• Member Since 8th Dec, 2015


Greetings all and welcome to my page. I tend to write stories of a darker nature though I enjoy reading a wide range of stories. I hope you find something of interest here, have a good day.

Lunar Princess 912 stories
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Estimated Reading: 17 weeks



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Princess Celestia knows Princess Luna loves to play these popular 'video games', and so she bought her a computer for her birthday.
Celestia may come to regret that decision as she inadvertently follows her sister deep into the pitch black realm of memes.
Teen rating for language. May also be too dank for older viewers.

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna, Sunset Shimmer, and the Great and Powerful Trixie meet in a bar every Friday for drinks and to chat.

This is what they chat about.

An episodic story updated whenever I think of anything new. Will probably never be marked "Complete".

Rated Teen and Sex for risque conversations. No actual sex. Has a little Sunlight shipping; as usual, I cannot help it.

Cover image compiled using the super-cute vectors created by arifproject and used with permission. Go take a look at all his adorable art!

Many thanks to FanOfMostEverything for being kind enough to preread the first three five all the chapters for me!

Chapters (9)

Twilight wakes up from a nice dream. It will haunt her more than any nightmare ever could.

Chapters (2)

Princess Cadance tries to inquire into the meaning of life, and finds nopony better to confide her worries in than her fellow princess, Luna.

Set after 'The Crystal Empire' but before season four. With help from NorrisThePony! Cover art by MagnaLuna. Buy this story! Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (1)

Celestia is worried about her sister; Luna talks to herself constantly and refuses to go beyond the palace walls if she can help it. Thinking a kindred spirit will help, Celestia (with much additional persuasion from Fluttershy) asks Discord to spend an evening with Luna to get her to open up, even if just a little.

And much like anything involving Discord, almost none of it goes well.

Co-written by: Marcibel

Proofread by: Moldyshishkabob

Cover art by DuskyAmore

Chapters (1)

Everybody makes them.
Not all mistakes are equal.
Some are far less costly than others, and some can spell disaster.
When mistakes have such disastrous effects that you know it was not meant to be this way, you try to fix them.
When alicorns make mistakes, the fate of the entire world can change on a whim.
I am Princess Twilight Sparkle. I know where it went wrong.
I may not be able to undo my mistakes, but I can prevent them from happening to myself again.

Chapters (35)

This story is a sequel to Three Wishes: The Cutie Mark Crusaders Before They Changed The World

Twelve years after the Crusaders discovered their true nature, an ancient evil has returned. Celestia is hurt, magic is weakened, and Equestria is nearly lost. Now our heroes must find a way to fix things before time runs out, and the world falls to darkness forever. They'll join forces with friends they've made around the world, utilize amazing new breakthroughs in science and magic, and get help from some of the most unexpected of sources as they try to fix The Hole In The Sun.

Gracious prereading and editing help provided by: Dusk Watch, totallynotabrony, Mares Guyver, CMC4TW, SeaponyLover65, and Web Of Hope.

Chapters (14)

Wow, I can't believe I get to go to Equestria. This is great. Oh, My name is Eddie. But you can call me Razor. I'm an Argonian. What's an Argonian? Well, Argonians are bipedal lizard like creatures that can breath underwater and are immune to poison. I was sent here by Princess Luna to warn the ponies about Queen Chrysalis' return, not only that but I get to form an army for a war that is coming.

This story is set in The Chess Games of The Gods and this Non-Canon.

Note: I changed the tag to comedy because everyone needs a laugh every now and then as well as changing it to human because he's gonna mention humans and will have flashbacks about himself as a human.

I changed the tag from Crossover to Anthro because, Argonains are bipedal lizards.

Chapters (20)

Hup is a changeling that occasionally suffers the hiccups. Caught in the act of shapeshifting at a young age, Chrysalis mistook his involuntary shapeshift as natural talent. As problems pop up, one after the other, Hup's going to find out that infiltrating Equestria will be the least of his troubles.

One of a series of gifts to my followers, specifically:
Listener and RadicalThestral

Rated E for weirdness.

Chapters (8)

Princess Luna created me in order to make sure she never would forget the pain she caused Equestria.

But this? This is not the way to accomplish my directive.

If only I could let her know...

Featured in the Royal Canterlot Library
Russian Translation by Doof!

Chapters (3)