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Once upon a time there was a very lazy dragon who did not want to find a town to pillage.

So he decided to make one of his own.

Editors: Mitch H, Dlafrferg
Jake the Army Guy has done an amazing reading of this on YouTube
Excellent cover picture credit: Harwick on Fimfiction or Harwicks-art on Deviantart.com
Also, the Audio Project has done a reading of this and other stories on YouTube

Chapters (1)

Christmas time has come, but some people aren't really in the spirit. While Sunset Shimmer tries to enjoy sleepovers with her friends, a blogger under the name 'Anon-A-Miss' has begun posting secrets.
Unfortunately for her, they have a Secret Weapon. After all, isn't Miscommunication the real evil?

I know everyone and their cat has rewritten Anon-A-Miss, but I wanted to do a version that was, well, different than most. And how it would fit in with other stories I've made.

Part of the Rewritten Project
Part of the Cornerverse-MLP Universe
Rated Teen for swearing.

Oh my stars! Featured the day it went up!

Chapters (1)

The first day of school always sucks. It's particularly sucky when you're normally nocturnal.

Now an expanding anthology of one-shots due to popular demand for MOAR!

Featured on Fimfic: 10/1/2017
Featured on Equestria Daily
Now with several chapters in audio: link!
Now with commisioned music: link!

Cover Art Source

Dreams of Ponies
Level Dasher

Submission for the Bat Ponies and Thestrals 2017 Competition

Chapters (23)

Ruling an up-and-coming empire is largely an unpleasant task: there are disputes to be resolved, budgets to be balanced, infrastructure to maintain and policies to enact - and made sure they're followed through on. This isn't helped by the fact that, as a dragon, Princess Ember is supposed to perform these duties without complaint, clemency or compromise. It was thankless for her father and thankless for her, especially when they were supposed to perform duties above and beyond their normal tasks.

Ember really doesn't want to have to personally execute a traitor. But that's part of her job, part of what she's expected to do, part of how she's expected to show strength of character.

He. Must. Pay.

All of my thanks to Flashgen and Regidar for pre-reading the story.

Picture was created by bassybird, and will be deleted upon request.

Chapters (1)

Imprisoned in the tunnels beneath Canterlot, she withers away in hunger and despair. In the castle above, curiosity leads him to a door that he is forbidden to open. When they finally meet, it is just the opportunity she has waited for. Mislead by a child's trusting innocence, Spike unknowingly stumbles into the clutches of Equestria's greatest foe. And once you embrace the darkness, the darkness never lets you go...

Cover image by ss2sonic

Chapters (3)

Sometimes, when I look at fanart... things happen.
This was one of them.
I'm sorry.

Shining Armor has everything - the wife, the house, the life. So when he rolls over to find the creature that crashed his wedding and nearly wrecked his chance at happiness snuggled oh-so-sweetly at his side, with his darling Cadance at his other, it's all he can do to keep it together and try to assemble the missing pieces.

Chapters (1)

Queen Chrysalis and King Metamorphosis are two ruling changelings from two separate Hives, each one having a certain enmity toward one another due to events in their past. When they separately learn of the wedding between Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, they plan to ruin it by taking the places of the ponies to be wed. However, they are completely unaware of each other's involvement or intent.

With both putting on a deceptive act toward one another, what happens when the deceivers are unknowingly deceived themselves? And can Shining and Cadance, each believing they must save one another from a fake, be reunited, or will they fall prey to the entrapment of the changelings?

An alternate storyline to A Canterlot Wedding.

Dedicated to Victor Frost, for without his Colt Version of "This Day Aria", I might never have come up with this.

Chapters (7)

Away from the glory of Canterlot, a changeling meets a pony.
Cover image from and inspired by the comic 'Heart Nom' by merrypaws.

Chapters (1)

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but what if all who behold you see naught but a monster? Given the chance, can this view change? Sometimes, it just takes one person to reach out...and help.

This story is rated T for violence, use of alcohol, and suggestive sexual references and situations.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters directly associated with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, nor the original story.

Cover art used with full permission from mysticalpha

As I'm sure you can tell by the dates of submission, this story was started quite some time ago. Instead of completely ignoring things that have happened since season 3 on, this will be an alternate reality that branched from shortly before Twilight began the path to become an alicorn.

Chapters (9)

A changeling who has lived at the side of an Equestrian mare for most of his life finds himself in the middle of the changeling invasion of Canterlot. He has no idea who the invading queen or hive are, and just wants to stay where he is, and more importantly, who he is.

The spell that ends the invasion doesn't discriminate, though. With his old pony form irreversibly stripped away, and the whole kingdom out to hunt his kind, he tries to keep his family together, and struggles to find his place in the world.

Please comment! Even now, I'd love to hear what people think as they read through :pinkiehappy:

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Czech version:
Flitter on Google Docs translated by Draim (published at bronies.cz)

Russian version:
Флиттер on ponyfiction.org translated by repitter.
Audio book on YouTube by Diogenus.

Spanish version:
Flitter on DeviantArt, translated by SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (12)