• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2016


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Princess Cadence 1136 stories
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Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



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We had chosen to house our wedding at the Crystal Empire, and to have it at the Annual fair. In part, it is to help Cadence raise the spirits of the City, in order to renew the spell.

There was another part of this, we need her blessing in what was about to come next, since we desire to have foals of our own, though we're decidedly Mares, and intend to stay this way.

The second ceremony was aimed towards this goal, and with all the most powerful and gifted, including Celestia, Luna and Cadence, for starters, this would change the world, at least for the two of us.

What this would do for the empire, or Equestria, is yet to see, in a few years time.

Chapters (5)

Tommy Wiseau's The Room, with ponies!

Nopony has been acting quite right since King Sombra retook the Crystal Empire. Homeless and disgraced, Shining Armour has taken up residence with Cadance in Applejack's barn, where he makes ends meet by working at the Ponyville bank.

In a world so topsy-turvy, can you really trust anypony?

Edited by Horse Voice.

Special thanks to TheSexyMenhir for the title image.

Chapters (1)

A normal end to a normal day -- at least, that's what it was supposed to be.

But it wasn't.

Luna went to raise the moon as usual, but something went wrong. Terribly wrong. She felt it, but she couldn't stop it.

None of us could.

It appeared too suddenly -- acted too quickly.

The only warning we received was a roar and a bright flash of light, then everything was gone. No more Canterlot, no more ponies, no more anything.

Nothing survived.

Nothing... except for us and whatever 'it' is.

We may be immortal beings, but that doesn't make things any better -- if anything, it makes the pain all that much worse. The only thing we can really do now is try to avenge those dear to us. Our subjects... our families... my friends...


I don't care how long it takes, and I don't care if it's a pointless battle. All I care about now is making sure we put that thing down for good.

After that?


Cover art done by Little Tigress. Check out her other stuff on deviantart if you wanna see more!

Chapters (30)

You know that fan-fiction you typed last week? It's a part of the multiverse. So is the main canon of the show, as well as every single variation of the Equestria we know and love.

In the endless worlds of the multiverse, every possible alternate Equestria is explored.
And every single one of those worlds is in mortal peril.
That's where the Order of Destiny comes in.

Chapters (7)

Twilight Sparkle has been given many opportunities in her life. First she was Princess Celestia's prized student, then the Element of Magic, and most recently she was crowned a Princess of Equestria. Indeed, she has always been a very competent mare who has always been at the right place at the right time to do exactly what she needed to.

Many would chalk her success up to her extraordinary talents and uncanny brilliance, and they would be partially right. Twilight Sparkle's talent, drive and ability have allowed her to move upwards in her life to heights that she had only dreamed of reaching before, and truly no other mare could have done such a thing.

But anypony who thought that was the whole story would be sorely mistaken. Behind the new Princess is a family who loves her, a support group of friends and loved ones who are always there to hold her up if things get too tough... as well as a surprisingly large network of ponies who have placed all of their hopes onto the young alicorn's shoulders.

Because Twilight Sparkle's dream is not hers alone.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Seven Years

Family had always been a strange notion to Princess Skyla, and anypony who knew her history would never wonder why the filly had such a vague grasp of the concept. Every memory she had of her family was tainted and dark, the photographs of her life smeared and marred by the decisions made by her mother and father, and she couldn't remember a time when she could even think about the word "family" without a black veil of disgust and sadness drawing over her heart. As such, family was never something that Skyla had ever given much thought, unless it was how she was going to get away from them.

Now, however, family is all Skyla can think about. Princess Cadence and Shining Armor have welcomed her with open hooves into their home, and their daughter, Princess Flurry Heart, is overjoyed to suddenly have a "big sister" to learn about and play with. She hasn't been officially crowned a Princess yet, but despite that the whole of the Kingdom is abuzz with news of her, and all of the Princesses of Equestria have all set aside time to come and see her for themselves...

...but try as she might, Skyla can't shake the feeling that something is wrong. Not with anypony else... but with her. She doesn't know how family is supposed to act around each other when they're not trying to scheme and stab you in the back; she has no earthly idea how sisters are supposed to behave around one another, or how a mother and daughter are actually supposed to talk to one another in normal, every day situations. She's a mess, with her heart and head all tangled up in knots that may never come undone -- and that's even before the nightmares start.

Flurry Heart, however, isn't about to give up on her, and with a little bit of help from a lot of different ponies, she'll work hard to show Skyla that a family isn't about the blood that you share, but about the bonds that you forge.

Chapters (20)

All things told, Princess Flurry Heart really doesn't have any major problems in her life. Sure, she's a Princess and heiress to the throne of the Crystal Kingdom and potential successor to her mother Princess Cadence, who has been, without question, one of the Kingdom's best rulers since it's inception, but she know she'll grow into that.

She might have Princess Twilight Sparkle as an overly-enthusiastic teacher who seems to think she can learn everything there is to know in the world before she hits her teens, but Flurry Heart knows that her Aunt Twilight means well and knows that as long as she tries her best the Princess of Friendship will be happy with her.

All in all, the Princess's life is pretty good, all things considered.

Now if only she could figure out why she's hearing voices late at night: voices that mention crystals, the sky, and her name...

Chapters (2)

Two murdered in cold blood. Twilight confesses, thinking that she will simply be banished. The Punishment instead? Complete isolation, no interaction with anything for a century. No sleep, no food, no water. Only her regrets
Twilight is OOC in the beginning
Trigger Warnings
Indirect Torture
Broken Mind

Chapters (1)

Warning: Human turned Pony. HumanXPony, EG mirror used to bring HiE, OC is of my own making. Teen for slightly mature comments, and brief language.

A young track-racer, Shadow Step, finds himself ready to prove himself to a life-long crush, by winning the biggest racing event to come to Canterlot High. However, his recent streak of victories has gotten him mixed attention, and when a competitor loses his cool, Shadow finds himself victim to a beating, and a broken leg against the Wondercolt Statue. During the full moon cycle, the portal opens up and pulls him into the Pony world of Equestria.

WARNING: This story has an AU tag, any and all comments regarding non canon material being used will be ignored from now on. regardless if the 'canon material' that is being complained about is not truly canon to the show. please, just enjoy the story for it's AU tag and it's storytelling, rather than complaining on the smallest matters.


Art by: Ninja-8004

FEATURED on 9/2/14 (by confirmation of a review by firestrom83... WOW! That's amazing. thank you all, whether you enjoyed it or not.

Chapters (7)

Anon doesn't want to be alone for Hearth's Warming. Cadance has ulterior motives. Shenanigans ensue.

No, really, that's basically it.

Written for Jinglemas, posted late, because something something busy.

Chapters (1)