• Member Since 26th Nov, 2016


wanted to join a site where people are friendly. i'm medically diagnosed a suicidal, but i'm getting help. "Hello everypony, please be gentle with me."

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Princess Pipp is in the middle of her first ever hot tub stream when the unthinkable happens... Ponybook goes down, and takes the internet with it! Will she survive without the ability to go viral? Or will this spell doom for all of Zephyr Heights?

All aboard the bandwagon. Choo Choo!
Audio reading by StraightToThePointStudio here

Chapters (1)

Zipp learns a lesson in humility and friendship from the last pony she expects.

Takes place right after My Little Pony: Make Your Mark.

Contains a lot of character study of Pipp and Zipp, conversations about family and friendship, barista side character, a hint of shipping Pipp with another mare, and Zipp becoming a wingpony.
Want to write your own G5 fic for a contest with prizes? Check out this contest here!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Night Princess and the Graveyard Shift

Backed into a corner by her own political maneuvering, Princess Luna is forced to try and find a way to take a day off... from being a princess. The only problem is, being a princess is more something that you are than something that you do. And Luna was never all that good at taking time off from work to begin with.(1)

But with the aid of her sister, her secretary, and a hoofful of friends, she's got to try, for the good of the realm.

Join Princess Luna for a week of taking a day off, in the last story of the Night Princess And cycle!

(1) To those considering a joke about taking a thousand years off, shame.

Chapters (7)

In the ancient past, Faust was the strongest of all alicorns who gave birth to Celestia and Luna. All Faust wanted was to live in peace with her two daughters after their father passed away during the war against darkness that is just known by the name Void. Unfortunately, the void monsters were just slowed down and not banished from their realm.

High Alicorn Council "pleaded" for Faust to help them to banish these void monsters so they could live in peace. Faust had no chance other than to help them. Faust managed to banish these void creatures back to the abyss that spawned them, but with a price. All these years Celestia and Luna thought their mother had died like their father fighting to protect the world, but fate has seen to it that their mother gets to see her foals again.

Chapters (10)

For a very good reason, Anthro Princess Celestia always hosts the Grand Galloping Gala completely naked.

Twilight Sparkle has to explain this reason, to keep Rarity from fainting every five minutes.

Content Warning: If you can see this story, I left out all the titillating "Mature" rated content.

Chapters (1)

Hearth's Warming is coming up, and many a pony are making preparations for the seasons. Among them is Spike and Twilight. Twilight needs the dragon to head out to get a few last things for an upcoming celebration with friends. Unfortunately, in his search, he ends up bumping into a few strange plants.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Wedding Bell Blues (And Whites)

(While it is highly recommended that you read The Wonderbolt and The Dressmaker and its sequels in order to better understand the setting, this is a stand alone sequel. Therefore you don't have to read the previous installments to understand things. A tribute to Amy Keating Rogers, takes place prior to the end of Season 8.)

Rarity and Soarin have been married for a few months now, and so far their marriage has been uneventful despite Rarity's part-time teaching role at Twilight's school. It helps that Soarin has semi-retired from the Wonderbolts to help manage Carousel Boutique.

However, Rarity has been dwelling on a peculiar fact about her wedding. The fact that neither of Soarin's parents showed up or appeared to be invited. Before she has a chance to ask, though, she receives a visitor.

Said visitor is Soarin's mother, Amy. Soarin is overjoyed to have her, but Rarity is curious as to why Mrs. Rogers has come back to see her son after all this time. Mrs. Rogers will soon reveal her reasons, however.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Soarin and The Belles

(Note: It is highly recommended that you read The Wonderbolt and The Dressmaker through Soarin and The Belles first, in order to better understand things. Takes place during Season 8.)

The time has finally come, after a long time of dating and going steady, Soarin proposes to his marefriend, Rarity. And of course, she says "Yes".

But as the all important wedding draws near, things start to go wrong. The dresses aren't ready, the guest list is starting to reach the maximum safe capacity for Town Hall, and Soarin's having trouble staying focused. And to make matters worse, both Rarity and Soarin are getting pre-wedding jitters.

Will everything work out for the couple, and will they be able to exchange their vows and join their lives together?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Rarity The Wonderbolt

(Note: It is highly recommended that you read The Wonderbolt and The Dressmaker through Rarity The Wonderbolt first, in order to better understand things. Takes place after "Marks and Recreation", proofread by Smity1038 on DeviantArt.)

Rarity and Soarin have been together for quite a while now, over a year in fact. Their relationship is as strong as can be, and Rarity decides it's time to do something she's been putting off for a while now, officially introducing Soarin as her special somepony to her family.

Soarin doesn't see what the big deal is, he's a nice stallion and he's even technically met Rarity's little sister before. True, he's never met Rarity's parents before, but Rarity must have a good reason for not talking about them, right?

Will Soarin be able to help Rarity overcome her nerves before the Belle family get together? And more importantly, what will the Belles think of Soarin as Rarity's special somepony?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to I'm Sorry

(It's highly recommended that you read The Wonderbolt and The Dressmaker and I'm Sorry first, in order to better understand the setting. Takes place after "Newbie Dash".)

They always say ponies do crazy things when they're in love, but Soarin's about to discover that there's more truth to that saying than he first thought.

When the Wonderbolt Co-Captain falls ill shortly before a scheduled performance in Ponyville, Rarity gets the most unusual idea in her head. She'll take her colt friend's place in the show, using the same wing spell Twilight used on her for the Best Young Flyers Competition.

After all, Rainbow Dash makes it look so easy. Just how hard can it be to pull off a few tricks and entertain a crowd?

Chapters (1)