• Member Since 8th Dec, 2015


Greetings all and welcome to my page. I tend to write stories of a darker nature though I enjoy reading a wide range of stories. I hope you find something of interest here, have a good day.

Lunar Princess 911 stories
Found 808 stories in 84ms

Total Words: 43,500,021
Estimated Reading: 17 weeks



  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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They may be princesses, but Celestia and Luna are still sisters. Sisters that don't get along too well. And, like most older sisters, Celestia finds Luna to be extremely bothersome.

Luna loves her older sister and wants to be like her. But she can't, because Celestia doesn't feel like talking.

A collab with Sleepy Panda.

Featured 13/06/15 and 14/06/15

Now has a Reading done by Short Stories

Chapters (1)

Twilight asks Princess Luna about her recent harsh treatment of Starlight and Trixie.

Chapters (2)

After the Tantabus incident, Twilight asks Sunset Shimmer for a favor: to write to Princess Luna. Sunset and Luna share similar stories, and together they process everything they have been through.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sounds of Lunacy

Celestia's latest prank against her sister was a resounding success. But now Luna has sworn revenge, and she will stop at nothing to get back at Celestia. For her part, Celestia is confident that nothing Luna has planned can possibly get to her.

Well, except perhaps one thing.

Chapters (1)

After the unsuccessful attempt to destroy Alma, Sergeant Michael Becket get teleported to... Equestria. He wakes up in a world full of ponies, magic and weird creatures. After meeting the mane six and avoiding misunderstandings he finally make some new friends. But soon after the first day very terrible things are happening..

Hey guys, this is my first HiE, and my first fimfic ever. And maybe the first AiE (Alma in Equestria) ever on fimfiction.

The coverimage was made by Doubleleaf on deviantart.com

Editor: Lolsternater (First chapter only)

Chapters (13)

Millions of years in the future, Celestia and Luna watch over a dying world. Its surface is a cracked, barren wasteland, baked by a dying sun. The ocean is a caustic soup, choked with salt. Few creatures can survive this hellish future, and even their days are limited.

Yet, despite the desolation, there is some good news: Celestia's birthday is coming up, and Luna has a surprise for her...

Special thanks to Themaskedferret, BronyWriter, and Georg for proofreading and editing. Seriously, you guys rock!

Chapters (1)

Celestia accidentally educates her sister on the dangers of smoking phoenix ashes.

Rated Teen for recreational drug use and a fair amount of stupid.

Written for the March 2017 Writeoff. The prompts for this story were both this image and this image, which might help clear things up.

Chapters (1)

Snowfall Frost ignored the signs and cast her spell. Both she and the generations to come paid the deadly price. With Equestria plunged into a world of icy darkness, no alicorn princesses in sight, and no Elements of Harmony to bring warmth and hope to the ponies, they faded away. Yet, a small population escaped the death trap and formed a small town to the east of the Canterlot Ruins. Now, a small group of the escaped ponies has returned to set things right. With them are three would-be princesses and the ponies who, in another time, would have been the bearers of the fabled Elements of Harmony. Also with them is a very powerful unicorn, a direct descendant of Snowfall herself.

Chapters (2)

An accident in the lab sends our favorite boy genius to Equestria, as a pony. What will he do and how will he get back? The answer: Science! (Cover Art Updated!)
New FAQ! and TV Tropes!
Planned Phrases from Dexter:
“Pinkie Pie! Don’t push that Button!” /to Pinkie
“Please, Magic is the word simpletons and the ignorant use to describe what they cannot understand.”/ to Twilight
“No, I didn't strap a rocket to you. I strapped you to a rocket.” /to Rainbow Dash
“Friends? Who needs friends?”

Dexter is a boy super-genius with a disdain for anything girlish and no desire for friendship. After an mishap in his lab, he gets stuck in Equestria. How will he cope with the over-friendly ponies, and the girlish everything?
For any who do not know Dexter's Lab: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dexter's_Laboratory
[RIP Christine Cavanaugh: 8/16/63-12/22/2014] - Dexter's Original Voice Actress

Chapters (16)