• Member Since 12th Aug, 2016


Crazy female Reploid who tours the multiverse on random.

Tracking 224 stories
  • Tracking 224 stories - 1096 unread chapters
    Created by Skortch
    - August, 2016



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There's more than one way to lead, and more than one way to be an Element of Magic. An AU looking at the effects of a slightly different early life for two unicorns.

So yes. This resulted from wondering what Trixie would be like as an Element of Magic. Given the choice, I decided to make her and Twilight childhood friends because of the potential for their entire life to be a gigantic Bokke and Tsukkomi routine (a comedian/straight man routine).

I also think that Trixie would do well as a combat mage. After all, she's genuinely powerful (if not so powerful as Twilight) and more importantly she's very good at misleading and bedazzling others. In fact, this entire thing began with my writing the fight scene with Nightmare Moon.

Finally, the Discording she had is based in part off what happened to her in the Pony POV series.

Hope this at least gave you the odd laugh.

Chapters (3)

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

The Republic is dead, and from the ashes the evil Galactic Empire has risen, with the malevolent Emperor Palpatine at its throne. Across the galaxy, Lord Darth Vader hunts down the last of the Jedi, aided by the ruthlessy efficient Stormtroopers of the 501st Legion and the Star Destroyers of the dreaded Death Squadron.

The Conclave on Kessel has failed, and the Jedi have been slain. However, Darth Vader senses something deep within the abandoned mines...

Chapters (2)

With some changes on Star Swirl's time spell, Twilight accidentaly gets trapped in the past. But after saving two fillies and enlisting them to be her students in magic, they go on adventures together to survive the ruthless world they live in. With new friendship and foes, they discover what it truly means to be family by choice.

Now with the collaborative efforts of Angel Bunny, Fausticorn and soulwinds!
Art by awsdemlp.deviantart.com
People who I am in deep gratitude for offering help:
Cerulean Starlight
And FAN ART by 1110soulite!

Chapters (14)

Twilight Sparkle is a normal pony.

As normal as a pony can get as Princess Celestia's personal protogé, The Element of Magic and being the Savior of Equestria twice over that is.

She lives in Ponyville and is the librarian of Golden Oaks Library, she is the best of friends with five of the greatest mares in Equestria.

She is not some extremely powerful unicorn who has to closely monitor how much magic she has so as not to destroy anything by accident, she is not somepony who has infinite arcane knowledge at her disposal.

And she most certainly does not have Runes covering her entire body from horn to hoof.

This idea just randomly popped into my head when I saw the cover art, I have gotten permission to use it so YAY FOR ME~!
Tell me what you think of it! =^~^=

Chapters (2)

For Danielle Richards, the average day in Ponyville can be quite the adventure. So when an alternate-reality Trixie Lulamoon shows up, it's par for the course for her.

This is a crossover between the Lunaverse and what has become known as my Hasbroverse. It's for the April 2013 writing event, which is crossovers. I will try to make this as accessible as possible, but I'm not sure how possible that is. My apologies for that.

Chapters (1)

Have you ever heard of a mare named Faust? She's an Alicorn, just like the Princesses, but not a princess herself. Some say she's a queen, some say she's their mother. The truth, well... she's really overworked. And with her duty as The Equestrian Archivist she has a pretty demanding job. But what happens when this overworked alicorn decides that she wants to take a vacation in Ponyville? Furthermore, what'll happen when she skips out on her job to take that vacation?

(My first story! A different take on Fausticorn, I've seen her given a general persona that just doesn't seem like what I saw in the original art. So here's my idea of what she might be like. Tags will be added as the story continues.)

HOLY.... F-Featured on December 21 2014! Thanks guys! That is amazing!

Chapters (37)

It has been several months since the disappearance of Twilight Sparkle..

One night, after watching her sister raise the Moon and set the heavens alight, Princess Celestia begins to bed down for the night, only to be interrupted by portal forming in her room. From out of the portal comes none other than Twilight Sparkle, garbed in strange armor.

Princess Celestia, along with Luna, Cadence, and Shining Armor, are overjoyed by the Element of Magic's return, but are justifiably curious as to where she had been and what she had been doing. And so, Twilight begins her tale. A tale of survival against impossible odds. A tale of a people fighting for the most basic right of all sentient beings. The right to exist.

Chapters (9)

A parent would do anything for their children’s happiness and to keep them safe, even if it was painful for them. Queen Chrysalis knows this more than anyone when she had no other choice than to send her only daughter away, and it still hurts to this day. However, after almost two decades of separation, a royal wedding will bring them together at long last. But how will the young mare take this? Will she accept her heritage and return to her mother, or will she shun her? Only time will tell…

Mostly inspired by Change.

(Cover may have alicorn Twilight and not be anthro, but the image explains itself)

Chapters (3)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders have always thrown caution to the winds when Crusading. However, their latest endeavor has left one of their number in great pain with no obvious cause.
When Apple Bloom has her injury treated, she realizes that things in her life aren't what they seem. And when she learns the truth...
Some things are hard to deal with. But the love of a family can fix a lot of problems.

Edit: New cover art by Inkheart7 on DeviantArt.

Chapters (9)

Raven of the Teen Titans has long been a closet pegasister. She was introduced to Friendship is Magic by Beast Boy and Starfire and - although she is loathe to admit it - she enjoyed it. She especially identified with the character of Twilight Sparkle. What with Twilight's enjoyment of reading, talent in magic, and unexpected but life changing friendships, it felt like Raven's own life mirrored and sugarcoated onto a world of pastel colored ponies. Even Twilight's friends reminded Raven of her own to a certain extent.
When she wakes up one morning in Twilight Sparkle's body with no idea how this happened or how to fix it, she begins to think she identified with her a little too well.
Now trapped in the plot of the series from the beginning, she has to find away to fix this, find out what happened to the real Twilight, and at the same time save all of Equestria. At least she has some friends to help, right?


Crossover idea inspired by the fact that these two characters share the same voice actor, Tara Strong. Originally, it was just an idea I played with for fun, but I have a serious - and frightening - plot for it. Dark for later chapters.

Chapters (26)