• Member Since 26th Nov, 2016


wanted to join a site where people are friendly. i'm medically diagnosed a suicidal, but i'm getting help. "Hello everypony, please be gentle with me."

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After you suddenly appeared in the Crystal Empire one day, Princess Cadance personally saw to it that you were taken care of as you adjusted to your new life. She's been a great friend to you, and thankful though you may be for everything she has done for you, you have a few hangups about the way the "Princess of Love" does things.

But unlike her subjects, you aren't afraid to voice these concerns.

Chapters (1)

It's been a while since you've had a proper day off. No work, no responsibilities, none of it. So, you're going to make the most of it by doing absolutely nothing. Your hammock is set up, your cooler is nice and full, and the shade underneath these Ponyville oak trees feels quite heavenly. Yup, it's going to be a good day.

Twilight, on the other hand, doesn't understand why you would want to do something so... mundane.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to With Every Story

Epilogue to the "Royal-Tea" series, though knowledge of the series is not necessary.

It feels like just yesterday that Celestia became your wife. In actuality, that happened not long after she abdicated the Equestrian throne, which was many years ago. Life has certainly been interesting.

And you've loved every minute.

Chapters (1)

Staying up until midnight to wait on a beautiful mare never felt so right.

On another beautiful winter night, lovingly crafted by her girlfriend, Twilight awaits her with bated breath and takes the time to appreciate Luna's work. Midnight was always her hour, and winter always her season.

She might pine for her home in Ponyville, but her heart belongs to the Princess of the Night.

Preread by Timaeus
Art by MagnaLuna

Chapters (1)

It's been a few years since you married the retired Celestia, and even longer since the biggest coincidence of all time caused your sudden appearance in the alien world of Equestria. You were told that there was no way home, and you eventually came to accept that. Since then, you've created a place for yourself in this fantastical society, and you couldn't be happier.

However, when you and your wife stumble upon the Return Scepter, an ancient artifact capable of teleporting its wielder to their home, you find yourselves in a world all-too-familiar to you. Humans are capable of great things and wield incredible technologies, but they can also be cruel. There is no telling how they might react to the alicorn princess's sudden appearance, and with no food, money, or transportation to work with, it's going to be difficult to do much of anything without drawing attention to yourselves. Now, you must travel across the country to your original home in order to return Celestia and yourself to the life you've left behind.

...But then again, didn't you leave this life behind, too?

Requested by AllBridge.

Chapters (8)

What should have been an ordinary day quickly became a frantic attempt to escape from Canterlot before Princess Luna gets caught by a group of strange assailants. Who are these ponies? Why do they want Luna specifically? And how did you get roped into this mess?!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Drill Sergeant Luna

Still lamenting her guards' quick and embarrassing loss against the now-reformed Changelings, Princess Cadance decided she should personally whip them into better fighting shape. Princess Luna electing to train Canterlot's guards herself was a change that worked wonders for them.

However, Shining Armor doubted if Cadance, possibly the kindest of the alicorn princesses, was emotionally capable of training her guards with the same degree of "tough love" that Princess Luna had with hers.

Fortunately, or unfortunately from the guards' point of view, Shining's worries proved to be wrong once Princess Cadance became Sergeant Cadance.

Enough will be explained to not require reading this story's predecessor first. However, check it out if you want to see the details of how Princess Luna's training of Canterlot's guards went and what led to it.

Chapters (4)

Principal Celestia had always looked up to Miss Harshwhinny. The stern, professional woman was the rock of the school. They were friends, even though they never met outside of work.

Until the day Harshwhinny invited her to dinner.

Written for the May Pairings Contest 2023!

Cover art by Kiose!

Chapters (1)

After a hard day's work at the post office, Derpy Hooves has a list of errands she needs to take care of. After all, she has to be ready for tonight!

...If only she could remember what it is she needs to be ready for!

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle has been trying to get comfortable in her new castle in Ponyville. It has all of the amenities she could ever want, including a massive library for her to indulge in, but it's still a big adjustment for a mare like her. On top of this, she is less than enthused when you point out that this massive library inside of a castle could inherently be considered a book fort.

Though it sounds to you like that's exactly what she needs right now.

Requested by Ladon.

Chapters (1)