• Member Since 26th Nov, 2016


wanted to join a site where people are friendly. i'm medically diagnosed a suicidal, but i'm getting help. "Hello everypony, please be gentle with me."

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  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

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Sunny and her friends need to find a new place to live, before they drive each other crazy. But first, Sunny has to admit that to herself...

In "Tell Your Tale", the Crystal Brighthouse sort of came out of nowhere. Here's one possible take on how it came to be.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to I’m Looking Out For You

After the events of “My Little Pony: Make Your Mark,” Zipp Storm decides that it is finally time to apologize to her sister Pipp Petals for accidentally embarrassing her in front of all of Zephyr Heights during the heist for the Pegasus Crystal all those months ago.

Unbeknownst to her, Pipp wants to apologize for something she did in the past as well….

Chapters (1)

Applejack and Fluttershy are going out on a date to celebrate the anniversary of them being a couple. This surprises Twilight Sparkle greatly. Not because she can't believe it's already been a year since such a clearly important event in the life of two of her best friends, but by the fact that she didn't even know they were dating to begin with. How could she have missed that? Surely her other friends will have the answer, right?

Chapters (1)

Sunny and Hitch- Hitched.

On the dock of a reformed Maretime Bay, Sunny proposes to an emotional Hitch.

He's become a better pony because of her, and wishes to express his gratitude back at the lighthouse.

(Plus some navigation of the law and love when it comes to taking your horse spouse's last name.)

Chinese translation can be found both on fimtale and bilibili translated by Aran214.

Chapters (1)

When somepony shows themselves to be bad, it is enough for many to simply categorise them as evil and move on. But not for Pipp. Pipp doesn't believe in evil. So when Sprout was locked up following his assault, it wasn't long before Pipp found herself sitting just a meter away from the demon, cold steel being the only separator. Sprout looked up through the rusty metal bars and stared at his visitor. His fur was matted, his expression bleak and his eyes were bloodshot, staring daggers right through Pipp's determined glare. Pipp blinked, and her eyes softened.

Chapters (1)

Inspired by the fanart A Nap
By artist Renciel

With magic restored and unicorns and pegasi welcomed to Maretime Bay, Hitch decides that he should hire some more deputies to help around the town. However, his choice is something rather different. With a mountain of paperwork on his desk, he decides to have some company while he works.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to MEGA Macintosh

The mighty Queen Chrysalis has failed to conquer Equestria so many times, so she decides it’s time to go back to basics; crush her enemies underhoof. And how will she do it? Literally. After swiping the spellbook from the forest she constructs a growth ray using the little bit of leftover magic residue in it and some of her own hive’s supply of love to power the ray. She fully intends to grow into an unstoppable titan and finally conquer the kingdom. But unfortunately, like all of Chrysalis’ plans. It’s going to go wrong. Though not in the way she intended. And who knows, there may be a lesson for the Queen to learn at the end of this.

Contains Macro/Micro

This is the final story in the Titanverse trilogy

Chapters (7)

Sunburst after having the responsability fo creating a new spell, travels to her mom's house for a weekend to calm down some stress due to his work, but he kept working on that spell and something went wrong... Sunburst transformed into a mare. After this, Sunburst asks Stellar Flare; now turned into a mare, to make one of her plans for Sunburst and she will try to make her triumph at Manehattan.

Story Suggested by the user: JBlaser

Chapters (7)

Spearpoint a down-on-his-luck stallion was a terrible royal guard who could barely perform his duties. However, he is given the opportunity to be on Celestia's cleaning staff as one of her maids. But...she secretly starts to turn other rude and lazy royal guards into maids as well. Spearpoint now known as Mop Head rises through the ranks to become the head maid of the transformed stallions and helps them get used to their new lives (and some start to enjoy being mares). But Mop Head has to also find a way to stop Celestia's madness...

All art used in the collage is made by Skitterpone

Demoted 1

Demoted 2

Demoted 3

Demoted 4

Demoted 5

Chapters (15)

Hi there! I’m Hitch Trailblazer. And this is the story of my life as only male student at Mareitime Academy, a prestigious all-girls’ private boarding school.

Inspired by Hitch being the only male character in the Mane 5. What could possibly go wrong? :pinkiecrazy:

Cover art from AnnDevil88, will remove upon request.

Chapters (4)