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This story is a sequel to Shard: The Dark King Returns

After the events following the return of King Sombra, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, and filly Luna are now moving to Ponyville. Meanwhile, the others have to get used to new responsibilities. It causes more changes for some than others.
(Second story for the Shard-verse)

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Rainbow Unicorn: Friendship is Magic

Rainbow Burst (a unicorn version of Rainbow Dash and student of Princess Celestia) get two tickets to The Grand Galloping Gala. Except she doesn't want to go because she finds the whole thing boring. Maybe it won't be so bad if she has a friend with her. Turns out that they all want to go. What is she to do?

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Rainbow Unicorn: The Ticket Matter

Shining Armor has been assigned to guard Princess Luna, as well as be her confidante and some times tutor of what has changed since her banishment. When one morning, Luna seems more upset than usual, Shining Armor tries to get her to tell him what the matter is.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Shard: Settling In

When a strange stone is found at the Cloudsdale weather factory, the heroes travel there to see if it is one of The Elements of Harmony. Unfortunately, there is a pony who is not to happy with one of them, a fact that King Sombra is more than willing to take advantage of.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Friendship is Shining: The Ticket Disaster

The season one finale of the Friendship is Shining series. The day of the Grand Galloping Gala has arrived at last. Shining Armor and his friends are all very excited to be going. Unfortunately things end up not going the way any of them expected. How bad are things going to get, and how much of Canterlot is going to remain when all is said and done?

Meanwhile, back in Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle is sleeping over at the Cakes. How much trouble could two unicorn fillies and a pegasus colt cause at a bakery?

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Friendship is Shining: Clash of The Iron Mares

Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle's parents -- Nightlight and Twilight Velvet -- are back from their second honeymoon. They also have two announcements to share with their family. One of them will be thrilling and exciting.

The other...

Chapters (9)

Shining Armor gets a letter from Princess Celestia, asking him to Canterlot. There, he learns that Discord -- a creature that is the living embodiment of chaos -- has returned after a thousand years. Now he and his friends must use The Elements of Harmony to stop Discord from turning Equestria upside down (possibly in a very literal sense).

There's only one major problem: The Elements are missing.

Start of Season 2 of "Friendship is Shining."

Chapters (27)

This story is a sequel to Friendship is Shining: Discord Days

In the aftermath of Discord's attack on Ponyville, things slowly return to normal. However, there are some things that never seem to change: such as the competitive nature between Applejack and Rainbow Dash. The two friends and rivals come to Shining Armor with a request to help decide which of them is the better athlete. Will the two come to a peaceful -- if disappointing -- answer, or will the rest of Ponyville get caught up in the event?

Meanwhile, new faces are showing up in town, and Twilight Sparkle is put in a situation that could be uncomfortable for her when she finds herself trying to help a rather boastful filly.

Chapters (15)

A sleeping Rarity mysteriously appears in her friends' beds, and nopony knows how or why. Her friends are determined to discover the truth behind Rarity's night-time snuggling spree.

Chapters (15)

Cutie Marks, The Elements of Harmony, the Crystal Heart, alicorns, the rise of Nightmare Moon, the fall of the Crystal Empire-

These are seemingly unrelated events are believed to act separately from one another... But they aren't. Starswirl, the greatest magic-user of all of equine history, was on the verge of something big. After his disappearance, Equestria bore wittness to Starswirl's Laws of Magic. They were never questioned, for they were proven true.

No one questioned why Luna was banished to the moon by the Elements of Harmony only to be released from her Nightmare by those same Elements. No one questioned why the Crystal Heart was fueled by the citizens of the Crystal Empire. No one questions how one alicorn can raise both the sun and the moon, but fall to the power of a changeling's magic. All believe these laws to be concrete despite all the inconsistencies.

But when a tyrant hints at knowing more about the laws and magical theory, will this blasphemy be added to his list crimes, or will they listen to his warning of the future?

Image made with images from the following. Credit goes to the owners:
MLP Wikia
blingingjak @ deviantart

Chapters (4)