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Spike and Spitfire, one a dragon and the other a Wonderbolt, were unknowingly brought together by a day neither wish to remember in the slightest; Spike nearly levelled the town he loved and called home, while Spitfire witnessed the true might and fury of a dragon, and nearly lost close friends and team mates in the process.

Needless to say, the experience left them both with their own mental and emotional scars, scars which show no sign of healing quickly nor easily.

So when nightmares, guilt, and perhaps a slight twist of fate (courtesy of some annoyingly persistent friends trying to help) brings the two together again, and a potential chance to make peace and move on arises to each through the other, both decide it's at least worth a shot.

But, as is sometimes the case, even the best laid plans can have unexpected results.

Main - SpikeXSpitfire
Secondary - SoarinXDash
Author: Freelancer
Co-author/Editor: Edragon (has since left FimFiction)

Chapters (2)

The night is darkest just before the dawn. As tragedy and corruption starts to plague the kingdom, Luna can no longer ignore those that cannot be held down by royal justice and the pain they bring. Unable to escape the shackles of her responsibilities, she adopts the persona of a masked mare who was thought discaded long ago, and brings with her a darker brand of justice. She is the night, she is Mare Do Well.

Chapters (2)

Trixie had planned to have a quiet night under the open stars without Ursa Minors, enchanted amulets, and especially not other ponies to bother her. When a scroll turns up and commands her to attend the Princess for a night of deeply inappropriate fun, she just has one particular problem:

There’s more than one princess in Equestria.


Story is set a couple of weeks after the end of season 3.

Massive thanks to my pre-readers/ideas tasters: Bronetheus, Mooncalf and RK_Striker_JK_5. Go check out Night Errantry, To Romance a Magician and Spanner in the Works for three great fics that are well worth your time.

Image composition was done by me, vectors used from left to right are from blueathombomb, nickman983, chamomiletung, santafer and andreamelody.

By Royal Command now has an unofficial sequel/inspired by fic written not by myself in the form of Waiting for Celestia.

Chapters (1)

When Deadpool ends up in Ponnyville due to a teleporter malfunction, he must figure out a way to fix it before the changelings can use it to go to earth, and he'll need all the help he can get, but until then Deadpool explores the new world, freaking out ponies, and having plenty of fun.

Chapters (3)

Submitting to trials, tribulations, lies, misunderstanding, and pain. And all these things for one purpose. To Befriend the Night.

Coverart by: jjames10 (Tome Turner)
Thanks man!

Sequel out now: To Swoon the Stars

Chapters (17)

[Second person fiction between you and Luna]This story is a more realistic take on a pony X royal sister fiction in the sense of how it would actually happen. After a spell cast by Princess Celestia goes awry.....you, a simple brony, have been sent directly to Equestria. No, no instant cutie marks or instant shipping is in this fiction. Trust me, I know what I'm doing. However, if you don't like human in Equestria stories OR steamy scenes, then stay away from this fiction. Simple as that.

Chapters (3)

[Human in Equestria]

[So if you don't like HIE's, you better not read this @_@]

This story is about a young adult by the name Lance. Just Lance. He lives quite normally, some might say boring. Lance disagrees, he thinks that life is an adventure! And indeed it is, it's just that Lance is too lazy to do something about it.

One summer though, he has his whole life turned upside-down (shocker), as he discovers a secret place that nobody else knows about. A place full of wondrous wonders, magical magic, and friendly friends!... It's Equestria, d'uh.

He gets turned into a Changeling too...joy.

[First Story BTW :3]
[Aaaaaand it's dead]

Chapters (8)

When your life is as dull a gray as the world that surrounds you, the mundanities can make it all seem meaningless. Sometimes all we need is a little color -- or six -- to reintroduce us to what truly makes life worth living.

*6-16-2017 Edit, added Rainbow Dash tag because it triggered knighty.*

Chapters (1)

[WARNING] This story has been marked for complete remodel and rewrite. It's pretty much being deleted and replaced with something that vaguely resembles the original idea.

Amnesia. It's hard to imagine until you're actually having it. Think about it. Suddenly, you realize that the last year, or more, of your life is gone. Just brief flashes left. Oh, and random fears and a new(ish) physiology. Though the colorful ponies surrounding me do make me question my sanity.
Please let this just be a dream.

Dialogue that the person who is the subject of the reader's POV cannot understand will be in bold font, but will otherwise be unchanged from the standard dialogue format. However, much of the aforementioned dialogue will be glossed over without being stated.

Don't question it.

Chapters (1)

You're a random human on Earth trying to get some sleep, but these blasted ponies keep appearing in your room. You don't know where they come from, or how they got here, but they insist on sleeping with you in a non sexual manner.

Have you ever wanted to get cuddled by a pony? How about against your will? No? Yes? Either way you are getting cuddled whether you like it or not.

Warning: Adorable cuddling may or may not be suitable for younger readers.
Warning: I can't select all the ponies, but yes all ponies(and other species) are capable of cuddling you. No you're not safe.

Edited by: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/technicscratch

Chapters (5)