• Member Since 8th Dec, 2015


Greetings all and welcome to my page. I tend to write stories of a darker nature though I enjoy reading a wide range of stories. I hope you find something of interest here, have a good day.

Lunar Princess 911 stories
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Hello, everyone. I am Discord. The Spirit of Chaos. The image of evil. And the friend of Equestria's greatest heroes. In celebration of my greatness, I bring you my memoirs that my mind magically wrote during four different points of my life.

Don't forget the popcorn.

Chapters (4)

Equestria, known for it's love and harmony, finds itself in a war against a dark alliance that knows no bounds. All hope seems lost when a pony loyal to Canterlot is corrupted and joins the alliance. Can Equestria survive this war or will it be shrouded in darkness and hatred forever. Warning: This story is not canon. For those who dislike non-canon stories, this one may not be for you.

Chapters (19)

Twilight never found time to read through the rather dated library in the Crystal Empire. During a trip out to the Empire, the alicorn decides to spend some time in the library. However, upon making the shocking realization that the Princess before Cadence has an almost exact likeness to herself. When trying to dig deeper, she is denied by Celestia. What exactly is she hiding?

I had this hiding in my docs for almost a year, completed. Dunno why it was never posted, so here we are.

Chapters (1)

Some people say that Celestia and Luna are useless. That they lounge in the castle while delegating all their responsibilities to hard working, underappreciated, exceptionally well-read students. That even when faced directly with threats to kingdom and country, they fold like cheap origami and wait to be rescued.

These people are correct. But there's a very good reason for it!

[Rated Teen due to a dark scene early on to set some backstory, and occasional comedic death]

Chapters (7)

It all started with a simple question: What if? What if Luna had ponies who noticed the beautiful nights she created. Would she have turned into Nightmare Moon? Would she and Celestia rule together for a thousand years? Would Twilight meet the rest of the bearers of the elements and become friends with them? Now, with the help of a new magic spell that she created, Twilight is going to find out!

Welcome to the Lunar Republic!

Featured 4/9/15

Chapters (73)

When Discord begins drafting all unicorns to serve in the military, young Celestia and Luna are given no choice but to flee their Unicornian home as refugees. But when Celestia discovers that they don't have enough money to pay both their ways to safety aboard the ship, she is forced to make a decision: return home and risk losing her sister to their cruel kingdom...

... or pay Luna's ticket and walk the desert pass alone.

Chapters (1)

Luna has many demons lingering in her mind after being brought back from Nightmare Moon. She can often control these demons, these monsters... But sometimes they get out.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Death of Tiamat

Over 10,000 Years Before Present: The Cosmic Concept of Fusion is fasicnated by a new species of mortal life she's discovered, and she shows off her new idea for exploring them to her two best friends, Gravity and Dissonance.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Friendly Fire

She has waited.

She has waited for years, and now the unlikely individual that captured her affection has returned, but not in the way she had expected. Now, she finds herself in love with a King. Surely, there will be something to separate them again, with his new position...

... won't there be?

(Despite the unfortunate post date, this is a genuine work)

Chapters (3)

Celestia and Luna have lived long and suffered greatly. Luna, still insecure in her newfound grace, is anxious to secure herself against any further suffering. She sees in Twilight Sparkle (and in many others) the roots of ten thousand tragedies. Celestia proposes a wager.

A very loose retelling of the Book of Job.

Chapters (8)