• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2016


I created this account to keep track of the stories I read

Princess Cadence 1136 stories
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Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



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A thousand years ago, Princess Celestia banished her sister to the moon, that much we know. What wasn’t known, and what Celestia kept secret was that before her banishment, Luna had given birth to a foal. Now a thousand years later, as Nightmare returns to Equestria to bring about Eternal Night.

Twilight Sparkle, protege of Princess Celestia, struggles against the tyranny of this ancient foe. But how will she be able to save herself and her friends when the truth of this ancient legend crashes down upon her? Twilight will have to confront herself...and her heritage.


Chapters (27)

Chrysalis has taken Canterlot, the Elements of Harmony are captured and Celestia and Cadence are in her grasp, everything has gone according to her plans, she could just sing about how perfect this day has been.

Too bad three fillies, one night princess, and four other hives have something to say about that.

Cover art by Siansaar go show them some love.

Chapters (6)

London, England. A decently large city that hasn't seen many eye-catching events in recent times. For John Carter, it has always been a nice, relatively peaceful place to live in.

He had plenty of expectations for his future in the city, many were... Far-reaching, but nothing stepping beyond the realm of possibility.

Getting ripped from his body and placed in a completely foreign one? That may have overstepped the boundaries just a slight bit.

This is a complete rewrite of one of my other stories, Becoming One With the Moon

Chapters (5)

Devin Hall had a good life back on Earth. Just graduated college, steady job, and loving family. But when he is accidentally summoned by Princess Twilight Sparkle, the human will find out that war has many battle fronts in which to fight along with something worth fighting for.

Human X Celestia love story. I don't know, just felt like writing this. Let's see where this goes!

Chapters (3)

When you get married there are many quirks you'll notice about your spouse. Some of them are things that everyone knows and there are some things that only you know. When you're alone, those things you know about them become unbearable.

(Art by: Nobody)

Chapters (1)

Twilight wakes up eager to finally begin her very own journey to become the very best, like no one ever was. Alongside her new friends, she explores Equestria, collecting badges and catching Pokemon with dreams of becoming a Champion.

Written in honor of the 20th anniversary of Pokemon.

Chapters (51)

Life in the Crystal Empire is sure nice. And stable. And the same every single day. Cadence is almost bored to tears when an old enemy comes calling, and her entire life is thrown into chaos again.

How will Cadence manage when Chrysalis shows up on her doorstep begging for help? Especially when her husband seems intent on helping the monster who tried to steal him away not too long ago.

Chapters (1)

All Chrysalis ever wanted was a big, brave stallion who would sweep her off her hooves and love her forever. That's not too much to ask, is it?

On her first trip into Equestria, she meets the perfect pony for her, the pony she knows she's destined to be with forever. In one world, she goes back home and returns years later to take him by force. But what if she decided to go after her knight in shining armor another way?

And what happens when everything goes wrong, and she ends up stuck serving a pink pony princess instead of working alongside the stallion she's interested in?

Credit goes out to King of Beggars and his story Twilight Sparkle of the Royal Guard, and all the awful pitches we throw at each other for knockoffs and parodies.

Chapters (6)

In the days proceeding their Canterlot Wedding, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance have been missing from the public scene. The royal couple being otherwise occupied on their romantic honeymoon in a secluded location. No guards, no servants, just the two of them.

The morning after a particular eventful night, Shining Armor's new wife decides to divulge a particular piece of information about herself to him.

Shining Armor is not going to like it...

Cover art by: Johnjoseco
Proofread by: The Great Derpsby

Chapters (1)