• Member Since 8th Dec, 2015


Greetings all and welcome to my page. I tend to write stories of a darker nature though I enjoy reading a wide range of stories. I hope you find something of interest here, have a good day.

Lunar Princess 912 stories
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After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

Currently rewriting first eight chapters and editing the rest of the story. Plot will be fundamentally the same, just the quality will significantly increase. There will be some story and character changes.

As of right now the story ramps in quality with some bumps due to edits.

Chapters (43)

Spoilers for Season 7, Episode 10: "A Royal Problem," and a certain new character called "Daybreaker". Tagged for Celestia since her body is technically in the story, lol. The first few paragraphs are in the form of a diary entry by Princess Luna, then it gets into the action after that. Thanks eternal to Stasy Solitude for the poignant and beautifully done artwork she gave me permission to use as the cover! The deviations from the regular MLP 'verse will be obvious with a good King Sombra having ruled the Crystal Empire and its bat ponies (yes, crystal bat ponies!) and yes, this is Lunbra, rejoice, ye fans of the pairing of night and shadows ;)

Chapters (1)

Contains spoilers for Season 7, Episode 10: "A Royal Problem," as it takes place the evening after the events in that episode. The episode itself serves largely as a framing device, however.

Long ago, Luna turned into a twisted, evil version of herself, and Celestia remained to watch over Equestria. Yet Celestia has wondered whether she too could turn into a "Nightmare"... and she's speculated about what she would become.

She has kept these thoughts to herself, but when Celestia and her sister witness the former’s evil counterpart, "Daybreaker," in a nightmare, Luna notes that Celestia does not seem too surprised at her own "dark" side...

The next evening, Luna asks Celestia for her thoughts on Daybreaker - and asks what exactly would turn Celestia into such a monster...

Proofread by SPark.

Chapters (1)

What happens when the entirety of Equestria, if not the fate of the whole world, relies on the shoulders of just 6 heroes and their companions? Did anyone dare to question what would happen to the future if those heroes can no longer bear the burden one day, and those believed vanquished rise again?

Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer & Spike have witnessed the outcome of such dependency; a future without the bearers of the elements. Chaos, darkness, conflict, fear, anguish, sorrow and ruin. And their only response to that was acceptance, rehabilitating Starlight Glimmer to be part of their ranks so perhaps she could make a crucial difference.

But there are many more events aside from time manipulation that can cause such dark times. The heroes triumphed over many fiends and challenges that brought everybody to the brink of doom. Even those they reformed narrowly managed to save their land from rule through fear and intimidation by the former changeling queen's hooves.

Ultimately, it does not change that time could be running out for them and this world at any minute. There might be no future in anything they believe to have accomplished while everyone else spectated powerlessly. False hope sown by narrow minds only reaps exasperation after all. But all inhabitants of this world deserve something else, something nobody could never achieve on their own.

A future of lasting harmony.

Chapters (7)

When Princess Luna became Nightmare Moon in a failed attempt to destroy her sister out of selfishness and jealousy, Celestia's heart was broken. A once pure golden heart became bitter and rotting in madness. Changing her title to queen and turning into a ruthless ruler of Equestria. While the culprit Luna got forced to give away her title and all her magical essence. Spending the rest of her life undergoing a variety of punishments by her sister's merciful yet cold heart, year after year, century after century.

Until one night, while being trapped on the royal castle. A selfless Luna works her way with some of the castle staff members to recover her powers and attempt to destroy her sister once more.

Edited by:
The Fan Without A Face

Cover Art by me

Chapters (1)

His day went horrible, now its getting worse

I post randomly

I'm a furry so the main character is indeed not a Pony.

Started 23rd Apr 2017

Chapters (3)

This story which I started and wrote while buzzed, is still a gift for ChappedPenguinLips

For just being plain cool.

Also this is for The Group NaPoWriMo 2017

So expect many chapters and a long run of madness with this thing.

No really.

My days are boring so I have to keep myself entertained.

The only way I know how, by playing pranks of course!

This is just me living out a normal day when bored.

Filled with donuts.

Mind Bucking Luna.


Over taxing the poor.

Mind Bucking Luna.

And passing on all my work to Twilight.

Yeah...just a normal day.

Cover Art By Mad Max.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Barr|iers

The stars did aid in her escape... now what? Celestia only wants to apologize to her sister for everything that happened so long ago, no matter how dangerous she seems, Celestia would know her little sister anywhere.

She's still Luna, isn't she?

A gift for NorrisThePony to celebrate 400 followers. A stand-alone sequel to the previous stories. Previous cover art by MagnaLuna. Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (3)

Sweetie Belle is stuck in a time loop and the princesses have convinced her to take them with her.

Chaos ensues.

Side story to A little loopy. Reading it is not required but it does help.
For searches: Sollace

Chapters (17)

When I became a necromancer in my very early life as a human, I thought of it as fun and entertaining! What with me having my own personal friends around me who I could talk to as long as I wanted. Things were like that most of my life, up until I died.

Yes, I died, but only because I was a very unlucky man at the time; after killing a dragon with an undead army, the earth got really shaken up which, sadly, caused my inevitable death.

However, I survived... with some consequences. How else would I be telling this story?

Afterwards I found a soul, and entered the body of the being. Little did I know that it was a pony in a city called Canterlot with thousands of different ponies there, but sadly this pony was in the dungeon. However, I'm sure I can convince the ruler of this nation that I'll be a great benefit to her nation! I'm always looking to help!



Chapters (2)