• Member Since 22nd Jun, 2013

Commander Jenna Cipher

Name: Jenna. Gender: Female. Status: Completely Awesome, And Coco, Eh. Also, Canada And 'Murica Forever, Eh. Anything else you'd like to know, eh.

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Life was never suppose to be this complicated. Unfortunately for Twilight Sparkle, life has just become more complicated than she'd ever wanted. Especially when you're dealing with your new found status 2 weeks after your own coronation. The last thing she was expecting was finding herself now a human, or for that matter every other pony in Equestria. With no rhyme or reason on why it had happened to them, Twilight and her friends must now either find a way to undo what has already been done, or adapt.

A Note, I have begun this story from the beginning again, meaning I have, and am doing major edits, so if you haven't reread what I've changed, you might want to do that, this for those who have already read it thus far.

P.S 7/9/2015 holy crap... I can't believe this was featured... Thank you so much you guys! I am in awe.

Chapters (7)

Her death had been catastrophic. Deadened iron in her core, sapping her strength, then the incomprehensibly painful collapse into her own body. But that was in the past, and Cygnus X-1 had grown content with her life as a black hole.

But then, she fell to a strange planet in a stranger body. Not knowing how to eat, drink, or communicate, Cygnus X-1 would have met her end if it were not for meeting an organic who took mercy on her. But now that she had returned to life, Cygnus X-1 found her embers sparking, and within her new powers is the way for her to return...

... and if anyone tried to stop her from going home? She was going to kill them.

Chapters (6)

Of course Rainbow Dash would have saved Fluttershy if she knew her friend had fallen off that cloud during the pegasus race. But was doing the right thing the wrong thing? Has Rainbow Dash doomed all Equestria to eternal night by being herself?

Chapters (21)

The Rainbow of Harmony wasn't enough to defeat Azazel, a being from another dimension. Twilight and her friends sacrificed their lives to give the seal the power it needed, but Twilight was left behind. Distraught by the turn of fate, she locked herself in her tower, searching for any possible means of bringing her friends back from the dead. Celestia and Luna went seeking answers as well, in the hope that it could help Twilight.

After three hundred years, Twilight has read nearly every book in the archives to find the answers. A strange theory about souls gives her a chance to bring back her friends, but the spell goes wrong, and she wakes up in another body: a human's body. Scattered across the land, the spell does bring her friends back, but they're also in unfamiliar forms.

Equestria isn't the country that she or her friends remember. After three hundred years without any monarchy, it's nearly unrecognisable, but it's still their home, and they need to defend it. For there are still threats to ponykind from outside, and Azazel is not without aid from inside...
Liberties taken with canon: Equestria Girls never happened. Everything else up to Tirek is ancient history in-universe. I haven't seen Season 4, so any nods to that are (probably) coincidental.

If you click the 'source' button on the bottom right of the image, it'll bring you to the gallery that inspired this whole thing. However, I won't be using all of the ponies shown there, and I may change a few things or transform a few ponies that aren't in there.

In case anyone gets confused, here's all the copyright stuff:
Most of the characters belong to Hasbro, and these depictions belong (mainly) to Yatonokami. Cloud Skipper and Midnight Blossom (actually, most of the Royal Guards) belong to Equestria-Prevails. There may be other characters later who belong to other people, so I'm just going to say here that I own nothing except this story and maybe one or two OCs, such as Azazel.

Spoilers in the comments, just like everything else.
Unfortunately, I've decided this story was basically just not going anywhere, so I cancelled it. I am still planning to do something with the concept once I'm done with LAT, though.

Chapters (10)

...Welcome my friend... Welcome to Eternity...

Here, you have nothing to fear, nothing to hide from, nothing to be scared of...

Except... Eternity...

Chapters (1)

Tonight, I feel like destroying something beautiful.

Those were the last words spoken to me by my faithful student.

Chapters (1)

Lightning Dust gave her all when it came to attacking a treacherous Discord. It turns out that she was sent to Earth with a good number of other ponies. What will Mike do as he slowly turns into the Wonderbolt? What will he do with his family? His friends? His job? He has to make decisions that will affect everyone.

She's found compatriots, and family. She is dedicated to making sure they are safe. But that's not going to be easy.

A Five Score Divided by Four story

Many thanks to my collaborator Phenrys, and his story Dust on the Wind: Irony's Story

And I now have three pre-readers, helping me keep this story going, providing encouragement and constructive criticism. They are the immortal Phenrys, exsnaggerwes, and Kitsy-Chan. Thank you to all who comment and enjoy the story as much as I do!

And I made it into the feature box!!! On 3/17/15! YAY!!!

In case you didn't know, this story has a sequel. It's called the Epsilon Pegasus. I hope you enjoy the read!

Chapters (80)

This is written for the Most Dangerous Game fanfic competition. The prompt is for Past Sins by Pen Stroke.

"An old foe is reincarnated in the body of a young pony. What will the Mane Six do when they find out?"

Shortly after the defeat of Tirek, a new, young centaur is found in the Everfree Forest. Twilight and friends bring her to the castle. What is she? Is she Tirek? Is she different? How will their words and actions affect the young centaur?

I would like to say thank you for the comments so far, and as you can see, the story is undergoing an edit and rewrite phase, I've broken the chapters up, and I'm going to expand upon them.

I also need to make sure to give huge credit to my pre-readers/editors, the immortal Phenrys, and the incomparable exsnaggerwes. Thank you to both of you, this story wouldn't be nearly as good without your hard work!

The image is by TheShadowStone

Chapters (4)

A few days after the Nightmare Moon Incident, Spike awakens to find Twilight acting a little...odd. Or odder than usual anyway. All of a sudden she's being all motherly, sure of herself in ways she's never been before, and even more outgoing.

But…it’s kind of creepy how she just seems to know everypony’s name, or their habits, and even some stuff nopony else should know.

But she's still good old Twilight...right?

Featured 5/28/2014

Chapters (11)