• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

Season 7 311 stories
  • Season 7 311 stories - 722 unread chapters A bookshelf for all fics based on or inspired by a Season 7 episode!
    Created by Fluttercheer
    - March, 2017
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Pear Butter sits to write her new daughter a letter to be opened later when they can laugh about it. Being a parent is a frightening prospect even on her second foal.

But it’s still sealed decades later.

Chapters (1)

Changelings are inevitably linked to social insects. Their hierarchy, mannerisms, and single-minded natures all clearly link them to it. But the issue with social insects is that family and individuality generally don't mean anything to them. Yet for Pharynx and Thorax it does. They've always been different than other changelings, and now with Chrysalis ousted those differences are all the more distinct.

In looking for answers though, the two may stumble across answers they would rather have left hidden.

Chapters (9)

This story is considered canon for A 14th Century Friar in Celestia's Court, but may be read as a standalone.

Spearhead was a guard. Had been for years. He'd gone through the Academy with Shining Armor, seen action against bandits in the border territories, even served a stint in the Royal Expeditionary Force. It was good work; a noble calling. He loved being a Guard.

Spearhead was an artist. Sure, it might not have been his special talent, but he'd been creating avant garde art for as long as he'd been training with spears. He was planning on going back to school to pursue a career in art. He didn't want to stop being a Guard to make art, at least not yet, but he did wonder about the future, when he wasn't so fit or wanted a change of pace. But it wasn't an immediate issue. He still had years of service ahead of him, after all, and there was no reason not pursue art on the side. Plenty of soldiers had hobbies, and Spearhead was content to let the future look after itself.

Then, the day his buddy was supposed to be getting married, an invading swarm of Changelings broke through the city's shield, which did not sit will with Spearhead, to say the least.

This is a tale of the Battle for Canterlot, and of one guardpony whose life would be forever changed by it.

The character of Spearhead intrigued me. From the brief bit that we see of him in Season 7, he seems like a standup guy, even if he's not quite all there. I felt he merited fleshing out. This story is rated 'Teen' for violence, though I don't plan on making it gory.

My Little Pony and its contents are the property of Hasbro, Inc. and its affiliates. Please support the official release.

Chapters (4)

Princess Celestia has an idea to help tie up one of the loose ends leftover from her and Luna's friendship problem. But she's going to need Luna's help.

Warning: contains lots of hugs!

Chapters (2)

The six Pillars of Equestria have finally returned from a thousand year imprisonment in limbo. So, naturally, the first thing you would do as a legendary hero from a thousand years ago would be to see what's become of the realm.

Knowing that everything might come as a bit of a shock to them, Twilight and her friends each partner up with their respective Pillars, in the hopes that they may ease them back into Equestria and its customs...

Chapters (17)

Sometimes, when one is dealing with family problems, it's best to get away and cool off. What better way for Thorax to do that than spend time with his best friend and the stallion he swears is the definition of cool?

And, who knows? This stallion might offer a bit of insight into his problems.

Preread by Rossby Waves.

Written for my patrons' vote and with my thanks for their continued support!

Chapters (1)

Throughout the multiverse, sphinxes are enigmatic beings. Some are merely monsters with inscrutable motives, while others guide entire civilizations towards goals only they understand. No matter the world, a sphinx is a mystery given form, and Equestria is no different.

Of course, some mysteries have more satisfying solutions than others.

Now available in video form thanks to Spore Harvest.

Thanks to SirNotAppearingInThisFic and Bugsydor for editing and general helpful bickering.

Chapters (1)

Rockhoof is one of the Pillars of Equestria, gifted with unparalleled strength. He's also isolated himself from everypony, including his friends. Something is troubling him and it's up to Princess Luna to find out the source of his misery.

Chapters (1)

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata. Calling themselves Sirens, they emerged from the sea and became so great threat to Equestria that it took six legendary heroes to defeat them.

But how these three seamares came to be? Here is the origin story of these legendary sea creatures. Only it's not exactly what you expect.

Story features a few songs and The Transfiguration Pearl from MLP Movie:trollestia:

Chapters (4)

In the song for the episode, "Fame and Misfortune", Twilight didn't sing about what flaws she has. One day, Pinkie realizes this and quickly this the others. They begin talking.

Chapters (1)