• Member Since 22nd Jun, 2013

Commander Jenna Cipher

Name: Jenna. Gender: Female. Status: Completely Awesome, And Coco, Eh. Also, Canada And 'Murica Forever, Eh. Anything else you'd like to know, eh.

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One day, Twilight Sparkle walked into her library...

The rest? Well, you'll have to read to find out, right? That's how a story totally works! Hook in the reader and reel'em in! Are you hooked? Well you would be if you ready the first page already! - Ruby Rose.

A one-shot RWBY/My Little Pony crossover... For now... Maybe...

Chapters (1)

[First Person] [Alternating Perspectives] [Science Fantasy]
The Sea Series: Book One

Three humans, their RV, and their luggage are hurled many centuries into Earth's future, where Ponykind and magic rules the world. For most humans, being stranded in the distant future in a world where their species no longer exists would be a curse, but these three are the adventurous sort. Stranded as strangers in a strange land there is only one thing to do, explore!

Howeaver, a chance encounter with a changeling scout sweeps them into the sea of adventure as an ancient human built Artificial Intelligence begs them to help her create a stable civilization for the changelings who live within her hull.

Equestria: a new frontier. These are the voyages of the Winnebago Sagan. Its indefinite mission: to explore a strange new world, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before, and build some alien bug girls a nice home.

Across the Sea of Time is a work of Science Fiction, specifically the Science Fantasy genra, which combines tropes and elements from both science fiction and fantasy. You can expect to see magic and all things FiM (made a bit more Swords and Sorcery), and also crashed alien space craft, AIs, high technology, and themes meant to explore the human condition.

Across the Sea of Time is inspired by FiM, my old D&D games, the works of Isaac Asimov, Clive Cussler, and Douglass Addams. While there is a running joke and plot point involving Star Trek, you do not need any knowledge of Trek to enjoy Across the Sea of Time.

Proofread by the Amazing Timuri
Dedicated to NFire, Bringer of Good Fiction, Architect of Legacy.

Chapters (26)

Twilight is ecstatic, and can't wait to share her wonderful news with Celestia.

She just hopes that Celestia will share in her happiness.

Primary Cast: Princess Twilight, Princess Celestia

Preread by TheWraithWriter.
Edited by Level Dasher.

Chapters (1)

We all know the story of how Sunset Shimmer left Equestria and went to the human world. But what if that didn't happen? What if the mirror that Sunset took didn't lead to the Equestria Girls universe, but the world of Remnant? How would Sunset's life take a different turn? Well, just read and find out.

(Rewrite of the original Sunset Huntress)

(Crossover between this Story, The Beacon's Tempest, and Kamen Rider Arms)

(12/29/2016) This story got featured! Thank you all!

Chapters (14)

By some cosmic happenstance, a young woman is transported to Equestria, and finds herself in a precarious situation. She's taking it in stride so far. Maybe because finding herself in an alien world and in an alien body is not the worst thing that's ever happened to her.

Some wounds, especially those of the soul, can take a long time to mend. What healing arts can the ponies of Equestria offer a scarred young woman? What can she offer them in return?

Timeline-wise takes place starts off in the later parts of season 4 but before the season finale. It also mentions events from the EG-movies and the comics, but neither of which are required watching/reading in order to understand this story.

- Human-turned-into-pony-
- Who's kind of okay with being a pony-
- And becomes friends with the Mane 6.
- Being a pony is pretty awesome.
- Has both slice of life and adventure.
- Equestria Girls happened.
- Like the source material, it has adventures.
- And Celestia is not a jerk.

Cover art by the extraordinarily skilled viwsrasputr.
The piece in particular has been uploaded here: https://derpibooru.org/1478347
Really cool art by Cyanjames2819. Also found here.
Leave a comment if you so desire. Simple praise also appreciated.

Chapters (23)

I used to be a human, but then I pissed off a wizard. Now I'm stuck in "Ponyville", in a land called "Equestria", and with no apparent way back home. I'm also pretty sure that I've just replaced somepony. I'd rather not have to answer any tricky questions, so I'm better off trying to be this unicorn whose name has been forced onto me.

My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I'm not a pony.

[Rated Teen for extensive use of vulgar language and sexual references.]

[Cover art made by richhap on deviant art. Unamused Twilight, go figure.]

[Brybrythesciguy is working on a cool audiobook of this story right HERE. The characters' voices are even simulated with an AI! I definitely recommend giving it a listen!]

Chapters (50)

After being unceremoniously flung out of the atmosphere, Diamond Tiara finds herself on a bizarre and ridiculous journey through space and time.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Bang, Bang

Now that Aria has come forward with her secret passion, she and Sonata find out that Adagio has found a hobby of her own. Only problem, it's kind of illegal...

OK, really illegal. Maybe she should've picked up another hobby...

Chapters (1)

After a hard day at work, Rainbow needs to blow off some steam. What better way to do so than playing her favorite MMO.. right?

My first one-shot and comedy. Be kind, be cruel, be whatever your opinion says. Always looking for constructive criticism!

Cover art provided by IJAB. Go say hi! I demand it!

Chapters (1)

There once was a little filly named Diamond Tiara. This is the story of how she died.

...No, that's not quite right. For there was in fact another filly by the same name. Another Diamond Tiara, who lived. She was the second one. It's confusing, I know, but I promise it will all make sense in the end.

It all started on a perfectly ordinary day in Ponyville, when Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends were trying to stop an insane magic-powered golem from destroying the entire town.

This is the story of two little fillies named Diamond Tiara. The one who died, and the one who lived.

Takes place during season 4, shortly after Twilight Time.

Chapters (1)