• Member Since 12th Aug, 2016


Crazy female Reploid who tours the multiverse on random.

Tracking 224 stories
  • Tracking 224 stories - 1096 unread chapters
    Created by Skortch
    - August, 2016



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A shipgirl in MLP

What we have here is a very annoying Plot bunny which never went away. All because the main character of Worm and a destroyer from WW2 share a name, then for some absurd reason my head says yeah! That’ll definitely work in my little pony. I can’t just let it be a standard destroyer though Worm has tinkers which could do cool things to the warship right? So what if there is little to no fighting in my little pony. I want a flying super destroyer which could probably blow up Malaysia.

“Sorry Taylor, the truth is. The game was rigged from the start. Gate!” Contessa shouts as a Gate open up just in front of Kelphri.

Taylor Hebert post GM

Chapters (50)

With the opening of the Equestrian embassy in Kansas City comes a new age of interspecies cooperation. Naturally, the first pony tourists want to explore the most exciting of all places in the US Midwest: Wamego Kansas on the Fourth of July

Editing assistance by Tek and Admiral Biscuit

Picture schleped together out of some public domain clip art and scribbles

Chapters (2)

When the time came, choices needed to be made.

Consequences be damned.

These are a series of short vignettes set in the Negotiationverse by Rated Ponystar. Windows into events briefly mentioned throughout the long journey of Equestria’s tumultuous time on planet Earth. From their encounter with the humans to the war that followed, bear witness to the choices made and the ripples that nearly destroyed Equestria.

You can read the original story here

Check out the Negotiation-Verse TvTropes page here.

(Featured 2/6/2021)

Chapters (33)

Sunny never expected to have an adventure, but that's exactly what recent days have thrown at her. And with that turbulent time now over, she and all the ponies she has come to know look ahead to a bright future of fun and friendship.

Will contain Spoilers for My Little Pony: A New Generation.

Chapters (9)

Eager for more answers about Equestria's ancient history, Sunny Starscout uses one of her dad's maps to venture into a long-untouched forest in search of the past.

Cover by HeavySplatter@deviantart.com

Newcomers, welcome! Confused on the order of this story series? Look no further!

Part 1 (You are here):

Part 2:
Forgotten: The Frozen North

From here the story divides into two separate versions, no spoilers aside from what can be gleamed from the titles.

Part 3a:
Forgotten: Sunrise
Forgotten: Mists of Bridlewood (Currently in progress)

Part 3b:
Forgotten: The Crystal Princess

Chapters (18)

Still reeling from her son's Fanging, Mavis discovers an old secret, and meets a group of monsters once banned from her family's Hotel Transylvania.

The Changeling Kingdom is about to get a monstrous new visitor.

Chapters (3)

The first Sonic Rainboom was a surprising, unexpected event. A moment of confusion, disruption....Chaos.

Discord finds an early escape from his statue, but in doing so, unknowingly drags with him six fillies from across Equestria. All of them having lost their memories, with nowhere to go and no one to turn to. Besides him.

Discord thus becomes the reluctant father figure to the six mares that will one day become Harmony's champions. Well, best enjoy the good times while they last.

Chapters (2)

Running from the remnants of the Empire, Din Djarin and the Child land on Equestria after blindly jumping into the Unknown Regions. The Mandalorian is ready to fight for his life and that of his adopted foundling if need be, but nothing could have prepared him for Equestria.

These ponies are odd, bright and naive and with abilities of their own, just like the Child. Perhaps...he was meant to be here.

In which the Mandalorian earns some much needed down time, the ponies learn of the wider galaxy, and everyone's horizons are a little bit expanded. This is a fic focused on character relationships, cultural interaction and exchange, and the struggles of fatherhood. With some badass action thrown in, because hey, he may be a dad, but he's still a Mando.

Chapters (2)

When two infants creatures appeared in her bed, Twilight Sparkle couldn't help but feel curious. And that moment, she later realized, was when her entire life would get quite hectic.

All around Equestria, strange events started to take place, a new kind of energy bathed the world overnight, and now odd creatures were popping all over the globe.
And little did Twilight know, that the two babies with her were an important piece of the new mystery.

Chapters (4)

A middle aged brony inexplicably replaces Chrysalis as a new changeling queen some decades before the fruition of a certain pony prophesy. Now the new queen must figure out how to manage a kingdom that has been in a slow, seemingly irreversible, decline for the past several thousand years.

Chapters (11)