• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2016


I created this account to keep track of the stories I read

Princess Cadence 1136 stories
Found 662 stories in 61ms

Total Words: 16,861,568
Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



  • Featured 23595 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Cadence feels like she is drifting apart from her husband. Passionate nights are becoming rare and to top it off, the gossip of her nation is that her husband is actually seeing mares on the side. Hearing such things makes her feel worried that their marriage is in jeopardy of breaking up. Determine to figure out the truth Cadence alters her form to become a different pony, one that hopes she'll catch her husband in the act or even test to him for herself if her husband really has fallen to the lure of younger mares.

Proofed by SolidFire and Mikemeiers

Chapters (1)

Shining Armor will do anything to save his marriage. Anything.

(Featured in the Pony Fiction Vault)

Chapters (3)

Death just fell in the well of souls to bring back his brother and spare his brother from oblivian. He is shocked to find himself in Equestia populated by beings the Kingdom of Man called ponies. While exploring this new land he discovers that humanity will not be revived until he finds all four rulers of this land and kill them to take thier crowns because together they make an incredible light that beams through all the realms cleansing them. If it does that, humanity will be reborn and the Horseman known as WAR will be spared.

As a warning there will be spoilers from the game so I highly suggest if you haven't beat or played Darksiders 1 or 2 you might want to do that to understand the story.

Chapters (19)

Princess Cadance was certain that as long as Shining Armor was with her, they could defeat any evil. When Celestia sent them to the Crystal Empire, she was determined to prevent King Sombra's return.

But they were not enough. Now, darkness and war spread across Equestria because of their failure. Most back home assume that both of them are dead, the first victims of Sombra's bloody reign.

But true evil doesn't simply destroy. That would be too far easy for those who dared to oppose it.

[Season 5 finale AU, taking place in the "Crystal War" timeline.]

Shining&Cadance vector belongs to: http://90sigma.deviantart.com/
Background vector belongs to: http://mysterymelt.deviantart.com/

Chapters (5)

A 1500 year old story is revealed about a man that walks home, in the rain, and comes home to four little surprises. It's chaos for him, not knowing anything.

First story I've done in the past. So feedback and suggestion is appreciated, and will be helpful.

Chapters (3)


A short and sweet fairy-tale style story about the novice mage Twilight Sparkle of the Crystal Empire and her quest to retrieve the Lady Rarity from the clutches of an evil sorceress who has imprisoned her.

Entry for Monochromatic's RariTwi Contest/RariTwi Contest #4 This was back when the contest was undecided and doesn't count as an entry.

Chapters (2)

Life is stupid, so I write things. Some of those things are not really worth anything in the end or are dumb or something and end up on this account. If they're weird or stupid or I progressively don't care about whatever it is that I ended up with and/or don't finish something, it ends up here.

This is the bottom of the barrel of the barrel's bottom. Do not expect high tier stuff. Groups reflect all content.

Everything is so Misc. in category it's stupid. There's also trollfics sometimes. And old things from the depths of the writing folder.

Everything is T or E.

Character tags are guesses based on what I usually write. Life is a lie. Context is given sometimes, at the start of each chapter of course. The cover art is the closest thing I found to relevance for a collection like this. Random tag because I trust nothing in here.

Chapters (6)

Twilight finds a rare rejuvination spell and tries to fix Fizzlepop's horn. The spell works but with one major side effect; It turns Fizzlepop into a one year old foal. Time goes by and with no cure in sight and Fizzlepop's magic surges are getting out of control. Twilight's only option is to send Fizzlepop to magic daycare with Flurry Heart to learn to control her magic surges.

Editor Superpinkbrony12

Cover art: Evil Frenzy

Chapters (12)

After sensing his mother had become distant from him for some reason, Spike decides to travel to another world to find out answers and hopefully help his sister make amends with their mother.

However, Sunset Shimmer isn't the kind of person to say sorry so easily. So Spike, with the help of a few friends and family, will try everything to bridge the divide within 30 moons.

Featured 08/06/2021
Featured again on 04/17/22

In Hiatus: Needing someone to edit it.

Chapters (8)

I, Hexeia Mirth Ataraina, have gained the Staff of Power, Forza do Ether, and entered the land of ponydom. Magical ponydom. It is now my job, as Hexeia Mirth Kami, to protect these pony-people with my newborn powers. Come forth, fires of darkness, ignite the path I tread, for the power of light has been quenched and all the lands have been birthed to my power, I, Hexeia Mirth Ataraina, the Master of Magic!

Displaced Fic, my second one to be exact. This really wasn't planned but I was playing around with a walking stick... Regardless, it exists now, so, enjoy, I guess.

Chapters (1)