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When the portal opens between Equestria and the human world, Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer are reunited, only for Twilight to find out something about her she did not know: Sunset is older than Twilight thought.

Much older.

Featured 9/3/2017

Chapters (1)

The stories of Sunset Shimmer and Nightmare Moon have a lot in common. Sunset and Luna, though, have never even heard of each other. Luna's past is behind her, but Sunset still has one last apology to make. Will she find the courage to face the one she wronged? Or will she just keep hitting on Luna?

My entry for the Sunset Shipping Contest
Cover by the inimitable Rawrienstein
Special thanks to Gara and Arkadarp for proofreading!

Chapters (1)

When Starlight Glimmer feels left out as everypony else spends time with their little sisters, she seeks someone of her own to bond with: Diamond Tiara. And apparently, they share a lot more in common than either of them had ever realized.

My tags: Uplifting Heartwarming

Comedy tag is for light comedy, as it is not the main focus.

Vectors: Starlight , Diamond Tiara

Chapters (1)

After months of pleasant dating, it's time for the inevitable meeting of the family. For Sugar Belle, it should be easy as cake. She's already met three of the Apple Family members, after all. She only has one more to win over.

It's more complicated than that, she finds.

Spoilers for The Perfect Pear.

Thank you to Scathecraw for editing.

Chapters (2)

When King Thorax released his reformed changelings into Equestria, Mister Lonely Heart set up shop in Ponyville as a "Grievance Counselor". He mimics ponies that his clients have ugly history with. Twilight Sparkle asks him to do a special job that reveals how deeply troubled her personal life really is.

Featured on 6/15/17! First time ever! Yowzah!🎃
TheDizzyDan did a great Youtube reading!IN THIS LINK!

Chapters (1)

"Is corruption inevitable?"

When Twilight poses this question, Luna has an instant response, but Celestia stays quiet.

The princesses discuss this over tea.

Chapters (2)

They're gone... and they're never coming back.

It was a spontaneous decision, one that I regret every waking moment. At the time, when I had to choose between my friends and all the alicorn magic in Equestria, I didn't answer the question fast enough.

They're dead now, and the worst part? I won.

Pre-read by randome284.
Edited by Dreams of Ponies.
Proofread by Nightmare Darkness and additional post-edits by AAIQU.
Cover art by dream--chan on Deviantart.
Now with an audio reading!
Side story by Dreams of Ponies.
Featured 7/15/17 - 7/18/17. Thanks guys!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is at her limit.

She has long since dismissed her original objective, forgetting exactly why she is stuck in this alternate timeline in the first place. Her only mission now is to stop the mare in her way— an adversary with uncanny magical strength and indefatigable purpose.

It’s time to finish this... once and for all.

Cover art by Huussii on Deviantart.
A dark twist on the Season 5 finale.
Proofread by Lightwavers and Level Dasher.
Edited by Dreams of Ponies.
Featured 8/28/17 - 8/31/17!

Chapters (1)

Being late can do a lot of things. It can have positive or negative impacts depending on the individual and what it is their late for.

What if Nightmare Moon was late for her appointment back to Equestria? What would she do then?

Featured: 08/27/2017

Chapters (1)

After an accident, Twilight's life is turned upside down and changed forever.
With her friends standing by her, she must manage to overcome new obstacles, learn a new way of life, and discover just how long secrets last when hidden from those who know you best.


Now in audiobook form!: Youtube

Chapters (8)