• Member Since 26th Nov, 2016


wanted to join a site where people are friendly. i'm medically diagnosed a suicidal, but i'm getting help. "Hello everypony, please be gentle with me."

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This story is a sequel to The Wonderbolt and The Dressmaker

(It is highly recommended that you read The Wonderbolt and The Dressmaker first. Takes place after "Rainbow Falls" but before "Three's A Crowd".)

Nopony ever said being in a relationship was easy. And both Rarity and Soarin know this better than anypony.

But, when Rarity realizes she never even bothered to visit her coltfriend when he was injured, she starts to wonder if she truly deserves Soarin's affection.

Luckly for her, she won't have to wait long to find out. Because Soarin is stopping by for a visit, and to Rarity's surprise he doesn't seem even the slightest bit upset. But for what reason?

Chapters (1)

Rarity suffers from panic attacks from time to time. They leave her exhausted and stressed, and she never deals with them the same way. Tonight... She goes for a walk.

Written as a Christmas fic for Silver Mint, featuring her OTP and a prompt for something romantic and slice of lifey. It went a little darker, but nothing at all too serious. Enjoy!

Content Warning for panic attacks and anxiety being a theme.

"Snow night!" by Em Hull Photography and is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Chapters (1)

It was just another day for Eric Reed as the "non-native bridge to pony society" for Twilight Sparkle's School of Friendship. He was the only non-pony in Equestria who had fully accustomed to pony life who also wasn't native to not just Equestria, but to that world completely. A view even Spike can't claim to have.

However, even Eric's unique take on ponies couldn't prepare him for how to respond when Gallus confided in him that he had formed a crush on one of the Mane 6. So, Eric did what he had a tendency to do during times he was rattled.

He ended up putting his foot in his mouth, and not literally.

This story is one of a series of stories that all take place after A Giant Adventure to Equestria. However, it is not necessary to read any of them to understand this story, but "A Giant Adventure to Equestria" does show how and why the human OC Eric Reed is in Equestria.

If you enjoy this story and would be interested in reading any of the other stories with Eric, you can find the list of all current ones here.

Chapters (1)

Soarin is a very manly stallion. They don't let just anypony become Co-Captain of The Wonderbolts.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't have fears. One of those is making his captain, Spitfire, angry. So it's only natural he'd panic when he rips his flight suit during training.

Taking the advice of a friend Soarin goes to Carousel Boutique to have his flight suit repaired. And when he does so he meets the Boutique's owner, Rarity.

Soon after his visit the Wonderbolt Co-Captain finds that his thoughts keep drifting back to the beautiful seamstress. And that can mean only one thing, he's in love.

But how's he suppose to prove his affections to Rarity? And more importantly, is he the "prince charming" Rarity's been looking for?

Chapters (1)

Spike invited Ember and Thorax to celebrate Heartswarming Eve, sadly Spike had no idea how hard it is for changelings and dragon to make such a long road through snow and ice.
Thankfully they find some shelter in a lonely cave and have the chance to work up some feelings. Little did they know, that they will learn more about love and share here in this cave, than during the celebration in the castle.

This Story is original made for Jinglemas 2017

Chapters (1)

The Legion of Doom has just been defeated and everypony thinks the three need a harsh punishment, save one. One pony wants to find out what caused Cozy Glow to go down the path she did before punishing her.

Link to cover art: https://www.deviantart.com/vectorvito/art/Starlight-Glimmer-and-Cozy-Glow-810380782

Chapters (1)

As Maretime Bay celebrates and Equestria enters the beginning of reunification, Queen Haven of Zephyr Heights wonders if she and her daughters are fugitives, or forgiven.

Chapters (5)

There's a special clinic for unwed mares who want to have a foal. Everypony knows it exists, even if nopony really wants to talk about it--or to be seen visiting it.

It's called the Family Planning Center, and today, Twilight Sparkle is going there for the very first time.

Update, 23 October 2013:
The "Planningverse" is now officially open, and as such, this story has been retagged "Incomplete", as myself and others will be expanding upon the basic concept here within the core story.

(Rated Teen + Sex for obvious reasons, but this story is not technically clop.)

Chapters (8)

It's been a month now since Smolder had told the others about her liking girly things such as tea parties. One day every week after their classes they all go to Smolders dorm to have their weekly tea party. On one of those days Gallus decides to stay after the tea party to help her clean up and notices her being a little off. When they finished cleaning and Gallus went to leave, Smolder ended up passing out, earning a concerned and worried feeling from Gallus who then decided to stay until he helped her figure out what was wrong. 

Chapters (3)

Sunset Shimmer reunites with an old school friend, who offers her an unusual role in the Crystal Empire. But then Sunset learns something unsettling about the last pony who held the job...

Chapters (1)