• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2016


I created this account to keep track of the stories I read

Princess Cadence 1136 stories
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Total Words: 16,861,568
Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



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This story is a sequel to Queen Chrysalis, Relationship Counselor

Queen Chrysalis’ business is blossoming, but is something else as well? Join the queen as she furthers her role as a relationship advisor, while also dealing with new emotions within herself that will test her mental limit.

NOTE: This is not a sequel, but is a continuation of my editor ‘s fanfic that he gave me his blessings to soldier on with (link above so you can catch up, reading that is required to understand the set up for this). Whereas he wrote the original before Season 6, I’m updating it to current canon by introducing Sunburst and Thorax as mentions.

Chapters (7)

Princess Cadance has encountered a problem — a Princess of Love problem, to be specific — for the nth time. Feeling a little frustrated about what to do, she decides to visit her friend, the newly returned Princess Luna. After all, maybe Luna has some advice of her own!

Reading by Lotus Moon! Set somewhere during season four of the show. Sex tag is for implied situations and humor only. Buy this story! Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (1)

He never wanted to be a part of anything illegal; even if he didn't have much love for ponies. He was just some guy. Some cynic that happened to live his life in Equestria, trying to live his day to day life in relative comfort and minimal contact with ponies. But through after some coaxing from his friends (read as blackmail) he was forced to attempt to steal the royal crowns from the palace and caught in the act. However, given a chance to redeem himself, the thief is offered the choice to become Princess Celestia's royal attendant.

With little other choice, this would be thief's life is turned on it's head. And now instead of a steady inconspicuous life, filled with ease and mediocrity, his life is now one of warmth, excitement, and a friendship that can only be forged once a thief begins honoring the sun.

Chapters (3)

When Cadence starts to act weird and Lyra shows up again in his life, old feelings start to rise and Shining Armour starts to question who he actually loves. Does he still love Cadence? Or will his old feelings for Lyra take over and possibly ruin his marraige?

My entry for The Great Shipping Collab!

Thanks to Busen for editing, Chain Reaction for the Cover Art, and Garbo802 for organizing this awesome collab!

Check out other collab entries here!


Chapters (4)

A short story about Shining Armor's death. Old age had finally come to take its due and there's nothing the three alicorns surrounding him can do about it. All he can do now is think about what awaits him and what he leaves behind.

Chapters (1)

It has been a year since Princess Cadance had become the ruler of The Crystal Empire, a year that has primarily consisted in political pacification, economic stability and the recovery of the history of the Crystal Ponies, which was erased by Sombra, any attempt of remembering how it was before Sombra raised to power is met with mental blocks that not even the best unicorns can undo.

But news flies of a secret chamber being recently discovered in the Crystal Palace, filled with objects and books that not only date before Sombra but also tells of a moment in the history of the Empire that may explain why Sombra was so decided in erasing their history.

First story, please tell me what needs to be fixed for the improvement of not only this, but ay future story I may create.

This story happened between 3rd and 4th Season, no EG.

Cover image made by mr_minati, if you like it go ask him for one (as a commision of course)

Special Thanks to:

Swift Lance for editing the Prologue

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to A Fall Day's Date

Giving gifts is one of the many struggles every relationship has. Especially when money is tight. On this Hearts and Hooves day, Anon comes up with a gift that may not be expensive, but means a lot.

Knowledge of the previous dates is not necessary for this story, but never the less is part of a series.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Attack The Flask!

Spike and Apple Bloom spend an afternoon together. As friends.
Whether it ends that way, however, is anyone's guess.

Made as a commission for Red Ignis

Chapters (1)

A few months after the defeat of the dark king, Shining Armor had a few nightmares in his sleep only to find out that it wasn't a nightmare, but something even more scary.

Something he thought would never happen began unfolding in his very sleep.

Author's Note: The picture was taken from a tumblr page, and I didn't bother finding out who it was owned by (I guess I should get on that.) If the owner wants their art to be removed, I will remove it. I thought of a story with it hence why it is the picture of choice for this story that is all.

Edited by Ernest Wood

I would also like to thank Skeeter The Lurker and Dark Avenger for prereading the chapter which is now chapters.

Chapters (3)

There's an eternal debate over what the real purpose of Hearth's Warming is: giving gifts, reconnecting with family, remembering the Fire of Friendship, and dozens of other interpretations. It's not a dire question, and many ponies don't give a second thought about their answer.

Rarity, however, did.

If Cadance is willing to listen, she's willing to share.

Written as part of The Incredible Amazeballs Jinglemas Secret Santa Compilation. Go read everything else there, even if you don't like this story. Seriously, it's got people like shortskirtsandexplosions and KitsuneRisu in it: it's high-quality stuff.

Chapters (1)