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The Eleventh Doctor (aka Matt Smith) is bumbling about in his Tardis when a crazy timey-wimey happening finds him in Equestria, a land from a children's cartoon. Despite the idea that being in the world of TV ought to be impossible, he's found himself turned into a bowtie-wearing pony in a pleasant little town known as Ponyville. What's more, the people there won't stop calling him Doctor Whooves! In order to get bet back into his own Time Lord form and out of the impossible world of My Little Pony, he may or may not have to make some new friends, fight some villains and pull out his "savior of the universe act." Geronimo!

This is a different take on Doctor Whooves, and also a sleep-deprived Doctor Who/MLP crossover idea I got in the very early hours of the morning so it could easily be rubbish. It's not meant to be terribly serious, but it's also my first fic so go easy on me. More characters could come and the rating could possibly change.

Chapters (4)

Doctor Whooves is a mysterious stallion, nopony knew where he came from, or understands half of what he says.
Whilst trying to repair the TARDIS to take him back home, he might just discover a reason to stay.

It's time to stop running.

Story inspired by Deadpony

Chapters (1)

When a simple small town Pegasus finds herself out of work, she takes up the offer of an old fillyhood friend to move to the big city. After all, it has been over ten years since the portals to the human world were opened, ponies do this all the time now right? All anypony talks about these days are all the Humans In Equestria, so what about the ponies looking for a better life in a new world?


This fic is a series of short, slice of life stories about a pony who loves soft clothing adapting to life in the human world.

I adapted this old fic of mine from it's horribly done greentext version into prose so I can stop being so ashamed of it and finally write some more. Hello PiE threads!

Chapters (6)

Some secrets need to be kept, and others need to be set free; but sometimes, not even the Element of Honesty can tell the difference. How do you tell your family the truth about something that you can't even admit to yourself? When Applejack begins to realize that she may have feelings for a friend, she needs to find the courage to accept who she really is before she can truly be happy.

Chapters (1)

"Her parents hadn’t come close to telling us what had happened. As I read her newest letter I couldn't believe what she was telling me. This kid hadn’t 'had an accident'… this kid, damn, this kid had been buckin' broken... she’d been broken…"

Based on characters and situations from "Tiny Wings" by DeadParrot222.
Image "Filly Dash" by Imalou. Both used with permission.

Chapters (1)

It was a surprise that Dash offered a kiss as a prize at the charity auction. It was a surprise that the colts were as "enthusiastic" as they were. It was a surprise that Dash didn't leap on the colts and beat them for their comments.

But, the biggest surprise of all was which one of her friends bid on her kiss... and why.

Chapters (2)

Chrysalis is dying, and with her, the last of the Changeling race... but there might be a way to avoid extinction.

Chapters (1)

Harry Potter was a lonely boy who one day wished for a friend. Luna, trapped on the moon, wished for the same. And so their wishes are granted. How will the two deal with each other? And what about Nightmare Moon? Needless to say, their lives are going to change in both expected and unexpected ways...

Other stories in the Lonelyverse:
Hooves, Plush, and Magic: The Untold Tales
The Wizard and the Lonely Princess: Hallowe'en Special
A Nightmare Christmas

Chapters 9-11 now re-written.

Chapters (31)

On a dark day, one may wonder: just what horrors lie beyond the veil of the heavens? What ghastly demons exist that could only spawn in a pony's dreams? What terror!? What blight in the face of all that is good!? What- wait, it's the Mane Six?

What sort of twisted reality contains a lycan Applejack, a vampiric Fluttershy, a ghostly Rarity, and a lich queen Twilight Sparkle, you may ask? Why, it's just the Nightmare Realm, existing one and a half dimensions below and above the normal Equestria, and they are sick and tired of Nightmare Night not living up to its name in the 'real' world.

However, are these nightmares truly nightmares, or do they just like a good scare? Why, it depends on who you're talking to! So sit tight, give way to fright, for coming soon is Nightmare Night!

Chapters (18)

Trixie Lulamoon, the personal student of Princess Luna, has finally, through a combination of reasoning, pleading, and whining, managed to convince the princess to invest some real responsibility in her, and give her a chance to show off everything she's been learning while under the alicorn's wing. Luna has appointed Trixie to be the official representative of her Night Court to the town of Ponyville, which this year will be hosting the Longest Night Celebration. Trixie is additionally tasked with overseeing the preparations for that festival.

At first, things seem to be going less than swimmingly. The catering is way too many kinds of apples, the weather patrol is far behind, the musical maestro is nowhere to be found, and the decorations could use significant toning down. To top it all off, Trixie can't help but feel that this was less an appointment to a position of real responsibility, and more an informal exile from the Night Court. Still, things could be worse: a mad alicorn goddess of fire and hate could escape from her millennial imprisonment on the sun and try and conquer Equestria.

But what are the chances of that?

A prequel to Boast Busted
Part of the Lunaverse
Now has a TVTropes Page!

Chapters (18)