• Member Since 22nd Jun, 2013

Commander Jenna Cipher

Name: Jenna. Gender: Female. Status: Completely Awesome, And Coco, Eh. Also, Canada And 'Murica Forever, Eh. Anything else you'd like to know, eh.

TARDIS Archives: Favourites 1218 stories
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Estimated Reading: 13 weeks



  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

The stresses of being Equestria's newest Princess are starting to catch up with poor Twilight Sparkle. Recently she's barely even gotten to spend time with her friends! It's just meeting after meeting with snobby nobles and arrogant diplomats.

She needs a vacation. A place to get away where nopony can bug her for a few days. And she knows just where to go, to visit her friends in the mirror world!

But how will she react when she arrives to meet... Twilight Sparkle? And she's kissing Rainbow Dash?! WHAT IN THE HAY IS GOING ON?!

My entry for the Twidash Group's Third Twidash Contest.

Picture for coverart by The-Butch-X

Chapters (4)

Not your typical Doctor Whooves fanfic. A series of events cause the TARDIS to blast into a dimension populated by (you guessed it) ponies and (of course) crashes. While waiting for the TARDIS to repair itself The Doctor runs across a certain brown stallion, whom he will discover is a reflection of himself in more ways than one.

But even after The Doctor was gone his mere presence created a ripple that would awaken an ancient being. Continued in the sequel http://www.fimfiction.net/story/15733/Doctor-Whooves-and-the-Sea-of-Dreams

Chapters (1)

With everyone away on royal business in Canterlot, Shining Armor is left with the seemingly easy task of taking care of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

He should have listened to Fluttershy.

Now, with the 3 fillies completely out of control on the first of seven nights, Shining must call up an old "acquaintance" to help him out.

Chapters (2)

When they hear about Pinkie Pie's special brownies, the Cutie Mark Crusaders plan to get their hooves on them. After all, why should only adults get to have 'special' things?

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie learns a new word that starts with 'F' and ends with 'K'. No, it's not firetruck.

How will she use this new word? Let's find out.

Chapters (1)

This is the story of a certain pink pony who's decided that she wants to have babies like the Cakes, and of the much-enduring pegasus who must explain to her why that might not exactly be plausible for them. Will either of them succeed in their mostly-noble endeavours? Probably not. Dedicated to device heretic, who gave me the idea. Please don't take this too seriously.

Featured on Equestria Daily, and quickly shaping up to be my lowest-rated story yet!

Chapters (1)

After an unfortunate incident involving Rainbow Dash and herbal tea, Fluttershy wakes up one morning to discover that she has turned into a rabbit! With her friends unaware of her plight, Fluttershy must turn to Angel bunny to guide her on her quest to restore her original form. In the process, she is given the oppurtunity to experience everyday life in Ponyville from a whole new perspective, and discovers that there is much more to her friends' pets than she ever expected.

Cover art here if you'd like to compliment the artist: http://mischieflily.deviantart.com/#/d4wfix3

Chapters (9)

More popular than the "Celestia's Homecare" omnibus, better selling than "Fifty-Three More Things to do When Trapped on the Moon", and more controversial than the infamous "Cupcakes", how does the story of this remarkable book differ in a universe full of... pony?

After escaping the destruction of Equestria at the hands of some big ol' meanies, Pinkie Pie leads her friends on a series of baffling, mind boggling and downright nonsensical adventures through a galaxy where harmony is in short supply, but aliens, monsters and chaos are most definitely not.

Gasp! As they meet strange alien creatures!
Cry! As emotional torment assails our characters!
Groan! As the Author includes yet another 4th wall break!

And most importantly, DON'T PANIC

Chapters (22)

This story is a sequel to Rocks Are Dumb

Apple Bloom thinks rocks are dumb.

Maud takes it upon herself to convince the filly otherwise.

Big thanks to Majin Syeekoh for begging me allowing me the chance to write this.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to How to be a Mother

Now happily married to Apple Bloom, Diamond Tiara must now work with her husband to raise Scootaloo into a proper mare. Sadly, she tends to spoil her daughter with lavish gifts (most of which resemble Rainbow Dash in some way) and delicious candies.

Set in the Mother-verse.

Chapters (4)