• Member Since 17th Jun, 2013


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Alexander is many things:
a skilled survivalist, good looking, and a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do, just to name a few. However, Alexander is not a brony by any stretch of the imagination. When he stumbles upon a door-like object and takes a trip to Equestria he's not in the best of moods....

Now my new head pre-reader in charge of reading anything I write days before you get it! Sethi

Special thanks to Smurzek for catching those little grammatical errors that always manage to slip through my fingers...

Author Note
Criticism and reviews are welcome!

Chapters (30)


Josh and Sam had been friends since school, they had stuck with each other through thick and thin and are now close room mates, always joking with each other yet being there when it really counts. However, when they enter the world of Equestria, they have to start off in a world they know nothing about, doing whatever they can to earn the money to repay the ones that help them while trying to live a peaceful life. One can only hope that their lives are peaceful.

(Hi guys, sorry about the description, I didn't really know how to describe the story. I really want to just say that they go through various crazy antics. If you like the genres then please give it a try before passing by it, I understand I haven't written the description well. Please don't leave bad comments because it's HiE or anthro, if you don't like that then don't read the story. Criticism are always welcomed. Minor sex stuff like jokes, references and leading up to clop but there won't actually be any, obviously seen in the fact there's no mature tag. Cover picture by juliefofisss)

Holy hell, this got featured :D

Chapters (24)

Sundial is not your average pony. Most would assume this is readily apparent, considering he is the adopted child of Princess Celestia herself. Though not many wonder why exactly Princess Celestia so suddenly decided to adopt a little colt. Nopony really wonders why the Prince rarely makes public appearances. Nopony in Canterlot Castle really questions the strange happenings centering around Sundial.

This is all because, for lack of a better word, Sundial is special. He can use telekinesis without magic, he can fly without wings, he has the strength of ten stallions, and perhaps most significantly... he can see how things work. Sundial is a colt gifted with many more extraordinary abilities. Most would say these are blessings, but when you have to spend the majority of your childhood in isolation so you can train yourself not to kill everypony in the room by sneezing, you begin to rethink such a thing. It most certainly doesn't help that he would prefer to keep his abilities a secret...

(Well, I've never written any fanfiction before in my life, so I decided to try my hand at it. I have yet to see a Heroes crossover on FiMFiction, so I figured 'why not?' Knowledge of the television show Heroes helps, but is not required.)

(EDIT: For the time being, this story is on haitus due to a busy life and general lack of inspiration. I'll come back to this at a later date, but don't hold your breath; you'll suffocate.)

Chapters (3)

Why does he cry? Because he doesn't know what he is.
Is he an Angel? Never knowing a god's kiss.

How long has he lived? Ask him if you wish.
Will he answer though? He's as fragile as a dish.

Will you love him? Give him what he craves.
Will you hate him? Throw him into the flames.

Opening themes: Hello - Pol Rossignani (Evanescence Cover) - Part 1

I'm Alive - Shinedown - Part 2

Emperor's New Clothes - Nathan Sharp Cover - Part 3

Chapters (12)

Hex Swirl, a traveling magician has an unfortunte accident in the Everfree forest. He wakes up in care of Applejack who takes a liking to the stallion. What secret is he keeping from the ponies? What will happen when a pony from his past returns? Join Hex and the others as they uncover a secret long hidden from the world and magic unlike any of them have ever seen.

This is part two of a series I'm working on. Part one is 'The Dreams We Share.' Read that to get more info on Dash's colt friend Storm Chaser.

Chapters (15)

A letter sits upon a table where it had not just a moment before. A golden glow lifts it as it unfurls in front of the reader.

Let us see here, how to begin?

Well, I suppose the best way to do so is with introductions. I am Prometheus and while I was, as one might say, tied up for quite some time I noticed your world. I have to say it's quite interesting, but unfortunately stagnant as well. So Miss Celestia I, being the patron of progress that I am, have sent someone your way. He is not a creature native to your world, a species I personally have a great deal of interest in, they're ambitious little scamps. I am bestowing a gift upon him as I send him, one he will in time learn to master. It is my hopes he brings progress to your world, but as the past has proven on many an occasion the best intentions can at times have the worst effects. We'll just have to see how it goes won't we.


Ha, not as smart as the bastard thinks he is. I managed to snag the paper from him. So "Miss Celestia" my name is Coal and apparently I'm supposed to stir up some dirt. I'll admit I know just as much as to what is going on as you do, but if he's the Prometheus I'm thinking of, things might be a little more complicated than he'd let us believe. Crap, he's coming back. Ummm... Why did I just waste time writing Ummm?

Winter is coming... I'm disappointed with myself if that's the best I can come up with.

Chapters (16)

After being tricked into using a forbidden spell to enter the void, Damon Lipton is turned into a Lich and thrown into Equestria by the God of Mischief. Dorian the Deranged. The God mistaking Damon for a follower of his.

Now stuck in Equestria, Damon finds himself thrown into a series of bizarre and epic adventures that will change his life, and those around him, for the better. And quite possibly for the worse.

Cover art is done by me.

Thanks to DVAN56, Berry Punch, Rainbowbob and Bocaj518

Chapters (33)

King Sombra’s dark influence was obliterated by the Crystal Heart, and the villain is well and truly dead. But when he attempts to steal the afterlife of an innocent victim, a human spirit is left hurtling towards Equestria, where this unfortunate soul is revived into the only vessel available: the reconstituted body of King Sombra himself.

Thus, a cheerfully oblivious alien is crammed into the form of the most evil and malicious being Equestria has ever known. Not that Shining Armor and Cadence know this, of course. As far as they are concerned, the King is back and he’s lost his fricking mind.

Click here for the TV Tropes page!

Chapters (4)

Scar the gnoll and the newly-formed pony squad arrive in the Griffon Kingdoms, eager to hunt the hated Izelim from their hiding places but unaware of what sinister plans lie hidden in the dark.

While the ponies and griffons focus on the present and what the future may bring, the gnoll finds himself faced with his own past as their journey takes them closer and closer to his old, forgotten home.

This is the second part of The Reader. Reading the first part is not necessary, but is highly recommended.

Chapters (9)

Two hundred years have passed since the discovery of the purveyor and the events set in motion by Celestia's endeavor to save her own world. Now, the purveyor has returned from the void and their world will change, for the better... or for the worse.

This is the sequel to The Watcher, it is advised to read it before reading this.

A big thanks to Lord Destrustor for editing. Go check out his work, his stories are definitely worth your attention!

Chapters (25)