• Member Since 10th Jun, 2013


I may not be a great writer,

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When Celestia doesn't get her morning coffee, bad things usually tend to happen. Like making Derpy be the one in charge of the newly-installed Royal Suggestion Box. Can Luna get Celestia her coffee in time to rectify this grave error?

(This is what you get when I browse random websites, in this case the American Zoetrope site, and try to extrapolate story ideas from them. Obviously this can produce mixed results...)


Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is having a great time. She's just become a Wonderbolt, she's on R&R in Canterlot, drinking with her new comrades; in short, life is good. Then the alcohol sets in, and of course, a drunken dare is made.

A fun, simple little something that I made when I asked myself "who else could Vinyl be paired up with besides Octavia, and how?"

Sex tag is for highly sexual jokes and situations. Closest I've ever come to Mature, folks.

Chapters (1)

Spike and Flitter cross paths and talk about why Hearts and Hooves Day sucked.

Thanks to Follow Focus for helping this story suck less!

Chapters (1)

As a challenge from Spike, Twilight attempts to enjoy the wonderful sunny day inside researching while everypony else is playing. Her research eventually yields a rather interesting toy, and she decides to go find one and play. For researching purposes, of course.

What happens next however, wasn't anything like what she had expected.

Chapters (1)

Caramel and Big Macintosh have been best friends since they were colts. However, some ponies have other ideas about the extent of their relationship.

When Applejack and Rainbow Dash stumble upon the two stallions in an awkward situation, they find that their notions are... rather misplaced. Especially considering what the mares do together in their own private time.

A parody of shipping in general, including some tropes. Consider this a late April Fool's story! :rainbowlaugh:

Thanks to Sir Rustbucket, Loopy Legend, Fiend from the Darkness, and Holo for editing.

Rated Teen for some language. Sex tag is for sexual innuendo and humor.

And yes, the cover image is a Scrubs reference. Love that show. :heart:

Chapters (1)

Twilight was looking forward to a nice day alone. Away from princess, and friendship duties alike for at least one day. JUST ONE.

Thanks to one persistent stallion however, she isn't getting that day today.

Based off the Mad TV skit of the same name. Click here to see that.

Night Spark and I had a bet... that I lost. This is the result. I'm so ashamed.

Chapters (1)

Derpy wakes up and eats lots of muffins. Then something else happens, but I forget what it was.

Cover image by abydos91.

Chapters (1)

When Vinyl Scratch ends up getting sick before a gig, Octavia tries to fill in for her. Octavia knows how to work the equipment. How hard could it be?

Chapters (3)

Today is an extra-special day for Discord. One he's been looking forward to all year. Or rather all day, since he had just learned about it previously from Fluttershy. A day that's all about him, all about his needs, his greatness, and how truly awesome he is. A day to feed his ego like the gluttonous pig it is.

Why, it's Discord's birthday of course!

What, you thought it was another type of celebration day? Please, don't be a fool.

Super amazing awesome cover art can be found here!

Chapters (1)

While on a diplomatic trip to the Zebrican Isles, Cadance, Twilight, and Spike stumble across a hilariously embarrassing secret of Luna's.

Luna doesn't think it's nearly as funny as they do.

Chapters (1)