• Member Since 10th Jun, 2013


I may not be a great writer,

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Button Mash receives a letter from Ponyville's city council demanding he immediately stop his attempt at creating a new, fun holiday. His mother will do her best to comfort her young, heartbroken son.

Chapters (1)

Everyone knows that at some point, they are going to die. Nobody, however, likes to think about it. When we do though, we tend to get a little depressed.

Spanish Translation by Yanik

Thanks to Time Paradox for help with editing.
Cover image from Mandydax.

Chapters (1)

Geo and Twilight Sparkle: Husband and wife. Father and mother. Prince and Princess.

They have been through so much in their time together, and their love has never been stronger. So what is the best gift they can get each other when it comes to Hearts and Hooves Day, especially when they both agree that having each other is good enough?

Twilight thinks she has the answer — a spell that will allow the couple to swap bodies for a day. After all, nothing says "I love you" like seeing the world from your partner's point of view.


Based on an idea left on my profile by Angels.

For the purposes of this fic, pretend that Equestria Girls never happened.

Chapters (1)

After a certain purple filly goes to bed without her dessert, Agent Twilight Sparkle is determined to get back what was stolen from her with the help of her assistant, Agent Spike. Join our heroes as they traverse the dangers of Canterlot Castle to take back what is theirs!

Chapters (1)

With her master plan getting closer and closer to fruition, Chrysalis feels the need to take some time to relax with her special rubber ducky. After all, every villain deserves a nice relaxing bath with their companion, right?

Collaborative project with:
Lord One Fish
Story is set before the wedding.

Chapters (1)

The Grand Galloping Rarela, the most prestigious event in all of Rarequestria, is about to commence. However, it wouldn't be complete without Rarity making her grand appearance, along with the other rare six. Will the Elements of Fabulosity be able to defeat their surprise antagonist? Read on to find out!

Story for Yipyapper's birthday because he's a cool dude and if you like this fic check him out and stuff. Did I mention he was cool?

Big thanks to my editors SirTruffles, FloydienSlip and Flint Sparks!

Cover art found here.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash isn’t a traditional mare. She didn’t care to learn how to bake cookies when she was little, or help her mother cook, and never wanted a doll to play with. She was a tomcolt from the moment she was born, acting more like a colt each day. While other little fillies played with their dolls and talked about secret crushes, she was challenging colts to races and beating them.

So when Big Mac moves in with her, how is she supposed to tell the farm pony who was used to home cooked meals that she didn’t know how to cook?

Thanks to,
jszellmer for the edits! I know you must hate me at times.

KarmaDash for always being there for story bouncing.

SketchinEtch for the cover art!

Chapters (1)

With Discord still on the long track towards reformation, he decides to poke a little fun on Canterlot and, more importantly, Celestia. His little spell goes out of control quickly, and Canterlot becomes swallowed in a heavy thunderstorm, which forces the princess to use many different counter-measures to ensure of the castle's safety.

A short comedy fic inspired by a short scene in another story of mine.
It is NOT a sequel-- neither story's plotlines are related to one another in the slightest.

Image for cover art by ZuTheSkunk

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has a double dilemma on her hooves. First, it is Rainbow's birthday soon and she doesn't have a present. Second, she really wants to have a relationship with the mare.

The plan?

A week long vacation, each day dedicated to the pegasus. Twilight has a plan of action laid out, and she is certain Rainbow will love it.

But what will become of the relationship between the two close friends?

(Not based at all on Journey to the Center of the Earth)

Accepted into Twilight's Library 12/8/13
Thanks to Bookish Delight for the proofreading and editing!
Submission into the 3rd Twidash Group Competition
Cover art by SharpieBoss can be found here

Chapters (8)

Twilight receives an urgent message from the Princess to meet her, but it comes with something she didn't expect... a bouquet of flowers. With nothing but the words "It's very important!", Twilight sets off for Canterlot.

Spanish Translation by SPANIARD KIWI: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/La-reina-y-la-pupila-1000351296

Chapters (1)