• Member Since 22nd Jun, 2013

Commander Jenna Cipher

Name: Jenna. Gender: Female. Status: Completely Awesome, And Coco, Eh. Also, Canada And 'Murica Forever, Eh. Anything else you'd like to know, eh.

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After saving Equestria from complete disaster, the normal thing Twilight and the Doctor did was enter the TARDIS and set onto another adventure. But one glimpse of a golden glow changes the routine, the Doctor is dying and Twilight has to face the worst thing possible. Change.

(Just a short chapter to help keep my writing in check. I seem to have lost all thoughts on In a Life Uspoken and I apologize for that, but I cant fix it. Not yet anyway.)

P.S This story is based off of the Audio Drama "Doctor Whooves Adventures" This is NOT Canon to the original story based series.

Art by Ponyinabox Productions

Chapters (1)

Tony Stark had everything he wanted in his life. He had his company. He had a carefree life where he could simply enjoy himself and tinker with whatever came to mind...and he was a super hero to boot! He couldn't imagine ever being happier.

And then a rainbow-maned Pegasus foal dropped into his life, and turned it upside down.

Lucky for Tony Stark that the multiverse is much more imaginative than he is.

Part of the PWNY-verse.

Will freely mix several different Iron Man continuities based on what makes the story work best.

Chapters (24)

When Applejack asks Twilight to help investigate apples that have gone missing from Sweet Apple Acres, she uncovers an emaciated filly who then runs into Everfree. Giving chase, the Mane Six corner her, only to be dragged into a fight for their lives against the horrors from a certain village...

Meanwhile, in Canterlot, a very familiar statue begins to crack...

Replaces "Keep Calm and Flutter On". Not that I had any real problems with the episode...

...And now, several years later, I realize I made a bit of a plot hole. Since I make the same offer on my FanFiction.net account from time to time...a cyber No-Prize to whoever spots it and points it out first.

Chapters (1)

Trixie B. Lulamoon graduated from the Equestrian Officer Academy with top marks and takes command of the new NX-20 class starship, officially designated the Hydra. Her mission to explore new worlds, learn about the universe, discover new species, and report back to Equis Star Command.
As they travel across the universe, bonds of friendship will form. Loyalties between duty and friends will be tested.
Join Trixie and her crew as they travel to the great beyond and learn about loyalty, friendship, and discover what new adventures are around the next star cluster.
Star Trek crossover
Inspired by metroid_freak's Starring Trixie

Chapters (37)

Pinkie Pie has become sick and needs to rest for the day. However the forces that allow Pinkie to be, well Pinkie, need no rest and find another to be its host for the day. What will happen to Ponyville when the shy and quiet Fluttershy starts acting weird.

Big thanks to TheExhaustedBrony, and Timps for spotting my spelling errors XD. Also a thanks to Mr101, Berry Punch for pre-reading as well.

One-Shotober Story #9 10/14/2013

Chapters (1)

Cadance became an Alicorn after defeating a mighty foe with Love. Twilight became an Alicorn after completing a spell with Friendship. Rainbow Dash is the first pony to create a Rainboom.

What if, instead of just a cutie mark, Rainbow Dash truly was recognized that day across Equestria...or at least by one of it's rulers...for making the impossible happen? How would this affect her life?

To quote Rainbow Dash: “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on a second! I can’t be a princess!”

Rated T for language!

Chapters (14)

A terrible affliction has befallen the peaceful town of Ponyville, and the lavender unicorn and her friends are right in the middle of it! And the edges of it. Heck, it's pretty much lavender unicorns all over.

A story unrelated to anything.

Chapters (7)

Cover image by Neostar813

Set during Voyager episode 'The Gift'.

A Borg sphere is thrown across the Delta Quadrant to Equestria thanks to an unkown event that also shifts Voyager out of Borg space, and crash lands on the planet's surface.

Witnessing this, Twilight Sparkle finds the mysterious metal ball that fell from the sky in hopes of discovering a new species, but the Borg are more interested in her magic than being friends.

Star Trek Voyager and My Little Pony crossover

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Code Blue

The Dazzlings are forced to spend a whole night with Pinkie Pie and her crazy sisters.

Rainbow Dash has a run-in with the cops.

I suggest reading Code Blue before Pink because you will be lost :twilightblush:

Also, I regret nothing.

Chapters (2)

A new filly just came to town, and as expected, Pinkie Pie threw a party. But when her friends arrive, they begin to realize that something is very wrong. Something that Pinkie's friends wont let her go through alone.

Chapters (9)