both chapters here:

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

It's narrated by Forgotten Dreams, Mica, Wuten, and Agent0Fluffy! Thanks lads!

Chapters (2)

After losing her roommate and lover Vinyl to alcohol addiction, without the extra money from her shows, Octavia is forced to move out of her old house and into an apartment on the 4th floor. This story details her final visit to the old place and her feelings after as she looks at old memories and slowly falls apart.

This was loosely inspired by the song "The Light and the Glass" by Coheed and Cambria. I recommend you check it out.

Chapters (2)

Anon-a-Miss has turned all of Sunset's friends against her, and Sunset is at the lowest point in her life. On the night she decides to end it all, she gets an unlikely visitor; an angel, or an angel-in-training, named Clark. Pretty soon, Sunset is whisked away on a trip to see just how much her death would impact those around her, and show her that her friendship with the Rainbooms, no matter how hard, is worth fighting for.

Loosely based on It's A Wonderful Life

Cover art by baekgup

Chapters (5)

Sunset Shimmer's life was good, she had plenty of friends and greatly enjoyed where she had eventually ended up in life. It's a shame then that reality had a different opinion on where she belonged. Now stuck in the past prior to first leaving for the human world, Sunset will have to figure out what kind of direction she wants to take in life this time around.

After all, the future she herself lived with her friends was not reachable without doing things that she now found appalling. Even so, she knows that staying in Equestria could very well doom the world to a much darker future. If she had time to draft a plan she could probably figure out something that would keep herself out of the way while also not affecting the timeline, it's a shame then that the two princesses of Canterlot would just not leave her alone!

Apparently this thing got feature mere days after publishing... somehow.

Chapters (5)

Twilight Sparkle's coronation as the sole ruler of Equestria is right around the corner. To not disappoint her, Sunset Shimmer decides to come back to Equestria for the first time since her theft of the Princess's crown to attend.

Said Princess's student, Starlight, is there to greet her, but the two of them are surprised to find that Sunset is a princess herself - or at least an alicorn, and her arrival may have unintended consequences for a trio of recently imprisoned villains.

Chapters (8)

People rarely consider their actions, even less consider the consequences. Teenagers especially. So caught up in their own world with their friends, feelings, and social media that they forget to consider the effects they might have on others. A lie here. A shove there. A persons worst moments laid bare.

Being a Teacher-In-Training, one young woman sees it every day at Crystal Prep among the Students in her charge. Some have it worse than others, but so long as they have friends to pull them up again, it is alright in the end.

When asked to be a substitute at Canterlot High, she is eager to show everyone what she can do, yet she barely makes it through the doors before something feels wrong.

--- While not overtly dark, this story is rated Teen for implications, emotionally difficult and potentially upsetting content! Please take care! ---

My thanks to Between Lines and Scampy for being my Pre-Readers on this story!

Cover art kindly donated by Scampy!

Chapters (5)

Sunset has decided to return home... wherever that may be.

The orphanage where she was left?

The castle where the princess had emotionally abandoned her?

She walks the foreign but familiar world, hoping to find something to make her life worthwhile.

Will she find somewhere, or someone, to call home?

[Cover by Mirrored Sea]

Commission for Barbarity!

Want a story for yourself? Then check out my commissions page!

Chapters (1)

One week after the Fall Formal, Principal Celestia is surprised to learn that a near-catatonic Sunset Shimmer has been calling out for her in the girl's sleep. Sunset has been unresponsive even to professional medical authorities, so what could have prompted her to call out in her sleep for an educator who had only occasionally interacted with her?

Cover art by The Sleepless Beholder

Chapters (14)

While traveling through the magic mirror between worlds, Sunset Shimmer touched upon the realm of Chaos, her course diverted. Rescued by unknown forces, Sunset awoke on a world besieged by daemonic incursions. While running from a daemon, Sunset comes across a dying member of the Order of the Cerulean Chalice, an Ordo Minorus of the Adepta Sororitas. Entrusted with a holy relic, Sunset is given the choice of taking it to the other members of the order, or dying on the doomed planet.

Suspicions surround Sunset on reaching the order, many questioning her nature and whether or not she was sent by their God-Emperor. Some loath her, seeing her as a xenos at worst, or a tainted mutant experiment of the planet's deceased lord at best. Others believe her sent by a Saint, or claim she is merely some form of abhuman. But none of them fully trust Sunset.

To prove herself, Sunset is placed among the scholla within the convent, all while coping with the loss of her magic, and in a new body. There she'll make friends and rivals, and either prove her worth to the Emperor, or die.

Burn the Heretic. Kill the Mutant. Purge the Unclean.

Chapters (16)