• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

Season 7 311 stories
  • Season 7 311 stories - 722 unread chapters A bookshelf for all fics based on or inspired by a Season 7 episode!
    Created by Fluttercheer
    - March, 2017
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Total Words: 1,370,284
Estimated Reading: 3 days



  • Featured 23573 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Trixie wasn't sure if it was when she purchased that artifact with her last bit, or when she found herself wandering into a ruined shrine in the woods that she first went astray, but astray she certainly had gone. And now she was standing under an alien sky, empty of Luna's moon, or Celestia's sun.

Trixie was afraid that if she was not the guest of this dark and monstrous lord, she would find herself something much, much worse.

So it it was showtime. Time to earn her keep, her welcome. Because she'd rather be a guest to lunch, than the first course at dinner.

Though she might not want to admit it, it had been too long since she had a captive audience.

And who could be more captive than a Lord of Shadows entombed in a half-tartarus doom-world?

Chapters (9)

Now what do you do?

When you've been gone for more than a thousand years, you have a lot to catch up on. You may even owe a ton of apologies. Heroes old and new must deal with the consequences of their choices, each in their own ways.

And before they settle down in the new realm, the Pillars will become acquainted with the Spirit of Chaos himself.

Chapters (13)

Sugar Belle, on her way home from a weekend with Macintosh and the Apples, finds she's run afoul of a cult of mares who'd wanted Big Mac for themselves. But do they want her head, her place, or are they willing to compromise for some other?

Warning: Gratuitous Mac shippings of a bored, slightly overly analytical writer with too much free time, saucy worded flirtation, slight language and whatever I forgot to mention here.

Chapters (1)

Even though she now likes Pears ever since she learned her mother was one, she never thought she herself would fall for one. She thought it was impossible.

Chapters (17)

Sunburst has an unusual reluctance to be seen without his cloak. Starlight wonders why this is. In between the rest of the events of his visit, she asks her friends why this might be. This investigation leads somewhere she did not expect.

Chapters (1)

Daybreaker: the monster in Celestia's heart, and the age-long mystery of her life. Her friend and tormentor, her companion and foe. Fanatically devoted to their future, yet desiring one horrific to Celestia.

It is growing stronger.

Chapters (1)

Spike the Dragon was curiously absent while the rest of his close pony friends were completely overrun by fans, haters, and critics of The Friendship Journal. Surely, some pony had to have commented on his written experiences, right?


And that's the problem.
This is a fan's interpretation of an event that takes place shortly after the episode "Fame and Misfortune" (allegedly written by M.A. Larson, though he's on record saying that he doesn't like it).

Chapters (1)

Thrilled to have Starswirl, their mentor and honorary father back from Limbo has the royal sisters thrilled, and they tell him everything that he missed while he was away. Starswirl is glad to listen to the sisters contently. He is just glad they are happy in their roles as rulers.

This book is based on the season 7 finale...so spoiler territory is ahead. Proceed with caution.

Chapters (5)

Dear, Princess Celestia today I learned that it was a really bad idea to try to mix acid with pies. Today I had to write an apology letter to Rainbow Dash as well as all the other girls, I am sorry!

Yours, misbehaving subject, as well as the Element of Harmony. Pinkie Pie

Rainbow and Soarin started dating right after her acceptance into the Wonderbolts. One thing leads to another and Rainbow Dash starts to tell some of the things to Pinkie Pie that she kept secret for quite some time.

Chapters (7)

Three siblings are being told about their past from an old friend, and one of them will learn what happened to her mom and dad.

Chapters (4)