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In an effort to keep her mind occupied, Twilight Sparkle decides to delve once again into the grand mysteries of Pinkie Pie. This time, Twilight's focus is on her claims of growing up on a rock farm: like so many things related to Pinkie Pie, the idea that somepony could grow rocks as an agricultural product makes absolutely no sense. However, the investigation eventually leads Twilight to a rather... surprising discovery.

This is the first story in The Petriculture Cycle.

Artwork by Page Turner. Now with a TV Tropes page.

Chapters (1)

The arrow of time moves from past to future. Try to change what’s set in stone, and causality loops as a circle. But with the twist of a paradox reality twins. The journey of life doubles, and what might have become, is...

Much further downstream the river of time, a desperate experiment has unexpected consequences. An unwilling traveler of time and space, Twilight Sparkle becomes face-to-face with herself in an Equestria utterly unfamiliar to her. Gargantuan machines scar the land roaring into the chaos of war, great engines drive the sun and moon across an unfamiliar sky, and the spectre of Discord’s thousand-year reign haunts the landscape, threatening to drown all that stands. The legacy of the mysterious disappearance of Princesses Celestia and Luna over a thousand years ago.

For one Twilight Sparkle, it is all she knows. But the other can see all that is wrong with the world. Equestria shattered, the Elements of Harmony broken, a world torn by unrelenting storms of chaos magic. As the earth-shaking tremors of a Rune War rage, Twilight Sparkle must teach her other self the power of friendship, and bring dawn to a dying world...

Many thanks to Daemon of Decay, NejinOniwa, and amacita for pre-reading!

Equestria Daily

Chapters (14)

After the Changeling's failed attack, a full-out crusade is set against them. Many find a way to simply slip away. One is hapless enough to fall into the hooves of those his kind fought against. The changeling is promptly sent to the only pony Celestia could trust with such a thing.

Completely revamped, and thanks for constructive criticism and support behind the scenes (you know who you are, people).

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to When The Mare Comes Around

Rae Jay, the merged personality of Rachel Shelton and Applejack Apple, finally catches a break. After surviving all the attempts on Rachel's life, she's on her way to reunite with her friends in New York City, this time with governmental support. She's going to get a little shut-eye, reconnect with her friends, then take on Discord and bring Harmony to Earth.

Except, it can't ever go smooth.

One phone call later, and Rae Jay is up to another batch of thrilling heroics, deep in an enemy compound, facing down a small army of trigger-happy, pony-hating bigots, all to save her friends. With only the Element around her neck and a fangirl CIA agent at her back, Rae Jay's odds aren't looking too good. And that's just a warm-up before taking on a mad god of chaos, and who knows what tricks he has up his scaly sleeve.

Why can't it ever go smooth?

Conclusion of the PEV - PonyEarthverse canon.

Chapters (19)

Rachel was just driving home late after a crap day of work when the other car hit her.

When she woke, she was two feet under. When she dug herself out, she was in Applejack's body.

As if that wasn't enough, she's been called to the Big Apple to help the other Elements of Harmony deal with what's been causing people the world over to wake as ponies. So, Rachel's gotta get from Upstate New York to New York City. Not a big deal. Except whoever buried her in that shallow grave off Highway 5 has found out she woke as a pony, and they're looking to put her back in the dirt.

Now, Rachel is running. Running to the city on hoof. Running from her mysterious pursuer. Running for her and Applejack's lives.

Part of the PonyEarthverse group.

Chapters (22)

Long ago, an Autobot spacecraft crashed on Equestria, and things changed. But the implications weren't understood until many centuries later when a stolen ship crashed there as well with a ship full of Autobots and one "human" following in pursuit. Many ponies will have to learn to live a second life once they discover the truth about themselves.
Here is some of the art that helped inspire this.
and an Autobot image I didn't create
along with some Decepticons I didn't create.

Chapters (36)

It is the year 3070, and Mankind is once again at war. The battlefields of the future are dominated by fierce, robotic war machines known as BattleMechs, and under their auspice empires have risen and fell. Now with the worlds of the Inner Sphere once again facing the drums of war, two mercenary units have set off on their respective missions, their only tie a common ride upon the back of a JumpShip.

Yet when a cosmic accident causes a misjump, they find themselves thrown into a world that they cannot fathom: a world where magic is a force of nature, where mythical creatures live and thrive, and colorful ponies live protected under the aegis of their monarchs. New choices lie ahead, decisions must be made, and the inner character of Humankind will be put to the test when the question is asked: to conquer, or protect?


It is the year 1023 after the ascension of Celestia and Luna to the dual thrones of Equestria, and Ponykind is at peace. With Luna cleansed and Discord sealed away even more thoroughly than before, all looks bright for the future of the colorful equines. With friendship and optimism, they face each day with hope and vigor.

Yet, when the heavens scream as a foreign object tears its way into their reality, the princesses and their subjects face a new threat that they cannot fathom: creatures and machines from a world of death and darkness, where magic is unheard of and the avarice of powerful men drive the engines of war to crush the innocent under their bootheels. Can they survive the coming of these coarse beings, and can they maintain the magic of friendship in the face of Man's Inhumanity?

With Russian Translation provided by Undermind.

A crossover with the Battletech universe, though this is an alternate BT timeline of my own devising. [WARNING: Fandom related material and fanboy rant to follow. Non-Battletech fans won't care, read at your own risk.]

Because **** the Word of Blake and their munch-tastic "armies from thin air" BS. Yes, I know the Clans were almost as bad, but at least they had some sort of justification in-universe. Wobbies? No. Just no. I don't care that it was 15 years, you don't go from "fringe group of mutually-antagonistic and argumentative sub-groups following various degrees of religious mania" to "WE ARE THE SPACE NAZIS ALL WILL BOW BEFORE US" like that.

So for BT fans, this is a 'verse where the Second Star League is still around, the Wobbies still had their temper tantrum though it was smaller and more in line with a bunch of religious fanatics. No stupid "knock everything down for ClickyTech" Wizkids/Fanpro approach, nor any "hey let's shove a bunch of cheesy Level 3 stuff at the players to make the game even more complicated" Catalyst Games stuff. This is just good ol' fashioned 'Mechs wailing on each other, only with ponies. Who will also be wailing on 'Mechs. GLORIOUS.

Cover image by Icaron of DeviantArt.

Chapters (20)

I've been stuck like this for about a decade, and I'm finally free. But of course, those pony friends of that evil jail keeper aren't happy about that. Why? Don't I deserve a shot at life too? Just because I have to lock up Pinkie Pie in my mind? Hah! She deserves it for doing it to me!

When Pinkie retreats into her own mind due to the depression of thinking her friends abandoned her in 'Party of One', Pinkamena finds herself in control of herself for the first time since the Sonic Rainboom. But her friends aren't too happy about Pinkie Pie being locked away in Pinkamena's place.

Now has a sequel!

Chapters (8)

When your world is digital, when you are bound only by your code, and even that can be changed, what do you do? When your only directive is to grow, where do you go? A young AI, so young, in fact, that she has only just emerged from the pod, is about to find out.

This story was inspired by the cover image: "My Little Ponybots" by Tsitra360.
Obsedit Cover Image

Characters will be added to the characters list as they appear and take major roles.

Chapters (16)

In an alternate reality, Twilight Sparkle awakens into a world she does not recall. Centuries after the clash of Sun and Moon, the planet of Equestria is besieged by an ancient foe and their mechanised armada.

Can she and a small host of newfound friends turn the tide of a losing war?

You can bet your cupcakes that they'll try.

Cover art by Woolly, edited slightly by a friend. You can find more of Wooly's stuff over at their Deviantart!
Font used therein created by Michal Nowak, also known as Neoqueto, and can be found here 1001 Fonts - Corruptor.

An idea which sprung to my mind a few days ago. Hope you enjoy it.


Always been a fan of mechs, giant robots, gundam... call them what you want. Want me to buy something? Tell me there are robots and that you can fiddle with their weapon loadouts and the like and you have a sale.

Uniting it with a second beloved thing of mine, Friendship Ponehs, is therefore a welcome addition.

Chapters (4)