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During her Sophmore year, Sunset watched the mostly metaphorical explosions. She thought little of it, past saving the idea to be reused later. Junior year, her plans began, but last year's events might be enough to help her start.

Part of the Cornerverse-MLP Universe.
Rated Teen for swearing

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Lack Of A Reflection

After helping out her other self, Sunset returns to the home she once knew. She wants to fix things with the family and teacher she left behind. Of course, explaining what happened to them should be easy, right? Well, at least she can make some new friends on the way.

Part of the Cornerverse-MLP Universe.
Rated Teen for swearing and possible innuendo.

Chapters (4)

Vital statistics

Inspired by the Reflections arc of the comics.

After the Mirror Crisis, Equestria rebuilds. The Royal Pony Sisters, now a force for good, work to redeem themselves and earn the trust of their subjects, bringing law and order to the land. To help them, the The Four Virtues have pledged their aid. Flim and Flam, the Virtue of Fairness, Trixie, the alicorn that is the Virtue of Humility, Chrysalis, the Virtue of Love, and Derpy, the Virtue of Wisdom.

Serving the Virtues are two orders, the Guardians and the Rangers, ponies dedicated to restoring law and order to the land, hunting down and capturing The Malcontent Six, also known as the Erroneous Equines.

Garlic Van der Grease, a Preserver, the lowest rank of Guardian, and Fogwalker Fetlocks, a Scout, the lowest rank of Ranger, have been brought together to meet with Princess Celestia the Redeemed, to perform some task or another.

Little do they know that their task is to guard Princess Celestia's first ever faithful student, Sunrise Surprise as she goes off on a dangerous mission for her teacher.

Chapters (22)

Princess Twilight was a nervous wreck as Principal Celestia was announce the winner of the crown. Sunset, now desperate, is willing to do anything to stop Twilight. Even if it means using force. After Sunset takes the crown, this time she casts a mind-controlling spell on everyone— including the HuMane 6.

A slight twist from the original story. Enjoy! 😆

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Equestria’s Changeling Queen and the Abyssal Empress

Story requires reading Equestria's Changeling Queen and the Abyssal Empress first.

This is the life, times, and fall of Empress Samudra, predecessor to the Kelpie Empress Tethys, covering the decisions she makes from her perspective.

Chapters (172)

A single changeling is blamed for making Chrysalis' plan to take over Equestria fail. He's banished and thrown out of the hive, ending up somewhere far away.

Luckily, he ends up not too far from a certain well-known village, where he can feed to his heart's content.

Needless to say, not everything goes according to plan.


Now with a French version, courtesy of Wansdich, here.
Fanart! Check it out here. And even more here!
Now in ereader-friendly PDF version, by Starflower Hooves! You can view and download it here.
Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Ageless, or Celestia Plays Dice With the Universe

Twilight learned she was ageless a few weeks ago. She also started dating Celestia a few weeks ago. Life moves swiftly, even for the long-lasting and the long-suffering. There are a lot of things that Twilight will have to adjust to. Dating Celestia may be the easiest of those things to accept.

Editing/Pre-reading done by the ineffably gracious and generous TheMaskedFerret and oftentimes by the lovely, beautiful, and brilliant ScarletWeather, whom I love with all my heart.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Hello From The Other Side

Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, has had a lot on her plate recently. Even when she's not busy and even though she has Sunset to keep her company now, she still feels the need to get away from Equestria for awhile.

Twilight Sparkle, current student of Canterlot High, has been wanting for a long time to see Equestria for herself, to understand the origins of her powers.
Surely there must be a way for them to both get what they want. What's the worst that could happen?

Better yet, what's gonna happen between Luna and Rainbow Dash?

Something feels familiar about all this...

7/17/2017: It took awhile but this story finally got the feature it deserves.

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Shard: Flim and Flam's Traveling Sideshow Spectacular

Much to the surprise of Fluttershy, Twilight's brother Shining Armor shows up at their door. After a break-up with his marefriend, the unicorn stallion has decided to take some time off and visit his sister. While glad to see her brother, Twilight also wishes to spend some alone time with her marefriend, and help Shining get over his recent break-up. Fortunately, there are plenty of mares who would be interested in a lieutenant in the royal guard, and Twilight has some friends that are more than willing to help out.

Rated Teen for flirtatiousness.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Shard: Harmony in the Clouds

Flim and Flam's Traveling Sideshow Spectacular! A collection of strange and unusual creatures from the furthest reaches of the continent taken on the road for ponies all over Equestria to see. They are always looking for new exhibits to bring in the bits. Some of what you see can be quite surprising, especially when one of the displays looks familiar.

(a story set in the Shard-verse.)

Chapters (11)