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Human wants to get out of bed and do housework. Pony wants him to stay in bed with her and not do housework. They resolve this conflict


Hey! Audio!

Chapters (1)

Do you ever regret things you did in the past? Whether it was accidentally insulting someone, or waging war against a concept with chocolate rain and licorice trees? Well, Discord doesn’t “regret” it, but he can admit he made a mistake or two.

But his past certainly disagrees.

Audio Readings.
Read by StraightToThePointStudio
Read by Pony&Wolf Productions

Chapters (1)

Home is strength, and safety, and love, and comfort. And Sunset wouldn't trade that for the world.
Sunset and Twilight, on a cold, rainy night, curled up in Sunny's apartment.

Chapters (1)

After the Friendship Games Sunset makes Twilight an offer. When she has a terrible nightmare at the hands of Midnight Sparkle, Sunset shows her just have beautiful midnight can be.

Chapters (1)

Celestia has had to deal with many things throughout her reign, laws, deplomatic meetings, acient old threats coming back to modern day (well more like her pupil dealing with them but who's really going into specifics?) and snobs. Celestia has seen it all and hasn't backed down from any of them. But it gets really boring sometimes.

Thankfully we have a green fellow coming to steal the princess! Let's see how that goes, will it work? will the princess get her day off early? Will they eat cake and enjoy a moment of tranquility? Find all that out in this one-shot!

If your asking why make this the answer is simple; To get better at writing sentimental moments with characters, and trying to make them act in character, so if you have any constructive criticism please do share!


Chapters (1)

"There's just so much I don't understand"
"No matter how much research I do the magic here just doesn't make sense. Everyone is looking for me to clarify... and I can't do anything."
"I'm so useless to all of you."

Sunset and Twilight talk, eat Chinese, and by the end maybe Twily can help Sunset get her mind straight.

Chapters (1)

In the town of Canterlot, on a very stormy day, Sisters Celestia and Luna are trying to get home to escape from the storm, that was until Celestia heard the sound of a baby crying in the distance. The sisters came to see what it was and it was in fact a little infant, who was drenched from the rain and crying uncontrollably. Celestia's maternal instincts kicked in and they brought the little child into their home. Since Celestia saw that the infant was inside of a cardboard box, meaning the child's parents must have left her there, the two sisters decided to raise the child as their own, and after the storm ends, and they see the suns rays, they name the child Sunset Shimmer after the shimmering rays of the sunset. Since then, they have been raising a very friendly and energetic little girl. Now come, and listen to the journey of the human world Sunset, from childhood to adolescence to her college years, to her adulthood. It's going to be a wild ride.

I have changed it's rating to T because in future chapters there's going to be a lot of curse words and a little violence, but not a lot.

All credit goes to Grand Galvatron, Darth Wrex, and Indigo Lightning Strike. Thank you Wrex and Indigo, stay awesome. :scootangel::scootangel::scootangel:

Cover Art made by: Sunsetslight

Chapters (7)

When Princess Celestia had not only denied her what she deserved, but cast her out as well, Sunset Shimmer would not let that deter her. She would have what she so desperately sought, even of she had to risk it all to get it. That’s why, armed with only a set of saddlebags full to bursting and the vague, unreliable knowledge on the magical mirror that had shown the unicorn her destiny, she had traveled to the realm beyond its surface, hoping to gain something that would prove the Princess wrong.

But what she found there was nothing short of a nightmare, a hellish realm beyond most ponies ability to imagine....

For those that have read it, this is technically a one-shot that takes place in the same continuity as my main story Cross the Rubicon, though this takes place some years before that...

Originally written in response to a monthly writing prompt on Krickis’ Discord server, I wasn't satisfied with a paltry 1000 words that only scratched the surface of the idea. So I ended up taking it and expanding it. It's a tad unnerving, given that the original prompt was inspired by Halloween month, but its less Modern horror, more dread and suspense.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer is a certified Badasstm, and therefore, she deserves her pick of the girls. By all known laws of late-90s/early-2000s music videos and movies, she should be guaranteed to have the ladies flinging themselves at her!

But sometimes, that doesn't work. Sometimes, you need something else to set you apart.

Sometimes, you need: s k a t e b o a r d

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer wants to become an alicorn more than anything - it's the entire reason why she's Princess Celestia's student. But she's run out of ways to research it and Princess Celestia has blocked her at every turn.

Fortunately for her, there's a new Princess on the block - Cadance. One who's already ascended. One who knows personally and intimately how she did it.

To get her to talk, Sunset will do anything. Even if it means pretending to like - really like - the Pink Pony Of Passion.

Cover art by daOtterGuy.

Featured 8/28/2021-08/30/2021! (And basically every update date after that.)

Now with a TVTropes page thanks to ZanarNaryon!

Chapters (37)