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One timeline after another, Twilight and Spike are thrown into a world of Starlight's morbid machination. Another tragic end to Equestria, another circumstance of failure.

The frigid wind does little to ease Twilight's thoughts as a simple question plagues her mind:

"What happened here?"

Takes place during the Season 5 finale.
Proofread and edited by Dreams of Ponies.
Third place in the Nightmare Moon 2017 Summer Contest.
Featured 8/6/17 - 8/8/17.

Chapters (1)

Graduation is coming up, and Apple Bloom couldn't be happier.

Well, she could, if Diamond Tiara wasn't such a pain in the flank.

Pre-read by B_25, Toast and Jowijo.
Proofread by Jet Storm.
Edited by Dreams of Ponies.
“Crusaders of the Lost Mark” is not canon in this story.
Written for Amore's DiamondBloom Shipping Contest.
Art commissioned from NixWorld.
Featured 9/17/17 - 9/20/17.

Chapters (1)

Change only becomes frightening when it begins to affect you.

Spike has remained a baby while everyone else is growing up. His desire to do the same, however, lands him in a hospital bed with a strange new body.

Ponies are treating him differently, the world he once knew is no longer the same, and the onset of sudden changes are hard to adapt to. Fortunately, Scootaloo is there to ease him through his recovery.

Audio reading made possible by star912.

This story would be unreadable were it not for the editing master, Props, the handy-dandy proofreader, CitrusFizz, and man who has three pairs of eyes, Setokaiva.

Dedicated to Spike pimp himself, FamousLastWords.

Chapters (4)

There is a problem, and it is staring me right in the face. I want to solve it, make a change for the better for once in my life. Do something good.

There happens to be a gun between us.

Contains: Strong language, badass Dash, badass AJ.
Written for the AppleDash Contest; Second Chances

Chapters (1)

Searching for any records King Sombra may have left behind, Twilight learned of the shadowy king's tragic past. However, she also discovered his horn, in which his mind and remaining power were contained. Determined to learn how to use his Dark Magic for Good, Twilight brought Sombra back to Ponyville with her. After all, what could he possibly do as a horn? ...Or will he stay that way?

Edited by Darth Vendar and Myrkur
Inspired by Issue #1 of FIENDship is Magic
Gore tag just to be safe.

Edit 06/15/23: Now in the top 2K stories on the site, by rating! :twilightsmile: Thank you all!

Chapters (38)

Years following his explosive demise, King Sombra has remained as mysterious a figure as ever.

Up until Twilight Sparkle's discovery of a diary thought lost and forgotten, that is.

Sex tag required only for one particular part.

Artwork by Joey-Darkmeat. Colored by Mynder.

Chapters (2)

It's strange. It seems that every year, right on Spike's birthday, something terrible happens to him.

This year will be no different.

Artwork by irishguy9001.

Chapters (1)

Flurry Heart is older now, and as such, has begun to realize the immense pressure it takes to become a proper Princess. So, after careful deliberation, she decides there's only one thing left to do.

Run away.

Until a certain Princess comes to speak with her, that is.

Artwork by Flourret. Found by Ice Star.

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis knows the world is a simple place. There's people who have power, and people who don't.

Sunset Shimmer is about to make things complicated.

Earned second place in Oroboro's Sunset Shipping Contest: Changing Seasons.

Chapters (1)

A great many ponies made a great many mistakes leading up to the Canterlot Wedding.

Their biggest was assuming Cadance was the only target.

The Canterlot Wedding was two weeks ago. Celestia has not been seen in public since. She has a secret--something dark and terrible--something that could bring down all of Equestria.

Celestia is Changing. And only Twilight and Rarity can help...

Rated Teen for some (very) mild language.
Written as a comission swap for DJohnson22.
Cover art and edits by Angie.

Chapters (12)