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When the Royal Wedding scatters defeated changelings all over Equestria, a member of the hive winds up being captured in Ponyville, tied up, stunned, repeatedly shot by a cannon, and held against his will.

The truly frightening part is he’s starting to like it.

Thank you to my twisted editors: Tek, Seether00, GameKnut, Cerulean Blue and Peter
The picture Pinkie Pie uses Party Canon is from Atmospark at DeviantArt

This story is listed as comedy⁽*⁾ because the author has an odd sense of humor. No changelings were harmed⁽¹⁾ during the production of this story, despite what the newspapers printed or the ongoing lawsuit from the ESPCA⁽²⁾. The management would like to remind all readers to spay and neuter your pets. Unless your pet is a changeling, in which case…

(*) Dark humor, to be exact. If you are someone who finds pleasure in the misfortune of others, enjoys watching the occasional inept chainsaw juggler or cheers during a NASCAR crash, welcome home. Also, get help.

(1) Excluding blunt trauma, thermal impingement, chemical exposure, radiation, thaumaturgic infusions, and confetti ingestion. All characters represented, including changelings, are the exclusive property of Hasbro, no matter what they may shout at you from between the bars of their cell. Any violence or pain inflicted on the changeling in this story was simulated on a stunt changeling with special effects and mirrors. Except for the cannon. There is no truth to the rumor that Queen Chrysalis provided the stunt changelings from a supply of disobedient changelings in her dungeon⁽³⁾.

(2) Equestrian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Arthropods

(3) The Changeling Kingdom does not have dungeons. They have Call Centers. It explains a lot, actually.

Here is a link to some appropriate background music to listen to while reading: Piotr Tchaikovneigh’s 1812 Overture

Additional Note: This story is tagged Sex because it has the occasional reference to… well, sex. There are no explicit references, but there are things.

Chapters (21)

Stinkbug, a changeling worker drone slated for reproduction purposes once he matures, is exiled from his hive after an unfortunate magical condition causes him to emit a malodorous funk. Cut off from the swarm, tossed out of the hive, can Stinkbug survive the dangerous wilds of Equestria?

Chapters (8)

Echo is a high ranking changeling officer. The Canterlot invasion was going perfectly, and her battalion had personally defeated the Elements of Harmony. Suddenly, she finds herself far flung from Canterlot, crashing into the Everfree forest. Now she is faced with a difficult reality - her hive, the only family she's ever known, no longer exists, and she must adapt to life as a pony. What she finds out about herself, though, will surprise her.

Rated Teen for occasional suggestiveness and language, tagged gore for brief violence, particularly in later chapters.

Dark because later chapters get pretty ... well, dark.


Addendum 5/29/2018

This story is now, as of this addendum, five years old. It is getting more attention as I put out new chapters on the sequel.

I recognize that this story has problems, and that some of them by their nature carry over to the sequel; please remember that when I started writing this, I was not yet even old enough to legally drink in the US. A lot has happened and a lot has changed, and there are many things about this story I regret including, but which it is now too late to change. Some of those things I have simply done my best to ignore and make irrelevant, but some of them are errors from a 19 year old me that will haunt me until the sequel is finished.

In short, please be gentle.

Chapters (11)

After a major dispute with her queen, a lone female Changeling is banished from her home and forced to be on her own.
She eventually runs into Ponyville where she transforms herself into a random pony citizen to blend in. She ends up running into residents and makes some new friends while exploring.
But then she accidentally runs into a certain young dragon... one who had caught her eye during the invasion of Canterlot.

-My first romance story; but don't expect a clop-fic from me anytime soon, cause I would suck at those.

(In this story, Chrysalis calls her minions by number; please don't ask how she knows who is who.)

The more appropriate artwork to the side is all thanks to 'Tsubaki Rehooved'

Chapters (13)

A freak lightning storm, strange lights, and an unassuming, yet mysterious stone obelisk. What do these things have to do with an average college student from North Tonawanda? At first, nothing. But when nineteen year-old Connor lets his curiosity get the better of him and lands in the center of a cosmic coincidence, he probably should have left well enough alone.

Now he finds himself stranded in an impossible world where magic is real, and "normal" takes on a whole new meaning. A world populated by sentient creatures calling themselves "ponies." A stranger in a strange land, Connor's yearning for answers and a way back to Earth will try both his patience and his sanity in the days following his arrival, even with the support of his new equine friends. But as he witnesses his life slowly spiral out of control, he will call into question his definition of home, humanity, destiny, and what it means to truly belong.


Rated Teen just in case for occasional swearing. This story takes place shortly after the end of Season 2, and the main character is from an Earth where MLP never existed (in order to preserve proper characterization). Or just assume he's never heard of it, that works too.

The title is not an Evangelion reference, I was just inspired by the wording scheme.

Chapters (23)

A human called Noah finds a dark cave for shelter during one of his hikes after a nasty fall. This turns out to just be the start of his adventure. Perhaps some non-pony viewpoints would help, or should he turn to his new family?

Chapters (10)

They came suddenly and without warning. They wanted us to boop them. We must resist.

The art is by neuro if anyone was wondering.

Chapters (1)

Cory's a human transfer student at Canterlot University. His parents pay all of his school expenses while he pays for food and living expenses. He's got a decent job and he splits his bills with his roommate, so he's living relatively well. The only problem is that he doesn't know what to do with his life. He's meant for something more, he knows it, but he can't figure out what it is.

Fleetfoot is a member of the elite flying team, the Wonderbolts. She isn't as popular as Spitfire and Soarin, but she doesn't mind that one bit. She loves being a Wonderbolt, she really does, but she feels like something's missing.

When these two cross paths, will they hit it off? If they do, will it even last?

Supporting characters include Spitfire, Soarin, and Gaffer from the MLP comics.

Cover art by me.

NOTE BEFORE READING: This story takes place within the same universal context as my previous story, in which the human and pony worlds have been in contact with each other for a few years.

Chapters (13)

It hasn't been long since Twilight and Spike moved into town. Spike doesn't feel close to the girls, and because of this, writes each of them a letter—hoping to invite them to his party.

Chapters (2)

I've always loved my six best friends since we were just kids. But now that we're older they're acting differently to me, and I find myself acting in a similar matter to each of them. Our feelings for each other is becoming much different. Will our friendship remain true as we go on with our lives? I wonder.

Cover art courtesy of Duke Moon II

Tropes Page here: The Girls of My Life

Chapters (45)